cocos2d-X 节点(UISlider.h)API

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cocos2d-X 节点(UISlider.h)API

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#ifndef __UISLIDER_H__
#define __UISLIDER_H__

#include "../BaseClasses/UIWidget.h"


typedef enum

typedef void (CCObject::*SEL_SlidPercentChangedEvent)(Object*,SliderEventType);
#define sliderpercentchangedselector(_SELECTOR) (SEL_SlidPercentChangedEvent)(&_SELECTOR)

class UISlider : public UIWidget
     * Default constructor
     * Default destructor
    virtual ~UISlider();
     * Allocates and initializes.
    static UISlider* create();
     * Load texture for slider bar.
     * @param fileName   file name of texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadBarTexture(const char* fileName,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Sets if slider(滑块) is using scale9 renderer.     //渲染
     * @param true that using scale9 renderer, false otherwise.     //渲染
    void setScale9Enabled(bool able);
     * Sets capinsets for slider(滑块), if slider(滑块) is using scale9 renderer.     //渲染
     * @param capInsets    capinsets for slider(滑块)
    void setCapInsets(const Rect &capInsets);
     * Sets capinsets for slider(滑块), if slider(滑块) is using scale9 renderer.
     * @param capInsets    capinsets for slider
    void setCapInsetsBarRenderer(const Rect &capInsets);
     * Sets capinsets for slider(滑块), if slider is using scale9 renderer.
     * @param capInsets    capinsets for slider
    void setCapInsetProgressBarRebderer(const Rect &capInsets);
     * Load textures for slider(滑块) ball.
     * @param slider ball normal    normal state texture.
     * @param slider ball selected    selected state texture.
     * @param slider ball disabled    dark state texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadSlidBallTextures(const char* normal,const char* pressed,const char* disabled,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Load normal state texture for slider(滑块) ball.
     * @param normal    normal state texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadSlidBallTextureNormal(const char* normal,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Load selected state texture for slider(滑块) ball.
     * @param selected    selected state texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadSlidBallTexturePressed(const char* pressed,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Load dark state texture for slider(滑块) ball.
     * @param disabled    dark state texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadSlidBallTextureDisabled(const char* disabled,TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Load dark state texture for slider(滑块) progress bar.
     * @param fileName    file path of texture.
     * @param texType    @see UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL
    void loadProgressBarTexture(const char* fileName, TextureResType texType = UI_TEX_TYPE_LOCAL);
     * Changes the progress direction of slider(滑块).
     * @param percent    percent value from 1 to 100.
    void setPercent(int percent);
     * Gets the progress direction of slider(滑块).
     * @return percent    percent value from 1 to 100.
    int getPercent();
     * Add call back function called when slider's percent has changed to slider(滑块).       //滑块 移动时的回调函数
    void addEventListener(Object* target,SEL_SlidPercentChangedEvent selector);
    //override "onTouchBegan" method of widget.
    virtual bool onTouchBegan(const Point &touchPoint);
    //override "onTouchMoved" method of widget.
    virtual void onTouchMoved(const Point &touchPoint);
    //override "onTouchEnded" method of widget.
    virtual void onTouchEnded(const Point &touchPoint);
    //override "onTouchCancelled" method of widget.
    virtual void onTouchCancelled(const Point &touchPoint);
    //override "getContentSize" method of widget.
    virtual const Size& getContentSize() const;
    //override "getVirtualRenderer" method of widget.
    virtual Node* getVirtualRenderer();
    //override "ignoreContentAdaptWithSize" method of widget.
    virtual void ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(bool ignore);
     * Returns the "class name" of widget.      //返回 widget的 名字
    virtual const char* getDescription() const;
    virtual void initRenderer();
    float getPercentWithBallPos(float location);
    void percentChangedEvent();
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToNormal();
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToPressed();
    virtual void onPressStateChangedToDisabled();
    virtual void onSizeChanged();
    void barRendererScaleChangedWithSize();
    void progressBarRendererScaleChangedWithSize();
    Node*  _barRenderer;
    Node* _progressBarRenderer;
    Size _progressBarTextureSize;
    Sprite* _slidBallNormalRenderer;
    Sprite* _slidBallPressedRenderer;
    Sprite* _slidBallDisabledRenderer;
    Node* _slidBallRenderer;
    float _barLength;
    int _percent;
    bool _scale9Enabled;
    bool _prevIgnoreSize;
    std::string _textureFile;
    std::string _progressBarTextureFile;
    std::string _slidBallNormalTextureFile;
    std::string _slidBallPressedTextureFile;
    std::string _slidBallDisabledTextureFile;

    Rect _capInsetsBarRenderer;
    Rect _capInsetsProgressBarRenderer;

    Object*       _slidPercentListener;
    SEL_SlidPercentChangedEvent    _slidPercentSelector;
    TextureResType _barTexType;
    TextureResType _progressBarTexType;
    TextureResType _ballNTexType;
    TextureResType _ballPTexType;
    TextureResType _ballDTexType;


#endif /* defined(__CocoGUI__UISlider__) */
