C FILE: ARRAY.F SUBROUTINE FOO(A,N,M) C C INCREMENT THE FIRST ROW AND DECREMENT THE FIRST COLUMN OF A C INTEGER N,M,I,J REAL*8 A(N,M) Cf2py intent(in,out,copy) a Cf2py integer intent(hide),depend(a) :: n=shape(a,0), m=shape(a,1) DO J=1,M A(1,J) = A(1,J) + 1D0 ENDDO DO I=1,N A(I,1) = A(I,1) - 1D0 ENDDO END C END OF FILE ARRAY.F
f2py -c -m arr array.f
>>> import arr >>> from Numeric import array >>> print arr.foo.__doc__ foo - Function signature: a = foo(a,[overwrite_a]) Required arguments: a : input rank-2 array('d') with bounds (n,m) Optional arguments: overwrite_a := 0 input int Return objects: a : rank-2 array('d') with bounds (n,m) >>> a=arr.foo([[1,2,3], ... [4,5,6]]) copied an array using PyArray_CopyFromObject: size=6, elsize=8 >>> print a [[ 1. 3. 4.] [ 3. 5. 6.]] >>> a.iscontiguous(), arr.has_column_major_storage(a) (0, 1) >>> b=arr.foo(a) # even if a is proper-contiguous ... # and has proper type, a copy is made ... # forced by intent(copy) attribute ... # to preserve its original contents ... copied an array using copy_ND_array: size=6, elsize=8 >>> print a [[ 1. 3. 4.] [ 3. 5. 6.]] >>> print b [[ 1. 4. 5.] [ 2. 5. 6.]] >>> b=arr.foo(a,overwrite_a=1) # a is passed directly to Fortran ... # routine and its contents is discarded ... >>> print a [[ 1. 4. 5.] [ 2. 5. 6.]] >>> print b [[ 1. 4. 5.] [ 2. 5. 6.]] >>> a is b # a and b are acctually the same objects 1 >>> print arr.foo([1,2,3]) # different rank arrays are allowed copied an array using PyArray_CopyFromObject: size=3, elsize=8 [ 1. 1. 2.] >>> print arr.foo([[[1],[2],[3]]]) copied an array using PyArray_CopyFromObject: size=3, elsize=8 [ [[ 1.] [ 3.] [ 4.]]] >>> >>> # Creating arrays with column major data storage order: ... >>> s = arr.as_column_major_storage(array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])) copied an array using copy_ND_array: size=6, elsize=4 >>> arr.has_column_major_storage(s) 1 >>> print s [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]] >>> s2 = arr.as_column_major_storage(s) >>> s2 is s # an array with column major storage order # is returned immediately 1