要求实现一个整数的MyVector,要有基本功能,什么添加元素,删除元素(按给定索引删除),获得容器当前大小和容器可存储大小,构造函数,复制构造函数,析构函数,=运算符,[ ]运算符重载,内存动态扩展(不得使用不连续内存,换句话说就是不得使用链表实现,当然内存可扩展亦不能使用数组实现),总的来说内容很多但很基础,具体题目我也记不清了,但大概就是这个样。
#ifndef MY_VECTOR_H #define MY_VECTOR_H #include<initializer_list> // FILE. MyVector.h // // CONSTRUCTOR for the MyVector class: // MyVector() = default; // MyVector(std::initializer_list<int> args); // MyVector(const MyVector&); // MyVector& operator=(const MyVector&); // class MyVector { public: //CONSTRUCTOR MyVector(); MyVector(int n,int data); MyVector(std::initializer_list<int> args); MyVector(const MyVector& ); ~MyVector(); //MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS void push_back(int element); void erase(int index); MyVector& operator=(const MyVector& ); int& operator[](int index){ return start_[index]; }; //CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTION int size() const{ return size_; } int capacity() const{ return capacity_; } const int& operator[](int index) const{ return *(start_ + index); } private: //Remalloc memory void Reserve(int capacity); //Private member int size_; int capacity_; int* start_; int* finish_; int* end_of_storage_; }; #endif
#include"my_vector.h" #include<cassert> #include<initializer_list> //CONSTRUCTOR //Default constructor MyVector::MyVector() :size_(0), capacity_(2), start_(0), finish_(0), end_of_storage_(0){} //Use given data and number initialize vector MyVector::MyVector(int n, int data): size_(0), capacity_(2 * n) { start_ = new int[capacity_]; finish_ = start_; end_of_storage_ = start_ + capacity_; while (n--) push_back(data); } //Initialization constructor (C++11 Style) MyVector::MyVector(std::initializer_list<int> args) :size_(0), capacity_(2 * args.size()) { start_ = new int[capacity_]; finish_ = start_; end_of_storage_ = start_ + capacity_; for (auto data : args) push_back(data); } //Copy constructor (must implemenlization deep copy MyVector::MyVector(const MyVector& my_vector) :size_(0), capacity_(my_vector.capacity_) { start_ = new int[capacity_]; finish_ = start_; end_of_storage_ = start_ + capacity_; for (int index = 0; index < my_vector.size(); ++index) { int a = my_vector[index]; push_back(my_vector[index]); } } //MODIFICATION MENBER FUNCTION //Add element to the vector void MyVector::push_back(int element) { if (finish_ ==end_of_storage_) Reserve(2*capacity_); *finish_++ = element; ++size_; } //According given index erase one element void MyVector::erase(int erase_index) { assert(erase_index < size_ &&erase_index >= 0); for (int index = erase_index; index < size_; ++index) start_[index] = start_[index+1]; --size_; } //Assign operator MyVector& MyVector::operator = (const MyVector& my_vector) { if (this == &my_vector) return *this; delete[] start_; start_ = new int[my_vector.capacity_]; finish_ = start_ + my_vector.size_; capacity_ = my_vector.capacity_; end_of_storage_ = start_ + capacity_; for (int index = 0; index < size_; ++index) push_back(my_vector[index]); return *this; } int& MyVector::operator[](int index) { assert(index < size_ &&index>=0); return start_[index]; } const int& MyVector::operator[](int index) const { assert(index < size_ &&index >= 0); return start_[index]; } void MyVector::Reserve(int capacity=2) { int* memory_ = new int[capacity]; for (int index = 0; index < size_; ++index) memory_ [index] = start_[index]; delete[] start_; start_ = memory_; finish_ = memory_ + size_; end_of_storage_ = memory_ + capacity; capacity_ = capacity; } MyVector::~MyVector() { if (start_ != nullptr) { delete[] start_; start_ = nullptr; } }
#include"my_vector.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { MyVector my_vector1; for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) my_vector1.push_back(i); cout << "my_vector1:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) cout<< my_vector1[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector1's current size: " << my_vector1.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector1's current capacity: " << my_vector1.capacity() << endl; MyVector my_vector2(5, 10); my_vector2.push_back(11); my_vector2.push_back(12); my_vector2.push_back(13); my_vector2.push_back(14); my_vector2.push_back(15); my_vector2.push_back(16); cout <<endl<< "my_vector2:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i <= 10; i++) cout << my_vector2[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector2's current size: " << my_vector2.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector2's current capacity: " << my_vector2.capacity() << endl; MyVector my_vector3 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; cout << endl<< "my_vector3:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i <8; i++) cout << my_vector3[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector3's current size: " << my_vector3.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector3's current capacity: " << my_vector3.capacity() << endl; cout << endl << "my_vector3 erase one element: " << endl; my_vector3.erase(4); for (size_t i = 0; i <7; i++) cout << my_vector3[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector5's current size: " << my_vector3.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector5's current capacity: " << my_vector3.capacity() << endl; MyVector my_vector4(my_vector3); cout << endl << "my_vector4:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i <7; i++) cout << my_vector3[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector4's current size: " << my_vector4.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector4's current capacity: " << my_vector4.capacity() << endl; MyVector my_vector5=my_vector3; cout << endl << "my_vector5:" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i <7; i++) cout << my_vector5[i] << " "; cout << endl << "my_vector5's current size: " << my_vector5.size() << endl; cout << "my_vector5's current capacity: " << my_vector5.capacity() << endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int Compare(char* str_first, char* str_second); char** StringSerial(size_t* word_count) { size_t N; cout << "Please input string's number: " << endl; cin >> N; *word_count = N; cout << "Please input a serial of test string: " << endl; char** string_serial = new char*[N]; for (size_t str_index = 0; str_index < N; ++str_index) { string_serial[str_index] = new char[N]; cin >> string_serial[str_index]; } return string_serial; } void QuickSort(char** string_serial,int start_index,int end_index) { if (start_index <end_index) { char* p_element = string_serial[start_index]; int tail = end_index, header = start_index; while (header < tail) { for (; header<tail; --tail) { if (Compare(string_serial[tail], p_element)!=1) { string_serial[header++] = string_serial[tail]; break; } } for (; header < tail; ++header) { if (Compare(p_element, string_serial[header]) == -1) { string_serial[tail--] = string_serial[header]; break; } } } string_serial[tail] = p_element; QuickSort(string_serial, start_index, header-1); QuickSort(string_serial, header + 1, end_index); } } int Compare(char* str_first, char* str_second) { char* p_first = str_first; char* p_second = str_second; while ( *(p_first)!= '\0' || (*p_second) != '\0') { if ( ( (*p_first) != '\0' && (*p_second) == '\0') || (*p_first) > (*p_second)) return 1; else if (((*p_second) != '\0' && (*p_first) == '\0') || (*p_first) < (*p_second)) return -1; else { ++p_first; ++p_second; } } return 0; } int main() { size_t count; char** serial_string = StringSerial(&count); QuickSort(serial_string,0,count-1); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) cout << serial_string[i] << " "<<endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }-------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int** CreateMatrix(size_t rows, size_t colums); //Precondition: //Postcondition: According the given elements create a rows*colums matrix. void SpiralPrint(int**p_martix, size_t rows, size_t colums); //Precondition: //Postcondition: Print the martrix elements spirally. int main() { size_t rows, colums; cout << "Please input the matrix's rows and colums number: " << endl; cin >> rows >> colums; cout << "Please input the matrix's element: " << endl; int** input_matrix=CreateMatrix(rows, colums); cout << "The spiral matrix is: " << endl; SpiralPrint(input_matrix,rows,colums); cout << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int** CreateMatrix(size_t rows, size_t colums) { int**p_martix = new int*[rows]; for (size_t row_index = 0; row_index < rows; ++row_index) { p_martix[row_index] = new int[colums]; for (size_t col_index = 0; col_index < colums; ++col_index) cin >> p_martix[row_index][col_index]; } return p_martix; } void SpiralPrint(int* *p_martix, size_t rows, size_t colums) { size_t loop = (rows+1) / 2; size_t start_index = 0; while (loop != 0) { if (rows == 1) { for (size_t col_index = start_index; col_index < start_index+colums; ++col_index) cout << p_martix[start_index][col_index] << " "; break; } else if (colums==1) { for (size_t row_index = start_index; row_index < start_index+rows; ++row_index) cout << p_martix[row_index][start_index] << " "; break; } for (size_t left_row = start_index; left_row < start_index+rows - 1; ++left_row) cout << p_martix[left_row][start_index] << " "; for (size_t down_col = start_index; down_col < start_index+colums - 1; ++down_col) cout << p_martix[start_index + rows-1][down_col] << " "; for (size_t right_row = start_index + rows-1; right_row >start_index; --right_row) cout << p_martix[right_row][start_index + colums-1] << " "; for (size_t up_col = start_index+colums-1; up_col >start_index; --up_col) cout << p_martix[start_index][up_col] << " "; ++start_index; rows -= 2; colums -= 2; --loop; } }