ubuntu 窗口标题居中,按钮居右


gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close'


move window titles to the center of the title bar

Yes there is a way, open up your terminal and go to the folder /usr/share/themes/YourTheme/metacity-1/

in my case that would be Ambience

cd /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/

in this folder should be a file called metacity-theme-1.xml, open this file in your favorite editor, you need sudo rights though!

search for this part

<draw_ops name="draw_title_text_normal">
<title color="#333" x="10" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)+1"/>
<title color="#333" x="10" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)-1"/>
<title color="#333" x="9" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>
<title color="#333" x="11" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>
<title color="#dfdbd2" x="10" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>

and replace all the x="" numbers with

((width - title_width) / 2) max 0

so it'll look like this at the end

<draw_ops name="draw_title_text_normal">
<title color="#333" x="((width - title_width) / 2) `max` 0" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)+1"/>
<title color="#333" x="((width - title_width) / 2) `max` 0" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)-1"/>
<title color="#333" x="((width - title_width) / 2) `max` 0" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>
<title color="#333" x="((width - title_width) / 2) `max` 0" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>
<title color="#dfdbd2" x="((width - title_width) / 2) `max` 0" y="(((height - title_height) / 2) `max` 0)"/>

save the changes, logout and login again, and the titles are centered!
