Administration plugin not found when managing a Server Instance

When creating an new Server Administration Instance and trying to connect to, I get Administrator plugin not found
in the left bottom of Mysql-Workbench and nothing happens.

Using Ubuntu 12.04 with mysql-workbench 5.2.38+dfsg-3 and mysql-workbench-data 5.2.38+dfsg-3.

Here is a solution:

The problem seems to be with paramiko version and a method that doesn't exists.

I "patched" the file "/usr/lib64/mysql-workbench/modules/" on line 51.

1. (In terminal): gnomesu gedit /usr/lib64/mysql-workbench/modules/
2. Replace line 51: "if paramiko and paramiko.__version_info__ >= (1, 7, 4):"
for: "if paramiko:"

More info here:,581262,581355#msg-581355
