过滤关键词.vbs (ANSI编码)
' Author: sai ' The include sub is used to import some files like java. Sub include(file) Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set logFile=objFS.OpenTextFile(file,1,false,TristateFalse) Dim all all=logFile.readAll logFile.close ExecuteGlobal all End Sub ' Begin Dim currentDirectory,fileName Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") currentDirectory = WshShell.CurrentDirectory fileName=InputBox("请输入文件名:"&vbCr&vbCr&" ") Dim currentFile currentFile = currentDirectory & "/" & fileName If Not objFS.FileExists(currentFile) Then Wscript.echo "文件不存在: " & currentFile & " " & "已退出" WScript.Quit(1) End If Wscript.echo "过滤开始" Set csvFile=objFS.OpenTextFile(currentFile,1,false,TristateFalse) Dim today,newFileName, newFolderPath, newFilePath today = DatePart("yyyy",Date) & DatePart("m",Date) & DatePart("d",Date) newFileName = today & "_" & fileName newFolderPath = currentDirectory & "/" & today newFilePath = newFolderPath & "/" & newFileName '1.创建新文件夹,复制Excel文件 If Not objFS.FolderExists(newFolderPath) Then objFS.CreateFolder(newFolderPath) End If '创建以ANSI编码的文件,这样Excel打开CSV时能正确识别逗号 Set txtFile=objFS.CreateTextFile(newFilePath,True,False) '是否记录日志 Set logFile=objFS.CreateTextFile(newFolderPath & "/" & "delete_" & newFileName,True,False) Dim line,tempFix,keyword Set map = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") While csvFile.AtEndOfStream <> True line = csvFile.readline() tempFix = Split(line,",",-1,1) keyword = tempFix(0) If map.Exists(keyword) Then logFile.WriteLine(line) Else map.Add keyword,line txtFile.WriteLine(line) End If Wend csvFile.Close() txtFile.Close() logFile.Close() Wscript.echo "过滤结束"
我们,大家 大像,1 我们,23 刘,ad 哦,asdf
我们,大家 大像,1 刘,ad 哦,asdf