子图同构问题本质上就是一种匹配,VF2算法加了很多feasibility rules,保证了算法的高效性。这里只是实现最基本的判断子图同构的算法:
Luigi P. Cordella,Pasquale Foggia,Carlo Sansone,Mario Vento: A (Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs.IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(10): 1367-1372 (2004)
I will try to give you a quick explaination of my previous answer to this question :
Any working example of VF2 algorithm?
I will use the same example as the one in my previous answer :
The 2 graphs above are V and V' .(V' is not in the drawing but it's the one on the right)
The VF2 algorithm is described in the graph.
I want to know if V and V' are isomorphic.
I will use the following notations : XV is the node X in V
In the VF2 algoritm I will try to match each node in V with a node in V'.
step 1 :
I match empty V with empty V' : it always works
step 2 : I can match 1V with 1V',2V' or 3V'
I match 1V witch 1V' : it always works
step 3 :
I can match 2V with 2V' or 3V'
I match 2V with 2V' : it works because {1V 2V} and {1V' 2V} are isomorphic
step 4 :
I try to match 3V with a node in V' : I cannot! {it would be possible if their was an edge between node 3 and 2 in V', and no edge between 3 and 1)
So I go back to step 2
step 5:
I match 2V with 3V'
step 6:
same as step 4
I go back to step 2. there is no solution in step 2 , I go back to step 1
step 7:
I match 1V with 2V'
step 8:
I match 2V with 1V'
step 9 :
I match 3V with 3V'
it works I matched {1V 2V 3V} with { 2V' 1V' 3V'}
The graphs are isomorphic.
If I test all the solution and it never works the graph would not be isomorphic.
Hope this helps
About you're question on "matching", have a look at the wikipedia article on graph isomorphis :
this is a good example of a function f that matches graph G and H :
Hope you can better understand this algorithm with this illustration.
struct EDGE { int id2; int label; EDGE(int _id2, int _label) { id2=_id2; label=_label; } }; //邻接链表结构,不过是用vector来实现 struct GRAPH { int graphID; vector<int> vID; vector<int> vLabel; vector<vector<EDGE> > vAdjacencyEdge; //外面的大vector< >,为每一个节点保存一个邻接表,一个图中有多少个节点,vAdjacencyEdge的size就是多少 //vector<EDGE>存放EDGE[id2,label]组元,表示每个节点对应的兄弟节点id以及这两个节点间的边的label, //vector<EDGE>大小由每个节点的兄弟数量决定(这里所谓的兄弟,就是指“邻接点”) //因为可行pair(m,n)就是从当前状态M(s)的邻接点中寻找的,所以该结构能够加快搜索速度 };
//match结构,对应论文中提到的core_1 and core_2, //whose dimensions correspond to the number of nodes in G1 and G2 struct MATCH { //int *dbMATCHqu; //存储DB中的节点id和与之match的QU中的节点id //int *quMATCHdb; //存储QU中的节点id和与之match的DB中的节点id //使用map编程更方便,查找速度更快! map<int, int> dbMATCHqu; map<int, int> quMATCHdb; };
从文件中读取数据(主要是保证每个点的邻接边/点能够按照struct GRAPH正确存储):
vector<GRAPH *> ReadGraph(const char *filename) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); /* if (!fp) { printf("fp is NULL, file [%s] doesn't exist...\n", filename); return; } */ EDGE e(-1,-1); vector<EDGE> v; v.push_back(e); char mark[2]; int id,label,id2; vector<GRAPH *> gSet; GRAPH * g = NULL; while(true) { fscanf(fp, "%s", mark); if(mark[0]=='t') { fscanf(fp, "%s%d", mark, &id); if(id==-1) { gSet.push_back(g); break; } else //if input not ending, then { if(g!=NULL) { gSet.push_back(g); } g = new GRAPH; g->graphID=id; } } else if(mark[0]=='v') { fscanf(fp, "%d%d", &id, &label); g->vID.push_back(id); g->vLabel.push_back(label); g->vAdjacencyEdge.push_back(v);//为每个节点申请一个vAdjacencyEdge,其中v只是占用位置,没有任何用处! } else if(mark[0]=='e') { fscanf(fp, "%d%d%d", &id, &id2, &label); e.id2=id2; e.label=label; g->vAdjacencyEdge[id].push_back(e);//id->id2的边 e.id2=id; e.label=label; g->vAdjacencyEdge[id2].push_back(e);//id2->id的边 } } fclose(fp); printf("graph number:%d\n", gSet.size()); return gSet; }
//其实 pair(quG->vID[i], dbG->vID[j])就是一个候选pair candidate //判断该候选pair是否满足feasibility rules bool FeasibilityRules(GRAPH *quG, GRAPH *dbG, MATCH match, int quG_vID, int dbG_vID) { int quVid,dbVid,quGadjacencyEdgeSize,dbGadjacencyEdgeSize,i,j; bool flag=false; //首先,判断quG_vID和dbG_vID对应的label是否相同 if(quG->vLabel[quG_vID]!=dbG->vLabel[dbG_vID]) //如果两个点的label不同,则【一定不】满足feasibility rules { return false; } //其次,判断是不是每次match的第一个比较pair if(match.quMATCHdb.size()==0) //如果是第一个比较pair { //只需要这两个点的label相同(已经判断成立了)即满足feasibility rules return true; } //最后(label相同,不是第一个pair【即,之前已经match了一部分节点】),那么只要下面条件成立就能满足最简单的feasibility rules: //1)quG_vID和dbG_vID与已经match的那些节点对中的【至少】一对(quVid,dbVid)分别相邻(quG_vID和dbG_vID分别是已经match的节点quVid和dbVid的“neighbor节点”) //2)如果存在多个相邻对(quVid,dbVid),则必须要求【所有的】邻接边对( edge(quG_vID,quVid), edge(dbG_vID,dbVid) )的label一样 for(map<int, int>::iterator iter=match.quMATCHdb.begin();iter!=match.quMATCHdb.end();iter++) //遍历所有的已经match的节点对 { quVid=iter->first; quGadjacencyEdgeSize=quG->vAdjacencyEdge[quVid].size(); for(i=1;i<quGadjacencyEdgeSize;i++) //从1开始依次扫描quVid的邻接点,第0个存的是(-1,-1) { //quG_vID是已经match的quG中的节点quVid的“第i个neighbor节点” if( quG->vAdjacencyEdge[quVid][i].id2==quG_vID ) { dbVid=iter->second; dbGadjacencyEdgeSize=dbG->vAdjacencyEdge[dbVid].size(); for(j=1;j<dbGadjacencyEdgeSize;j++) //从1开始依次扫描dbVid的邻接点,第0个存的是(-1,-1) { //同时,与quVid相match的节点dbVid在dbG中的“第j个neighbor节点”正好是dbG_vID if( dbG->vAdjacencyEdge[dbVid][j].id2==dbG_vID ) { //判断2)是否成立 if( quG->vAdjacencyEdge[quVid][i].label != dbG->vAdjacencyEdge[dbVid][j].label ) { //因为2)要求【所有的】label一样,只要有一个不一样,则返回false return false; } else { //标记:flag=true表示至少有一对满足1)的pair(dbVid,quVid),同时满足了2) //因为有可能循环结束了,在所有的已经match的节点对里,找不到一个pair(dbVid,quVid)同时满足条件1)和2) flag=true; } } } } } } return flag; }