组件的原则就是模块化,彼此之间相互独立,但是有时候不同的组件之间可能会共用一些功能,共享一部分代码。所以 React 提供了 mixins 这种方式来处理这种问题。
Mixin 就是用来定义一些方法,使用这个 mixin 的组件能够自由的使用这些方法(就像在组件中定义的一样),所以 mixin 相当于组件的一个扩展,在 mixin 中也能定义“生命周期”方法。
var DefaultNameMixin = { getDefaultProps: function () { return { name: "Skippy", food: "Pancakes" }; } }; var ComponentOne = React.createClass({ mixins: [DefaultNameMixin], render: function () { return ( <div> <h4>{this.props.name}</h4> <p>Favorite food: {this.props.food}</p> </div> ) ; } }); ReactDOM.render(<ComponentOne/>, document.body);
var DefaultNameMixin = { getDefaultProps: function () { return {name: "Skippy"}; } }; var ComponentTwo = React.createClass({ mixins: [DefaultNameMixin], getDefaultProps: function () { return { food: "Pancakes", name: "Lizy" }; }, render: function () { return ( <div> <h4>{this.props.name}</h4> <p>Favorite food: {this.props.food}</p> </div> ); } }); ReactDOM.render(<ComponentTwo/>, document.body);
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: mergeObjectsWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Tried to merge two objects with the same key: name
var LogOnMountMixin = { componentDidMount: function () { console.log("mixin mount method"); } }; var ComponentOne = React.createClass({ mixins: [LogOnMountMixin], componentDidMount: function () {
mixin mount method component one mount method
console.log("component one mount method"); }, render: function() { return <h2>Hello {this.props.name}</h2>; } }); ReactDOM.render(<ComponentOne/>, document.body);
mixin mount method component one mount method
var LogOnMountMixin = { componentDidMount: function () { console.log("mixin mount method"); } }; var MoreLogOnMountMixin = { componentDidMount: function () { console.log("another mixin mount method"); } }; var ComponentOne = React.createClass({ mixins: [MoreLogOnMountMixin, LogOnMountMixin], componentDidMount: function () { console.log("component one mount method"); }, ... var ComponentTwo = React.createClass({ mixins: [LogOnMountMixin, MoreLogOnMountMixin], componentDidMount: function () { console.log("component two mount method"); },
another mixin mount method mixin mount method component one mount method mixin mount method another mixin mount method component two mount method