Excel Shortcut Keys
Ctrl +Shift+ ; Enter the current time
Ctrl +; Enter the current date
add local mark: The simplest way is to set a mark, with m[letter], then go back to it with '[letter]
打开当前folder start . above command is typed as start, followed by a space, followed by a period.
go to the last location in firefox with vimperator
Ctrl+6 toggle between two tabs in ff
定时关机 shutdown -s -t 7200
当前用户文件夹 %homepath%
检查网络状态 %windir%\network diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe
查看系统信息 systeminfo
我的常用字体 Fixed, Lucida bright, Georgia, Arial is better
Arno, Bembo, Sabon, Trinite, Lexicon,Borgues,FF Maiola,MVB Vergigris,Fresco,Freight, Requiem, Mercury,Dolly等等。一般情况正文字体最好用衬线字体。
Courier New是标准的。最常用的文字大概有三种:宋体, Arial, Tahoma。国际流行的英文“Arial, Tahoma”效果也要好许多。此外还有Lucida Thomas
在文件夹视图,tools-->Folder options-->File Types
选中你想修改的扩展名,点击change修改关联的程序。如果这种方式行不通,可以点击Advanced, 对Actions中的open进行编辑(如果没有可以添加一个),在程序一栏修改为
"<path>\jd-gui.exe" "%1"
其它修改方式参看: http://blog.csdn.net/shangpusp/article/details/6950863