团队行为守则Teamwork ground rules

Teamwork ground rules

When you're in a team that I lead, there are three minor things that I'd like to ask you. I believe these ground rules are the lubricant of an effective team, and it's not only others I want to adhere to them, I do them myself, too.

There's only three things:

  • ASK: If a task is not clear, or more information is needed, please ask as soon as possible. Asking is always ok. Doing the wrong thing (or doing nothing) because you didn't ask is not ok.
  • DEBRIEF: It's not done until you reported it done. This is often just a one-sentence email to me or to the client, sometimes a "100%" mark in the task list, or a ticket closed. It is done, completed or fixed only when whoever needed it done knows about it.
  • WARN: If a deadline you know is important will likely be missed, warn me soon, as the situation is evolving, and then we can usually figure something out. If I have to learn at the moment of the deadline that it was missed, that's not ok. (In multi-boss situations that occur frequently in matrix organisations, or if you're a freelancer, also warn me if your workload is above what you can actually do, instead of not doing certain tasks.)



本文是从 Teamwork ground rules 这篇文章翻译而来。



  • :如果你对任务不清楚,或需要更多的说明,请尽快的询问。询问永远都不会有错。因为不询问而做错事情(或不做事情)是不允许的。
  • 汇报:如果你不汇报,任务就不算完成。只有一句话的邮件通知我或客户就行了,或者任务列表里标注一个“100%”,或一个事件的关闭。只有当需要知道它完成的人知道后,任务才是完成或结束。
  • 警示:如果你知道一个重要的最后期限的计划设定很可能不能实现,而且计划还要继续执行,请立即警告我,我们可以把事实调查清楚。如果当越过最有期限后,你才让我知道事实真相,那是不允许的。(如果是存在多个老板共同指挥,或你是一个自由职业者,如果你的工作压力超出了你能承受的,也请告诉我,不要什么都不做。

