

无法可修饰的一对手   --I don't know how to describe those two hands.

带出温暖永远在背后   --They are always warm and always put on my back so I always feel that you are with me and support me.

总是罗嗦始终关注     --You are always "long-winded" and always keep being noticed on me.

不懂珍惜太内疚       --and I didn't value it, and now I really regret it.

沉醉于音阶她不赞赏    --I was addicted to music that you didn't appreciate at first,

母亲的爱却永未退让    --but the love mother offers goes on, and never ever gives up,

决心冲开心中挣扎      --Therefor, I decide not to hesitate too much 

亲恩总可报答         --to repay in the end

春风化雨暖透我的心    --It's like spring winds turn into rain moistening my heart, and I feel so warm and soft,

一生眷顾无言地送赠    --You love, support me a life of time silently asking for nothing.

是你多么温馨的目光    --And it is the encouragement from your eyes which made me feel so warm 

教我坚毅望着前路      --taught me to keep pursuing what I want,

叮嘱我跌倒不应放弃    --And always told me "Never give up".

没法解释怎可报尽亲恩   --And I don't know how to repay what you did to me even a little bit.

爱意宽大是无限        --Love is so deep and wide and endless.

请准我说声真的爱你     --So, please, just let me say "I love you so so much!" to you.

