因为需要用到手机摇一摇的功能,所以需要监听加速度变化,并把变化传到上层(LUA)。在CCLayer添加LUA回调函数,在didAccelerate里面调用CCScriptEngineManager,调用LUA注册函数。问题出现,在win32和IOS上运作正常,在android上回调一会就会崩溃,如果不回调LUA HANDLER则
public void onSensorChanged(final SensorEvent pSensorEvent) {
if (pSensorEvent.sensor.getType() != Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) {
float x = pSensorEvent.values[0];
float y = pSensorEvent.values[1];
final float z = pSensorEvent.values[2];
* Because the axes are not swapped when the device's screen orientation
* changes. So we should swap it here. In tablets such as Motorola Xoom,
* the default orientation is landscape, so should consider this.
final int orientation = this.mContext.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
if ((orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) && (this.mNaturalOrientation != Surface.ROTATION_0)) {
final float tmp = x;
x = -y;
y = tmp;
} else if ((orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) && (this.mNaturalOrientation != Surface.ROTATION_0)) {
final float tmp = x;
x = y;
y = -tmp;
final float tx = x;
final float ty = y;
Cocos2dxActivity activity = (Cocos2dxActivity)Cocos2dxActivity.singleAcitivy;
activity.runOnGLThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Cocos2dxAccelerometer.onSensorChanged(tx, ty, z, pSensorEvent.timestamp);
if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "x = " + pSensorEvent.values[0] + " y = " + pSensorEvent.values[1] + " z = " + pSensorEvent.values[2]);