IBATIS 使用数据库函数

1 先别写函数
create or replace function select_funtion(v_id   in varchar2, --号码
                                          v_type in varchar2 --类型 
                                          ) return number is

  Result number;

  if v_type = 'type1' then
    select count(1)
      into Result
      from tb_test
     where C_LEVEL = '1'
       and c_id = v_id
       and C_CONTITION_1 is not null
       and C_CONTITION_2 is null
       and C_CONTITION_3 is null
       and C_CONTITION_4 is null
       and c_Del = '0';
  end if;
  if v_type = 'type2' then
    select count(1)
      into Result
      from tb_test
     where c_id = v_id
       and C_CONTITION_1 is not null
       and C_CONTITION_2 is not null
       and C_CONTITION_3 is null
       and C_CONTITION_4 is null
       and C_TEAM is null
       and c_Del = '0';
  end if;

  if v_user_type = 'type3' then
    select ((select count(1)
               from tb_test
              where c_id = v_id
                and C_CONTITION_1 is not null
                and C_CONTITION_2 is not null
                and C_CONTITION_3 is not null
                and C_CONTITION_4 is null
                and c_Del = '0'
                ) +
           (select count(1)
               from tb_test_2 t
              where C_FK_ID = v_id
                and t.c_stat = '1'
                and c_Del = '0'))
      into Result
      from dual;
  end if;
  when no_data_found then
    Result := 0;
end select_function;

2 ibatis sql
<select id="select_funtion" resultClass="java.lang.Integer" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap">
       select select_funtion(#c_nme#,#c_phone#) as a from dual 


3 调用
