


Node.java    //链结点interface
SLNode.java    //单向链结点实现类
DLNode.java  //双向链结点实现类
Strategy.java  //两个数据比较interface
DefaultStrategy.java //两个数据比较实现类

SearchTable.java //查找表interface
BinTreeNode.java //二叉树结点
BinTree.java  //二叉树interface
BinaryTreeLinked.java //链式二叉树
BSTree.java  //二叉查找树
AVLTree.java  //二叉平衡树

BTeeDemo.java  //二叉树功能测试类

//编译OK chinanetboy with Eclipse
package dsa.datastruct;
public interface Node{
 public Object getData();
 public void setData(Object obj);

//编译OK chinanetboy with Eclipse
package dsa.datastruct;

public class SLNode implements Node{
 private Object element; //数据成员
 private SLNode next; //指向下一个成员结点
 public SLNode(){this(null,null);}
 public SLNode(Object obj, SLNode nextnode){
  this.next =nextnode;
 public void  setNext(SLNode nextnode){this.next=nextnode;}
 public SLNode  getNext(){return next;}
 public void  setData(Object obj){element=obj;}
 public Object getData(){return element;}

//file name: DLNode.java
package dsa.datastruct;
import dsa.datastruct.Node;
public class DLNode implements Node {
 private Object element;
 private DLNode pre;
 private DLNode next;
 public DLNode(){this(null,null,null);}
 public DLNode(Object obj,DLNode p,DLNode n){
 public DLNode getNext(){return next;}
 public void   setNext(DLNode n){this.next=n;}
 public DLNode getPre(){return pre;}
 public void   setPre(DLNode p){this.pre=p;}
 public Object getData() {return element;}
 public void setData(Object o) {this.element=o;}

/*file name:SearchTable.java
package dsa.datastruct;

public interface SearchTable {
 public int getSize();
 public boolean isEmpty();
 public Node search(Object ele);
 public Iterator searchAll(Object ele);
 public void insert(Object ele);
 public Object remove(Object ele);
//file name:Strategy.java
package dsa.datastruct;
public interface Strategy {
  * 比较两个数据元素的大小
  * 如果obj1 < obj2 返回-1
  * 如果obj1 = obj2 返回0
  * 如果obj1 > obj2 返回1
 public boolean equal(Object obj1, Object obj2);
 public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2);
//filename DefaultStrategy.java
package dsa.datastruct;
public class DefaultStrategy implements Strategy {
 public boolean equal(Object obj1, Object obj2){
  return obj1.toString().equals(obj2.toString());
 public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2){
  int comp = obj1.toString().compareTo(obj2.toString());
  if (comp==0) return 0;
  else if (comp>0) return 1;
  else return -1;
/*file name:SearchTable.java
package dsa.datastruct;

public interface SearchTable {
 public int getSize();
 public boolean isEmpty();
 public Node search(Object ele);
 public Iterator searchAll(Object ele);
 public void insert(Object ele);
 public Object remove(Object ele);
package dsa.datastruct;

public class BinTreeNode implements Node {
 private Object data; //数据域
 private BinTreeNode parent;//父结点
 private BinTreeNode lChild;//左孩子
 private BinTreeNode rChild;//右孩子
 private int height; //树的高度
 private int size; //该结点子孙数
 public BinTreeNode() {this(null);}
 public BinTreeNode(Object e){
  data = e;
  parent = lChild = rChild = null;
  height = 0;
  size = 1;
 public Object getData(){return data;}
 public void setData(Object obj){data=obj;}
 public boolean hasParent(){ return parent!=null;}
 public boolean hasLChild(){ return lChild!=null;}
 public boolean hasRChild(){ return rChild!=null;}
 public boolean isLeaf(){ return !hasLChild()&&!hasRChild();}
 public boolean isLChild(){ return (hasParent()&&this==parent.lChild);}
 public boolean isRChild(){ return (hasParent()&&this==parent.rChild);}

 public int getHeight() { return height; }
 public void updateHeight(){
  int newH = 0;//新高度初始化为0,高度等于左右子树高度加1中大的
  if (hasLChild()) newH = Math.max(newH,1+getLChild().getHeight());
  if (hasRChild()) newH = Math.max(newH,1+getRChild().getHeight());
  if (newH==height) return; //高度没有发生变化则直接返回
  height = newH;    //否则更新高度
  if (hasParent()) getParent().updateHeight(); //递归更新祖先的高度
 public int getSize() { return size; }
 public void updateSize(){
  size = 1; //初始化为1,结点本身
  if (hasLChild()) size += getLChild().getSize(); //加上左子树规模
  if (hasRChild()) size += getRChild().getSize(); //加上右子树规模
  if (hasParent()) getParent().updateSize();  //递归更新祖先的规模
 public BinTreeNode getParent() { return parent; }
 public void sever(){
  if (!hasParent()) return;
  if (isLChild()) parent.lChild = null;
  else   parent.rChild = null;
  parent.updateHeight(); //更新父结点及其祖先高度
  parent.updateSize(); //更新父结点及其祖先规模
  parent = null;

 public BinTreeNode getLChild() { return lChild; }
 public BinTreeNode setLChild(BinTreeNode lc){
  BinTreeNode oldLC = this.lChild;
  if (hasLChild()) { lChild.sever();} //断开当前左孩子与结点的关系
  if (lc!=null){
   lc.sever();    //断开lc与其父结点的关系
   this.lChild = lc;  //确定父子关系
   lc.parent = this;
   this.updateHeight(); //更新当前结点及其祖先高度
   this.updateSize();  //更新当前结点及其祖先规模
  return oldLC;    //返回原左孩子

 public BinTreeNode getRChild() { return rChild; }
 public BinTreeNode setRChild(BinTreeNode rc){
  BinTreeNode oldRC = this.rChild;
  if (hasRChild()) { rChild.sever();} //断开当前右孩子与结点的关系
  if (rc!=null){
   rc.sever();    //断开lc与其父结点的关系
   this.rChild = rc;  //确定父子关系
   rc.parent = this;
   this.updateHeight(); //更新当前结点及其祖先高度
   this.updateSize();  //更新当前结点及其祖先规模
  return oldRC;    //返回原右孩子

/*file name:BinTree.java
 * 二叉树接口interface
 * */
package dsa.datastruct;
import dsa.datastruct.BinTreeNode;

public interface BinTree {
 public int getSize();
 public boolean isEmpty();
 public BinTreeNode getRoot();
 public int getHeight();
 public BinTreeNode find(Object e);
 public Iterator preOrder();
 public Iterator inOrder();
 public Iterator postOrder();
 public Iterator levelOrder();

/*file name:BinaryTreeLinked.java
package dsa.datastruct;

import dsa.datastruct.BinTree;
import dsa.datastruct.BinTreeNode;
import dsa.datastruct.Strategy;
import dsa.datastruct.DefaultStrategy;
import dsa.datastruct.LinkedList;
import dsa.datastruct.LinkedListDLNode;
public class BinaryTreeLinked implements BinTree {
 protected BinTreeNode root;
 protected Strategy strategy;
 public BinaryTreeLinked(){ this(null); }
 public BinaryTreeLinked(BinTreeNode root) { this(root,new DefaultStrategy());}
 public BinaryTreeLinked(BinTreeNode root, Strategy strategy){
  this.root = root;
  this.strategy = strategy;

 public int getSize() { return root==null?0:root.getSize(); }
 public boolean isEmpty() { return root==null;}
 public BinTreeNode getRoot() { return root;}
 public int getHeight() { return isEmpty()?-1:root.getHeight();}
 public BinTreeNode find(Object e) { return searchE(root,e); }
 private BinTreeNode searchE(BinTreeNode rt, Object e) {
  if (rt==null) return null;
  if (strategy.equal(rt.getData(),e)) return rt; //如果是根结点,返回根
  BinTreeNode v = searchE(rt.getLChild(),e); //否则在左子树中找
  if (v==null) v = searchE(rt.getRChild(),e); //没找到,在右子树中找
  return v;
 public Iterator preOrder() {
  LinkedList list = new LinkedListDLNode();
  return list.elements();
 private void preOrderRecursion(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;     //递归基,空树直接返回
  list.insertLast(rt);     //访问根结点
  preOrderRecursion(rt.getLChild(),list); //遍历左子树
  preOrderRecursion(rt.getRChild(),list); //遍历右子树
 private void preOrderTraverse(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;
  BinTreeNode p = rt;
  Stack s = new StackSLinked();
  while (p!=null){
   while (p!=null){        //向左走到尽头
    list.insertLast(p);       //访问根
    if (p.hasRChild()) s.push(p.getRChild()); //右子树根结点入栈
    p = p.getLChild();       
   if (!s.isEmpty()) p = (BinTreeNode)s.pop();  //右子树根退栈遍历右子树
 public Iterator inOrder(){
  LinkedList list = new LinkedListDLNode();
  return list.elements();
 private void inOrderRecursion(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;     //递归基,空树直接返回
  inOrderRecursion(rt.getLChild(),list); //遍历左子树
  list.insertLast(rt);     //访问根结点
  inOrderRecursion(rt.getRChild(),list); //遍历右子树
 private void inOrderTraverse(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;
  BinTreeNode p = rt;
  Stack s = new StackSLinked();
  while (p!=null||!s.isEmpty()){
   while (p!=null){  //一直向左走
    s.push(p);   //将根结点入栈
    p = p.getLChild();
   if (!s.isEmpty()){
    p = (BinTreeNode)s.pop();//取出栈顶根结点访问之
    p = p.getRChild();  //转向根的右子树进行遍历
  }//out while
 public Iterator postOrder(){
  LinkedList list = new LinkedListDLNode();
  return list.elements();
 private void postOrderRecursion(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;     //递归基,空树直接返回
  list.insertLast(rt);     //访问根结点
 private void postOrderTraverse(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;
  BinTreeNode p = rt;
  Stack s = new StackSLinked();
   while (p!=null){  //先左后右不断深入
    s.push(p);   //将根节点入栈
    if (p.hasLChild()) p = p.getLChild();
    else p = p.getRChild();
   if (!s.isEmpty()){
    p = (BinTreeNode)s.pop();  //取出栈顶根结点访问之
   while (!s.isEmpty()&&((BinTreeNode)s.peek()).getRChild()==p){
    p = (BinTreeNode)s.pop();
   if (!s.isEmpty()) p = ((BinTreeNode)s.peek()).getRChild();
   else p = null;
 public Iterator levelOrder(){
  LinkedList list = new LinkedListDLNode();
  return list.elements();
 private void levelOrderTraverse(BinTreeNode rt, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;
  Queue q = new QueueArray();
  q.enqueue(rt);   //根结点入队
  while (!q.isEmpty()){
   BinTreeNode p = (BinTreeNode)q.dequeue(); //取出队首结点p并访问
   if (p.hasLChild()) q.enqueue(p.getLChild());//将p的非空左右孩子依次入队
   if (p.hasRChild()) q.enqueue(p.getRChild());

/*file name:BSTree.java
package dsa.datastruct;
import dsa.datastruct.BinaryTreeLinked;
import dsa.datastruct.SearchTable;
import dsa.datastruct.Strategy;
import dsa.datastruct.DefaultStrategy;
public class BSTree extends BinaryTreeLinked implements SearchTable {
 protected BinTreeNode startBN; //在AVL树中重新平衡的起始结点
 public BSTree() { this(new DefaultStrategy());}
 public BSTree(Strategy strategy){
  this.root = null;
  this.strategy = strategy;
  startBN = null;
 public int getSize(){return root==null?0:root.getSize();}
 public boolean isEmpty(){ return getSize()==0; }
 public Node search(Object ele){ return binTSearch(root, ele);}
 private Node binTSearchRe(BinTreeNode rt, Object ele){
  if (rt==null) return null;
   case  0: return rt;        //等于
   case -1: return binTSearchRe(rt.getLChild(),ele);//小于
   default: return binTSearchRe(rt.getRChild(),ele);//大于
 private Node binTSearch(BinTreeNode rt, Object ele){
    case  0: return rt;     //等于
    case -1: rt = rt.getLChild(); break;//小于
    default: rt = rt.getRChild();   //大于
  return null;
 public Iterator searchAll(Object ele){
  LinkedList list = new LinkedListDLNode();
  binTSearchAll(root, ele, list);
  return list.elements();
 public void binTSearchAll(BinTreeNode rt, Object ele, LinkedList list){
  if (rt==null) return;
  int comp = strategy.compare(ele,rt.getData());
  if (comp<=0) binTSearchAll(rt.getLChild(),ele,list);
  if (comp==0) list.insertLast(rt);
  if (comp>=0) binTSearchAll(rt.getRChild(),ele,list);
 public void insert(Object ele){
  BinTreeNode p = null;
  BinTreeNode current = root;
  while (current!=null){    //找到待插入位置
   p = current;
   if (strategy.compare(ele,current.getData())<0)
    current = current.getLChild();
    current = current.getRChild();
  startBN = p;      //待平衡出发点
  if (p==null)
   root = new BinTreeNode(ele); //树为空
  else if (strategy.compare(ele,p.getData())<0)
   p.setLChild(new BinTreeNode(ele));
   p.setRChild(new BinTreeNode(ele));
 public Object remove(Object ele){
  BinTreeNode v = (BinTreeNode)binTSearch(root,ele);
  if (v==null) return null;   //查找失败
  BinTreeNode del = null;    //待删结点
  BinTreeNode subT = null;   //del的子树
  if (!v.hasLChild()||!v.hasRChild()) //确定待删结点
   del = v;
   del = getPredecessor(v);
   Object old = v.getData();
  startBN = del.getParent();   //待平衡出发点
  if (del.hasLChild())
   subT = del.getLChild();
   subT = del.getRChild();
  if (del==root) {     //若待删结点为根
   if (subT!=null) subT.sever();
   root = subT;
  } else
  if (subT!=null){
   if (del.isLChild()) del.getParent().setLChild(subT);
   else del.getParent().setRChild(subT);
  return del.getData();
 public Node min(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v!=null)
   while (v.hasLChild()) v = v.getLChild();
  return v;
 public Node max(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v!=null)
   while (v.hasRChild()) v = v.getRChild();
  return v;
 private BinTreeNode getPredecessor(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v==null) return null;
  if (v.hasLChild()) return (BinTreeNode)max(v.getLChild());
  while (v.isLChild()) v = v.getParent();
  return v.getParent();
 private BinTreeNode getSuccessor (BinTreeNode v){
  if (v==null) return null;
  if (v.hasRChild()) return (BinTreeNode)min(v.getRChild());
  while (v.isRChild()) v = v.getParent();
  return v.getParent();


/*file name AVLTree.java
package dsa.datastruct;

import dsa.datastruct.BSTree;
import dsa.datastruct.Strategy;
import dsa.datastruct.DefaultStrategy;

public class AVLTree extends BSTree {
 public AVLTree() { super();}
 public AVLTree(Strategy strategy) { super(strategy); }
 public void insert(Object ele){
  root = reBalance(startBN);
 public Object remove(Object ele){
  Object obj = super.remove(ele);
  root = reBalance(startBN);
  return obj;
 private boolean isBalance(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v==null) return true;
  int lH = (v.hasLChild()) ? v.getLChild().getHeight():-1;
  int rH = (v.hasRChild()) ? v.getRChild().getHeight():-1;
  return (Math.abs(lH - rH)<=1);
 private BinTreeNode higherSubT(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v==null) return null;
  int lH = (v.hasLChild()) ? v.getLChild().getHeight():-1;
  int rH = (v.hasRChild()) ? v.getRChild().getHeight():-1;
  if (lH>rH) return v.getLChild();
  if (lH<rH) return v.getRChild();
  if (v.isLChild()) return v.getLChild();
  else return v.getRChild();
 private BinTreeNode rotate(BinTreeNode z){
  BinTreeNode y = higherSubT(z);  //取y为z更高的孩子
  BinTreeNode x = higherSubT(y);  //取x为y更高的孩子
  boolean isLeft = z.isLChild();  //记录:z是否左孩子
  BinTreeNode p = z.getParent();  //p为z的父亲
  BinTreeNode a, b, c;    //自左向右,三个节点
  BinTreeNode t0, t1, t2, t3;   //自左向右,四棵子树
  // 以下分四种情况
  if (y.isLChild()) {     //若y是左孩子,则
   c = z; t3 = z.getRChild();
   if (x.isLChild()) {    //若x是左孩子(左左失衡)
    b = y; t2 = y.getRChild();
    a = x; t1 = x.getRChild(); t0 = x.getLChild();
   } else {      //若x是右孩子(左右失衡)
    a = y; t0 = y.getLChild();
    b = x; t1 = x.getLChild(); t2 = x.getRChild();
  } else {       //若y是右孩子,则
   a = z; t0 = z.getLChild();
   if (x.isRChild()) {    //若x是右孩子(右右失衡)
    b = y; t1 = y.getLChild();
    c = x; t2 = x.getLChild(); t3 = x.getRChild();
   } else {      //若x是左孩子(右左失衡)
    c = y; t3 = y.getRChild();
    b = x; t1 = x.getLChild(); t2 = x.getRChild();


  if (t0!=null) t0.sever();
  if (t1!=null) t1.sever();
  if (t2!=null) t2.sever();
  if (t3!=null) t3.sever();

  a.setLChild(t0); a.setRChild(t1);
  c.setLChild(t2); c.setRChild(t3);
  b.setLChild(a);  b.setRChild(c);

  if (p!=null)
   if (isLeft) p.setLChild(b);
   else  p.setRChild(b);

  return b;//返回新的子树根
 private BinTreeNode reBalance(BinTreeNode v){
  if (v==null) return root;
  BinTreeNode c = v;
  while (v!=null) {      //从v开始,向上逐一检查z的祖先
   if (!isBalance(v)) 
    v = rotate(v); //若v失衡,则旋转使之重新平衡
   c = v;
   v = v.getParent();     //继续检查其父亲
  return c;


//complied ok with Eclipse 3.40
package dsa.test;
import dsa.datastruct.AVLTree;
import dsa.datastruct.BSTree;

public class BTreeDemo {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  BSTree bt=new BSTree();//1.二叉查找树BSTree
  AVLTree avl=new AVLTree();//2.二叉平衡树AVL

