



 (1) C语言中


int main();//不带参数

main( );//可选,因为默认的返回类型就是int,所以可以省略。

int main( int argc, char *argv[]) ;//带参数


int main( void ) 
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 

(参考资料:ISO/IEC9899:1999 (E) Programming languages C Program startup
当然,我们也可以做一点小小的改动。例如:char *argv[]可以写成 char **argvargv argc 可以改成别的变量名(如 intval charval),不过一定要符合变量的命名规则。
如果不需要从命令行中获取参数,请用int main(void);否则请用int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 
函数的返回值类型必须是 int,这样返回值才能传递给程序的激活者(如操作系统)。 
如果 main函数的最后没有写 return语句的话,C99规定编译器要自动在生成的目标文件中(如 exe文件)加入return 0;,表示程序正常退出。不过,还是建议你最好在main函数的最后加上return语句,虽然没有这个必要,但这是一个好的习惯。注意,vc6不会在目标文件中加入return 0;,大概是因为 vc6 98 年的产品,所以才不支持这个特性。现在明白我为什么建议你最好加上 return语句了吧

 (2) C++语言中

 C++98 中定义了如下两种main 函数的定义方式:
    int main( )
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 
(参考资料:ISO/IEC 14882(1998-9-01)Programming languages C++ 3.6 Start and termination 
    int main( )
等同于 C99中的 int main( void )int main( int argc, char *argv[] )的用法也和 C99中定义的一样。同样,main函数的返回值类型也必须是int。如果main函数的末尾没写return语句,C++98规定编译器要自动在生成的目标文件中加入 return 0;。同样,vc6也不支持这个特性。 

(3) 关于 void main 
C C++中,不接收任何参数也不返回任何信息的函数原型为“void foo(void);”。可能正是因为这个,所以很多人都误认为如果不需要程序返回值时可以把 main函数定义成void main(void) 。然而这是错误的!main函数的返回值应该定义为 int类型,C C++ 标准中都是这样规定的。虽然在一些编译器中,void main可以通过编译(如 vc6),但并非所有编译器都支持 void main,因为标准中从来没有定义过 void main

很多人甚至市面上的一些书籍,都使用了void main( ) ,其实这是错误的。C/C++中从来没有定义过void main( ) C++ 之父Bjarne Stroustrup 在他的主页上的FAQ 中明确地写着The definition void main( ) { /* ...*/ } is not and never has been C++, nor has it even been C.void main( )从来就不存在于C++或者C

    void main
主函数没有返回值,main默认为int型,即 int main()返回整数。注意,新标准不允许使用默认返回值,即int不能省,而且对应main函数不再支持void型返回值,因此为了使程序有很好的移植性,强烈建议使用:
    int main()
        return 0;  
    int main( void )
        return 0;

(4)关于int main(int argc,char *argv[],char *envp[])

这当然也不是标准 C/C++ 里面定义的东西!char *envp[]是某些编译器提供的扩展功能,用于获取系统的环境变量因为不是标准,所以并非所有编译器都支持,故而移植性差,不推荐使用。




(5) Windows应用程序的入口函数 

  (1)  基于图形用户界面的应用程序,即GUI;
  (2)  基于控制台用户界面的应用程序,即CUI.


int WINAPI WinMain(

HINSTANCEhinstance,    //程序本身的实例句柄

                 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, //历史遗留,hPrevInstance=NULL; 

                LPSTR lpCmdLine,        //命令行字符串
                                  int nCmdShow);         //窗口显示模式


int WINAPIwWinMain(

                  HINSTANCE hinstance,

                 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,

                 PWSTR pszCmdLine,

                 int nCmdShow);


int __cdecl main(

                int argc,

               char *argv[],

               char *envp[]);


int __cdecl wmain(

                 int argc,

                wchar *argv[],

                 wchar *envp[]);




main: Program Startup

Updated: November 2007

A special function called main is the starting point of executionfor all C and C++ programs. If you are writing code that adheres to the Unicodeprogramming model, you can use the wide-character version ofmain,wmain.

The main function is not predefined by the compiler; rather, itmust be supplied in the program text.

The declaration syntax for main is:


or, optionally:

Int main(int argc,char *argv[],char *envp[]);

Microsoft Specific

The declaration syntax for wmain is as follows:

Int wmain();

or, optionally:

Int wmain(int argc,wchar_t*argv[],wchar_t*envp[]);

You can also use _tmain, which is defined in TCHAR.h. _tmainwill resolve to main unless _UNICODE is defined, in which case_tmainwill resolve towmain.

END Microsoft Specific

The types for argc and argv are defined by the language. The names argc, argv, and envp are traditional, but are not required by thecompiler. See Argument Definitions for more information and for an example.

Alternately,the main and wmain functions can be declared as returning void (no return value). If you declaremain orwmainas returning void, you cannot return an exit code tothe parent process or operating system using a return statement; to return anexit code whenmain orwmain is declared as void,you must use the exit function.

WinMain Function

The WinMainfunction is the conventional name for the user-provided entry point for aMicrosoft Windows-based application.

The name WinMain is used by convention by manyprogramming frameworks. Depending on the programming framework, the call to theWinMain function can be preceded and followed by additional activitiesspecific to that framework.

Your WinMain should initialize the application,display its main window, and enter a message retrieval-and-dispatch loop thatis the top-level control structure for the remainder of the application'sexecution. Terminate the message loop when it receives a WM_QUITmessage. At that point, your WinMain should exit the application,returning the value passed in the WM_QUIT message's wParamparameter. If WM_QUIT was received as a result of callingPostQuitMessage, the value ofwParam is the value of thePostQuitMessagefunction's nExitCode parameter. For more information, see Creating aMessage Loop.

ANSI applications can use the lpCmdLineparameter of the WinMain function to access the command-line string,excluding the program name. Note thatlpCmdLine uses theLPSTRdata type instead of the LPTSTR data type. This means thatWinMaincannot be used by Unicode programs. TheGetCommandLineW function can beused to obtain the command line as a Unicode string. Some programmingframeworks might provide an alternative entry point that provides a Unicodecommand line. For example, the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ complier uses thename wWinMain for the Unicode entry point.



