本本安装ATI 催化剂驱动5.8

HP网站上本本的驱动一直都没有更新,我到ATI的网站上只找到 CATALYST 5.8 Windows XP - Motherboard IGP Drivers,但是不能识别我的集成显卡。

在网上搜索的时候无意间看到这个工具 DH Mod tool ,可以修改显卡驱动支持移动版显卡。


Patje's Mobility Modding

This program modifies certain files from the Catalyst driver set so you can install the latest catalyst set on your laptop.
Both Catalyst driver sets, Old control Panel and new CCC, are supported.
Be advised that you need the Microsoft .NET Framework in order to get CCC running.
It's been a while since the last update, and most Xseries users will be happy with this version.
Keeping the Modtool up-to-date is time-consuming job. Most of my time gets consumed by my work and The Matrix Online, which I've been playing for a while now and it got me addicted. Yep, we all know that feeling :D (which also explains the new look btw)

Ok, The list of supported cards in V2.2:

- Radeon Mobility 9600
- Radeon Mobility 9700
- Radeon Mobility 9800
- Mobility Fire GL 9000
- Radeon Mobility 9000
- Radeon Mobility 9200
- Radeon Mobility
- Radeon Mobility 7500
- Radeon Mobility 7800 GL
- Radeon Mobility IGP 320M, 340M, 345M
- Radeon Mobility FIRE GL T2
- Radeon Mobility X300, X600, X700, X800
- Radeon Mobility IGP 9000/9100
- Radeon Mobility IGP 7000

我的Compaq Presario R3000用的是Radeon Mobility IGP 9000/9100



2005.9.19  :发现硬盘速度还是有问题,删掉所有IDE驱动,包括ATI IDE,主要次要IDE,重启电脑,自动安装驱动,重启。这下好多了。。。。

你可能感兴趣的:(本本安装ATI 催化剂驱动5.8)