What About Flash? Can We Really Make Games With It?

Scott Bilas
Oberon Media, Inc.



We’ve heard this story before: big-game developer gets tired of big-game team size, pressure, and politics, and switches to making small games. New companies filled with people escaping the retail AAA industry, developing these “casual” games, are popping up all the time. These aren’t the silly little things that get forwarded to us in email and hold our attention for 30 seconds. These are games that make money, and hearken back to the days of yore when a couple geeks in a garage could put together a hot shareware title in a few months and get rich quick. The big difference today is in the tools. We can build bigger, better, prettier, more advanced games with fewer people in less time and for less money than ever before!

One of the most respected (and reviled) tools for making interactive content is Flash. Well, what about Flash as a game development platform? It has grown in power considerably over the years. The casual games we build today are equivalent in production quality to the AAA games that were shipping around 10 years ago. Can we do it in Flash instead? And why would we want to?

This paper is the story of the Oberon development team’s experiences with building games in Flash. All of us came from big games where we built our own tech (the author was a C++ game systems engineer for nearly ten years), so why did we choose Flash as our development platform instead of building our own casual games platform? What was so hot about Flash, and what caused us headaches? And, most importantly, when should we avoid using Flash entirely?

Casual Games

Before we get started, we should first talk about what exactly a “casual” game is. Most of the time, this term is referring to a game that…

…is between 3 and 10 megabytes in size (56K modem users usually won’t be able or willing to download anything bigger).

…sells for around $20 in the impulse buy zone. About the same as a CD, or a cheap date.

…works on ancient computers with equally ancient operating systems.

…is exclusively distributed online through channels like MSN or RealArcade.

…has a vastly different audience than retail PC/console games.

…is developed for a fraction of the price and resources as a big retail game.

Also, casual games will frequently have a web-hosted “teaser” that players can play forever for free, with a more full-featured “deluxe” version that is downloadable. The deluxe version is almost always copy protected by the distribution channels, and limited in some way until purchased (often a simple 60 minute timeout). And in many cases, the old shareware model still works, nagging the user with guilt screens to pay.

That’s a lot of constraints. Most of the time, we’re ruling out requiring a 3D card. If there’s 40 hours of gameplay, it better reuse a lot of art, because it just won’t fit into 5 megs. 8000 lines of voice-overs are out of the question. And forget about using an expensive middleware solution – while dropping $50K on a physics engine in a $10 million Xbox title may be no big deal, it will instantly destroy the budget of a casual game.

The Development Platform

In order to meet our constraints, we have the following requirements for our theoretical casual games development platform:

·        The executable code must be small. After we subtract the space needed for the installer and DRM wrapper (sadly, this can be a megabyte or more), the audio, and the art, we don’t have much left. Forget about bloated C++ template libraries and big third-party DLL’s. It’s even worse on the Mac due to the fatter PPC instruction set (fortunately, Mac users are on broadband more often than Windows users).

·        The content must be small. We can’t get away with PNG’s and BMP’s and WAV’s. We’ve got to store our content in JPG’s or JP2’s and MP3’s or OGG’s.

·        We’ve got to grab players’ attention. We want to be able to build and integrate visuals that “pop” without having a programmer get involved, sequencing complicated animations by hand.

·        The engine needs to avoid fancy API’s that probably don’t exist on the client machines. Nobody is going to have DirectX 9 installed, or the .NET Framework, or the right GDI+, or know how/want to download and install them. We’ll be lucky if they have a recent version of shfolder.dll. They’ll have ancient hardware drivers. And don’t even think of dropping support for Win98! (Win95 is apparently ok to drop, though, according to our stats.)

·        Performance is a huge concern. Many of our players’ systems will have old CPU’s and minimal memory. They’ll be riddled with spyware and viruses, which makes the CPU and memory problem even worse. This engine must be tight, efficient, and fast.

·        The toolset needs to support rapid iteration. Wasting a day of time could be one or two percent of the entire production schedule! So we’ll need a scripting language, a good layout and animation tool, a flexible object model, and try to data-drive it all.

·        We’re going to want to make a web version of the game as a teaser. So we need to have a route to the web that doesn’t involve contracting out an expensive rewrite in Java or Flash.

So what about Flash? Can we really make games with it?

What is Flash?

Flash has come a long way since the days of Punch the Monkey and Win advertisements. Flash 7 (known as MX 2004 at retail) is a modern interactive platform, with a powerful design and animation authoring tool, an object-oriented type-safe dynamic scripting engine, bitmap rendering with antialiasing and subpixel precision, and advanced video and audio playback features. “Flash” is actually three components: the player, the file format, and the authoring tool/IDE.

The Player

Everyone knows what the Flash Player is. Nearly every computer on the internet has Flash – according to NPD, its penetration is higher than Internet Explorer’s, at 96%. We load Flash in our browsers every time we visit web sites with irritating advertisements. For the version 7 Player, it’s a 1 MB ActiveX control (OCX) that compresses to 560K, usually installed in C:/windows/system32/Macromed/Flash.

The player consists of:

·        A virtual machine. This interprets and executes bytecode for ActionScript, Flash’s scripting language. As with any managed environment, the system uses a garbage collected memory manager. The VM’s execution engine can be fairly slow – more on how to work around this later in the paper.

·        A hierarchical frame-advancing visual object model. Flash maintains a hierarchy of MovieClip objects (and Graphic and Button, but those are less useful) in a layered display list, where each object has its own frame-subdivided timeline, and layers map onto z-order. The clips can be laid out in the IDE, or created and rearranged from code based on exported symbols in the library. Each has a parent, which eventually goes out to _root. MovieClips can also be loaded dynamically from external SWF’s into anywhere in the hierarchy.

·        A set of media decoders. Flash can decode and play back multiple streams of compressed audio and video simultaneously. It has decoders for ADPCM, MP3, and NellyMoser (for voice). For video it supports Sorenson H.263 and Sorenson Spark. Because of the ubiquity of Flash on the web, and the quality of Spark, many sites such as Amazon are starting to use Flash for video playback instead of the traditional Real, Windows Media, or QuickTime players.

·        Rendering algorithms. Flash has a set of fairly advanced algorithms for rendering vector graphics, including lines, splines, gradients, and antialiased, filtered bitmap fills. Flash is a vector engine, but its support of bitmap fills means it’s also a bitmap engine – when a bitmap is dragged onto the stage, Flash actually creates a four-sided shape then attaches a bitmap fill with an identity texture transform matrix. Each shape fill can have a texture transform as well as a simple shader for playing with the color and alpha of texels as they are rasterized. There are many examples online using Flash to render simple 3D objects in this way.

·        A framework library. Much of this is just the standard library we would expect from any JavaScript implementation – basic string functions, arrays, sorting, math, etc. Flash also adds support for TCP communications (no UDP unfortunately), asynchronous loading, XML, and more.

The File Format

The Flash file format is known as SWF (from Shockwave Flash, pronounced “swiff”), which has gone through many revisions over the years. SWF is a tag-based binary format designed for streaming, with zlib compression on top to keep it small. It’s important not to confuse Flash with SWF – while the Flash environment has a closed FLA document format (more on this later), and the Player is closed source code, SWF as a file format is free and open – the spec is complete, and easy to find on Macromedia’s site:


Here is a more programmer-friendly version:


Many apps have been created that output directly to SWF, such as vector drawing programs, charting programs, screen capture software for demos, presentation software, and enterprise frameworks such as Flex and Laszlo. There is even an MSIL-to-SWF compiler by Robin Debrueil that lets us write code in C# or VB.NET and compile into SWF.

There are a few potential alternatives to SWF that meet some of our requirements, but not nearly enough:

·        SVG from the W3C. Scalable Vector Graphics is a standard popular with the open source community, but not much of a competitor to SWF, primarily because of the tools available to build SWF’s. The only SVG authoring tools currently available are very primitive – they are today where Flash was 5 years ago.

·        XAML from Microsoft. This hasn’t been released yet, but it looks like a good, comprehensive system. However, until we see an authoring tool, we can forget about it. There is at least one SVG-to-XAML converter (from Xamlon), but that doesn’t solve the problem with the authoring tool. Not that it matters much anyway – XAML and the composition engine to render it cannot be considered standard on desktops in the casual audience for ten years, at least not if the number of people running Win98 today is any indication of how people drag their feet on upgrades. And when it’s released, it will likely have the same problem as the .NET Framework does today (even worse, as “Avalon” requires .NET) – the redistributable size will be in the tens or hundreds of megs, overwhelming the download size of the game.

The Flash player is available on Windows, Mac, Linux, and PocketPC. For mobile phones the Flash Lite player is increasingly supported, although this player only supports relatively primitive Flash 4 level scripting.

The Authoring Tool / IDE

This is the equivalent of Visual Studio for composing Flash content, and it’s what Flash developers spend most of their time using. Contained within its integrated development environment are the following major components:

·        A code editor. Don’t use it, it’s terrible. Better than Notepad, but nowhere close to a tool like Visual Studio. At Oberon we avoid using Flash’s built-in code editor for anything over 10 lines of code, and instead use PrimalScript by Sapien (www.sapien.com). PrimalScript supports standard features we’ve all become accustomed to, like IntelliSense, unlimited undo, source control integration, etc. Despite it being buggy and overpriced, it’s worth using. Because of the dynamic nature of JavaScript, it’s easy to mess up and spell something wrong, or pass the wrong parameters into a function, without the compiler catching it. The IntelliSense feature helps to avoid these silly mistakes, which can save a lot of debugging time.

·        An animation editor. This is one of the most powerful features of Flash. Animations are done using familiar tools like layers, tweening, onion skin, easing in/out, etc. Most people are familiar with Flash’s vector animation abilities, but the same system works with bitmaps as well, which are simply treated as fills on vector shapes (i.e. textures with transforms).

·        An editor for vector art. While most of the art is likely going to still be bitmaps, it’s frequently useful to use the vector engine for drawing the gradients, line art, and fills that are so common in game UI’s. And when it comes to prototyping something quickly, it’s trivial to bang out some decent looking programmer art in a few minutes.

·        A compiler. Flash’s scripting language is called ActionScript 2.0, which is actually an advanced version of JavaScript based on the ECMAScript 4 draft spec. This version takes the dynamic JavaScript language and adds features such as static typing, classes, interfaces, and type safety.

·        A content build system. This is the compression and packaging step, converting bitmaps and audio into JPG and MP3. Code and content are wrapped up into a SWF, which is Flash’s packaged file format. Versions since 6 have supported zlib compression of the SWF, so the files can be very small.

·        A debugger. This is probably one of the worst features of Flash. The debugger supports standard features like breakpoints, watching variables, and a call stack trace, but don’t let the feature set fool you. It is poorly implemented, has terrible usability, and is almost criminally slow and unreliable. When projects get over a certain size, the debugger becomes impossible to use, and the only choice is to fall back to “printf debugging” (i.e. debug via log analysis). Most of the time this works well enough, and the tough-to-debug cases can be handled by copy-pasting a subset of elements into a test file and debugging from there (more on this later).

·        A help system. Flash stores all its help in HTML files, but the interface to it from the IDE is pretty awful compared to a viewer like the MSDN Library uses. Some tools such as PrimalScript can index this content and provide a better viewer for it, but only slightly. It’s good for context-sensitive F1 style help, but that’s about it. Fortunately there’s a great workaround: the Flash Resource Manager, which is a free tool that integrates help from Flash with a decent interface, but also will search a variety of online resources such as the amazing FlashCoders mailing list, Macromedia Tech Notes, Fullasagoog, and many others. It can be found at http://www.markme.com/mesh/archives/004700.cfm.

·        A content manager. Flash has a good system for managing content. It will import art and audio stored in most major formats into its “library”, which is organized as a tree structure. This is convenient for developers – artists and composers can store their assets in version control in whatever folder structure they like, and engineers integrating it can organize it in the library in a format that is more convenient for them.

The IDE manages FLA files, which are the source for creating SWF’s. All art and audio used by a FLA are stored directly inside of it in a lossless format. The FLA also maintains a reference to the original file on disk, so when the asset changes on disk, it can be updated in the FLA. The disadvantage of this is that assets must be updated manually (although this can be automated as part of a scripted build process). Artists working on bare PNG’s can’t simply check in new art and expect to see it, unless they tell an engineer to update it in the FLA. Artists working on FLA’s directly will need to remember to update their libraries to get the art they just changed in. But on the other hand, the advantage of this process is that assets can be updated only when the engineer is ready for it. There are no problems with someone checking in new assets that accidentally break the build, because the integrating engineer will have to know about every change that is made.

“Publishing” the FLA initiates the build process, and will result in a SWF, usually with graphics compressed to JPG and audio compressed to MP3. The type and level of compression are configurable on a per-asset basis, as well as with global defaults.

Flash’s IDE is scriptable via a language called JSFL, which is JavaScript plus a DOM for the environment. The library for JSFL can be extended with DLL’s written in C. Nearly every feature of the IDE can be used from JSFL. In fact, any command the user performs is recorded in a history buffer for undo/redo, and most commands have a JSFL equivalent. It’s trivial to drag-select a set of commands in the history and save them as a JSFL function. This is a convenient way to learn JSFL coding – just do the operations manually, then save the code and make adjustments from there.

Panels and custom tools can be created in the IDE that look and operate just like the UI that ships with the IDE. The UI for these is (unsurprisingly) implemented as SWF’s configured with an XML language.

Flash MX 2004 Pro costs $700, which is on par with most IDE’s. It uses a product activation system that permits two installations per copy, which is convenient for working on Flash at work on the workstation or at home on the notebook. It’s available on Windows and Mac – the interface is nearly identical on both versions, and the FLA format is the same, so files can be interchanged. In the few places where a path can be stored in a FLA (such as for publish settings), each platform will accept path separators from the other platform.

Advantages of Flash

So what is so hot about Flash? Briefly, the main advantages are:

·        A great authoring tool for interactive content. Integrates most features needed for making a game.

·        Flash is everywhere. For the web version of a game, 96% of the audience won’t need to download anything except the game. More importantly, many people won’t be able to install arbitrary ActiveX controls, or use a Java plugin, whereas Flash is preinstalled with Windows on corporate machines.

·        Near trivial porting to Macintosh. Open up another 5% of the market to an audience desperate for decent games.

·        Easy conversion from a full game to a web version, or if going the other way, a natural path to take from web version to full downloadable game.

·        Cost is essentially free – there is a small cost for the Flash IDE, but it’s nearly free to distribute (just some minor licensing things to worry about that don’t cost anything). Royalty-free licenses for decoders such as MP3 and Sorensen Spark are included.

·        Ease of finding artists. There is a huge talent pool to draw from for creating art or animations for Flash, either on staff or contract.

·        Embed your game in PowerPoint when giving a GDC presentation!

·        A gigantic community and secondary market. There are thousands of Flash related web sites with tutorials, articles, and discussions. There are hundreds of Flash add-ons or components for sale.

·        Easy copy-paste to test things out. Flash permits drag-and-drop or copy-paste from one FLA to another, and it automatically brings along any dependent objects into the new library. This can make it incredibly easy to try out quick ideas outside of the main game, and is the one case where it’s worth using the debugger.

The main advantage of using Flash, though, is that it’s simply well-suited to the task of making games. An entire gameplay mechanic can be prototyped in a few hours, with decent art, in an easily packaged form that runs on a PC, Mac, or Linux, through a web browser or standalone...royalty-free. If we want to scale up to larger games, i.e. go from prototype into downloadable casual games, then there are some tricks to use to make it work, but nothing too awful (there’s more on this later in the paper).

The hierarchical visual object model in Flash is the main reason for this fast prototyping ability. It’s difficult to describe how powerful it is without showing a demo, but here’s an attempt. Take for example any graphical object that can have multiple states, such as:

·        A toolbar that, based on mouse proximity, may slide on or off the screen, or alpha in and out.

·        A player avatar that can have many different skins, and within each skin are several different poses, each of which is animated.

·        A checkbox that has states for hover, down, up, and disabled.

·        An object that, if the player destroys it, breaks into fragments and explodes with an effect.

·        Room decorations that can be added to a scene, such as a clock, nightlight, potted plant, candle, or spider web. Each of which may have multiple states, such as ticking, not ticking, lit, not lit, alive, and dead. Each of those states may be animated, and there may be animated transitions from one state to another.

In all of these cases, the results can be accomplished with a small amount of visual programming. Let’s focus on how we would implement the toolbar:

1.      Create a movie clip “Toolbar” that contains all of the screen elements on the toolbar such as a background, buttons, text, etc.

2.      Create a new clip “ToolbarAnim” that contains just one instance of the Toolbar.

3.      It starts out with one frame. Give it an extra frame, and name the two frames “On” and “Off”.

4.      Go to the second frame, and drag the Toolbar instance so it is off-screen.

5.      Now add a new object, say a vector rectangle that spans both frames. Convert it to a movie clip called “ToolbarHotSpot” then keyframe it, and in each frame, size it for where the mouse can be to keep the toolbar open. Convert this rectangle to a movie clip, and set its alpha to 0. Name it to “_hotspot” in both frames.

6.      In frame “On” have _hotspot respond to onRollOut with gotoAndStop( “Off” ). And in frame “Off” have _hotspot respond to onRollOver with gotoAndStop( “On” ).

Now we have an auto-hiding toolbar, and it took just a couple minutes to create. Actually, it took longer to write about than it did to create. That’s a fun trick, but the power of nested clips really starts to show if we were to decide to make the toolbar animate off-screen as it is hiding. To do this, we’d throw a bunch of frames after Off, tween the off-screen motion with some ease-out selected, and change the gotoAndStop( “Off” ) to gotoAndPlay( “Off” ) with a stop() in the last frame. That takes about 30 seconds to do.

Every single one of the multiple-state graphic examples described previously can be done in this way. In Flash, a state machine for a graphical object can be represented by a named frame in a MovieClip. And a hierarchical state machine is simply a set of nested MovieClips. If we want animated transitions between states, we can simply insert frames that do the effect we’re looking for, followed by a stop() somewhere at the end (plus maybe some additional code, such as an event callback to notify the game that it’s done). If we want more complicated behaviors, we can create a class that extends MovieClip, and associate it with one of our clips.

Let’s go through one more example. Say we need to represent a game level in Flash, with decorations like furniture, plants, wall outlets, etc. We would create an object called Decoration and export it so the code can create it and place it in the level based on the XML level data. Inside of the Decoration we’d make one frame per different object, and name each frame according to its contents. The code can switch among them using gotoAndStop() on the Decoration to go to the correct frame that shows the object we want (again, based on XML data at level load time). Now let’s say we wanted to add states – a candle can be lit or extinguished. We would go to the object on the Candle frame within the Decoration object, convert it to a movie clip, create frames inside it for the Lit and Extinguished states, and then out in our game code, now we can use gotoAndStop() to switch between these states. Now, say we want to go even further, and show a fireplace that can be lit or extinguished, but we want to show it starting to burn, or start to go out. We can add more frames and insert a bitmap sequence (or other animated effect) and switch to gotoAndPlay() instead to show a transition.

This simple method of visually sequencing behaviors is the most powerful concept in Flash. Objects can be made deeper, more complex, more interactive, in a clear and intuitive way, without breaking any code that was working with a higher level of hierarchy. In the previous example, the fact that the candle can be lit or extinguished doesn’t affect the level load logic, which only knows that the object is a Candle. Artists can go into an assets file in this way and add effects or animations to objects without requiring an engineer, and without breaking the game.

What is a Flash Game?

Say we decide to use Flash. We now have a bunch of MP3, SWF, and XML files. What’s next? We need to be able to play these back somehow, which means using the Flash Player. But it’s missing features such as fullscreen mode, support for right-click, and reading and writing save games. Plus our SWF’s, being an open format, are easily reversible, so we’d like to protect our intellectual property with some encryption or at least obfuscation.

Macromedia has a program to license source to the Player, which would let us add the features we need, but this is meant more for hardware manufacturers looking to port Flash to their platforms (cell phones, set-top boxes, kiosks, etc.). It’s not a very game developer-friendly program – they want about $150,000 for the source, and royalties on top of that. This is ridiculous compared to what that would buy us in the 3D commercial engine space. So we can forget about licensing Flash’s source.

There have been several efforts to clean-room engineer a Flash Player, but nearly all have fizzled out. One that continues to see regular updates is gameswf, contained in Thatcher Ulrich’s public domain tu-testbed project over at SourceForge. Unfortunately, while gameswf looks extremely promising, it is OpenGL-based, and this won’t work for us.

So we’re stuck with the Flash OCX. We have a couple options here. Either build a host application in C++ that adds in the features that are missing, or buy one off the shelf. Putting together a host for Flash is not a trivial amount of work. We created one at Oberon using C++ and ATL 7 that adds fullscreen mode, right click handling, crash detection and reporting, support for JPEG2000 graphics, OGG and OXM playback through the FMOD library, encryption, save game reading/writing, splash screens, Flash embedding, and a bunch of other features, in a very small package. Flash can communicate with its host using async COM events in one direction, and in the other direction, perform direct variable setting/getting or function calls. This can be used to add support for any operation that Flash doesn’t support natively. For example, the OCX host application would subscribe to the fscommand event, and respond to fscommand( “fullscreen”, “true” ) to do its resolution changing. Macromedia has documentation on this available here:


COM events are async, which means the SWF will not be able to call a function like fscommand( “getComputerName” ) and expect to wait for a response. Flash will continue executing, and the request will not get posted to the hosting application until after some time has passed. To deal with this, we must use a sequence where the SWF makes a request, then goes about its business until the host app has a chance to receive and process the request, and then set a variable in the SWF with the results. The SWF will have to notice this independently (probably by a “watch” on the variable – a great ActionScript feature), and be able to handle the time in between. This can be annoying, but Flash developers should be accustomed to programming asynchronously – everything from loading a SWF to a JPEG to getting data from a TCP socket is all done asynchronously.

There are also some off-the-shelf packages available, such as SWF Studio from Northcode, and mProjector from ScreenTime (Google for “SWF to EXE” to find all of them). These have varying sets of features, and may include scripting and the ability to make plugins in C++ to extend the system further. As they are general purpose tools, they tend to add a lot to the size of the EXE. They will usually package the SWF’s and other support files in with the EXE, along with the Flash OCX itself, to help prevent reverse engineering. Recently these types of tools have also been adding save-as-Mac EXE support. And at least one of them has managed to fix the async COM event problem, where the Flash app really can call out synchronously to its host to get information. These tools are always royalty-free and so cheap that they’re essentially free, and worth checking out.

So here are the pieces in our game: the “projector” EXE, the Flash Player OCX, and the content in SWF’s, XML files, and other resource formats. This can be distributed royalty-free – Macromedia basically only requires some minor logo placement when we use their Player. Be sure to check the license agreement for all the details.

Developing with Flash

What’s different about developing for Flash than a roll-our-own engine? For artists, it’s about the same. Make art in Photoshop and check it into source control – Flash can import a variety of formats, including PSD. For audio, hand off MP3’s to Flash, or give it WAV’s and let Flash do the compression itself. Of course, Flash is much more flexible in that it’s easy to find artists with Flash animation experience for contract or full time work. We can simply have them make SWF’s and integrate that directly into the game via loadMovie() or dragging and dropping the SWF onto the stage or into a symbol. Or they can edit our FLA’s directly, if they’re careful. Audio engineers can do the same thing, if sequencing audio into animations.

The real difference with using Flash comes with assembling the game – the work our content engineers will do.

Setting Up for Debugging

Flash is an extremely tolerant platform. It will accept and silently ignore any error. This understandably sounds harsh to C++ or C# programmers accustomed to crashes or exceptions, but we’ve all been to web sites that have put up annoying modal JavaScript errors, or other problems resulting from bad programming. Macromedia understood that not everyone coding Flash tests their work thoroughly, and that most of the problems that result can be ignored to avoid ruining the user experience. So they only permitted two types of errors to throw up a system dialog: an infinite recursion (greater than x levels of call stack), or a code hang (greater than x seconds of code execution without returning to the system). In either case, Flash will put up a dialog. In all other cases, whether a function call is spelled wrong, or a member is accessed on an object instance that doesn’t exist, Flash ignores it. This is great for the web experience, but is horrible for development. Important exception: the compiler will catch it, but only when using classes and strongly typed variables – more on this in a little bit.

To help work around this, we need to configure the system to use the debug Player. This involves the following steps:

1.      Exit all browsers and the Flash IDE.

2.      Download the uninstaller at:


…and run it.

3.      Install the Debug Player found at C:/Program Files/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/Players/Debug. This can be verified by going to any site with Flash on it (such as the banner on the top of  www.macromedia.com) and right-clicking on it. If there is a “Debugger” grayed out in the menu, then the debug version is installed. This menu selection doesn’t do anything except show that the Debug version is installed (i.e. it’s always grayed out).

4.      Create a file mm.cfg in C:/Documents and Settings/(username) containing:


Now, when any errors occur that are caused by accessing runtime members that don’t exist, or if a trace() is called, Flash will output to the flashlog.txt file in C:/Documents and Settings/(username). This can be watched during development with a tail program. If using MX components, it’s best to filter tail through a grep that removes all the errors that the components cause (those components are not exactly “clean”).

Next, we’ll need to add the development tools that any game engine would require – a console, logging features, error reporting, and assertions. Note: Flash has no concept of a modal dialog that is callable from code, so asserts that stop the game are not possible. The trick to work around this (assuming we really want to make sure the game stops executing when something bad happens) is to just go into an infinite recursion. Flash will instantly put up a dialog that testers can catch, and the game screen will still be in the state it was at the time of the failure, for a screen shot.

Finally, when we code, we need to make sure to do everything in classes using private access protection when necessary, and use ActionScript 2.0 with strongly typed variables, parameters, and return types on methods. Without classes and strongly typed variables, we don't get any type safety at all – Flash reverts to ActionScript 1.0 mode which will tolerate pretty much anything it tries to compile. But when using them, the compiler will catch almost all of the errors for us. In practice, it’s really only necessary to tail flashlog.txt when something bizarre is happening in the code that makes no sense. More often than not, it’s a typo.

In order for the strong typing to really work, we need to modify the factory-installed Flash class stubs. The type safety feature of ActionScript 2.0 is disabled on a per-class basis by the “dynamic” tag attached to the class. Macromedia apparently did this in Flash MX 2004 for backwards compatibility. So in order to maximize our chances at finding errors, we need to go through every one of the .as files shipped with Flash and remove the “dynamic” keyword, then fix all the errors that come up from that (as mentioned before, Flash ships with unclean classes). These classes are found in an obscure location – deep breath –

C:/Documents and Settings/(username)/Local Settings/Application Data/Macromedia/Flash MX 2004/en/Configuration/Classes

It’s best to take this whole folder (minus the ‘aso’ subfolder, which is for intermediate object files), check it into version control in a standard location, and delete it from its original goofy location. Then update Flash’s global classpath settings to point to the location mapped by version control for these files. This is similar to what we would do with Visual Studio for include or lib paths. Then go through the .as files one by one, removing “dynamic” from each, except for the Function class, which really needs to keep its dynamic tag otherwise many things in Flash will break.

Note: many of the MX components will throw up a lot of compile errors if used with this classpath. At Oberon, we don’t use components except for prototyping, because they are so heavyweight, slow, and difficult to skin how we like. So in our projects that use the components that throw errors, we simply set the classpath for each project to point at an unmodified classes folder. It’s not the best solution, but then again, MX components are evil.


Here are some tricks to help keep Flash projects organized, under control, source control friendly, and team friendly.

·        Use .as (AS2 class) and .asi (#include from FLA) files as much as possible. Keep all code out of the FLA files, other than the one- or two-liners. Because FLA files are binary, they end up getting exclusive-locked in source control, plus they cannot be diff’d for changes. Developers will end up fighting over who gets to keep the FLA checked out when only code changes are required. If the code is #include’d, or stored in classes (.as files), then this problem is avoided.

·        Ok, well avoid using .asi files too. They are a necessary evil in just a few cases where classes can’t be attached to objects (such as startup code for the root timeline). Flash compiles them as AS1 code, so they will not be typesafe and can have easy errors creep in. It might even be better to take all that code and store it in a class as a static function, then call that function from where the #include would normally be.

·        Use externally shared FLA’s for “content” art, broken down by content type (game board pieces and animations, cut scenes, etc.). This will permit art integrators, or perhaps artists, to work on FLA’s without affecting code, layout, or running into exclusive-lock problems with other developers. It also helps with keeping large FLA’s under control. Whether or not this is necessary really depends on the project size and team dynamics.

·        Keep everything off the main timeline in the core FLA, and work exclusively in symbols. Symbols are the most powerful concept in Flash.

·        Keep data in external XML files. Audio can go in external MP3 files, if it’s more convenient that way (it certainly speeds publishing up).

Flash Performance

In this paper so far we’ve covered many disadvantages of the Flash platform, nearly all of which are fairly minor and can be worked around. Flash is like any platform, with its own list of weird quirks and annoying features and bugs. However, there is one major problem that deserves its own section: performance.

ActionScript can be very slow. Bytecode execution is ok, probably on par with other scripting languages, but there is a significant problem with entry points. Setting up the execution context to call into the virtual machine and tearing it down again after a function exits is extremely expensive. Less expensive, but still significant, is a script-to-script function call.

Optimizing ActionScript is straightforward:

·        Minimize entry points into the code. For example, use a traditional game main loop rather than a lot of onEnterFrames attached to MovieClip-derived classes for every game object on the screen.

·        Profile, profile, profile. Nothing shows what’s slow like ASProf (see Flash Resources at the end of this paper).

·        Manually inline functions when necessary. When in inner loops, use local variables, which are specifically optimized in “registers”, instead of global variables.

·        Publish for Flash 7, which is much faster than Flash 6 (mostly due to the “registers”).

·        Scan the blogs and mailing list archives for tips on optimizing ActionScript performance. There are many tricks out there, too many to cover here, but this site gathers a lot of analysis and links in one place:


Note that many of these may be out of date due to Flash 7 and need re-testing.

Worse than scripting performance is graphics performance. Flash is basically a 2D rasterizer in software with zero caching other than on the primary surface. Each bitmap being rendered is actually a textured fill of a four-sided shape, rendered through a generic rasterizer. It’s very pretty, but can be very slow. Little work is apparently done inside the Player to optimize for bitmaps on integral coordinates with an identity texture transform. There is a dirty rectangle system that works fairly well, but it is spoiled by a final step in the renderer that unions all the dirty rectangles together for the final update area. This means that on a screen with a lot of detail, a flashing icon in one corner of the screen, with the gameplay action in the other corner, causes the entire screen to be redrawn each time the icon changes. There is also overhead in maintaining each graphical object on the screen, and managing it as part of the display list.

Optimizing graphics is also straightforward, although it may not be very appealing:

·        Avoid making action games where the whole screen is scrolling. Feeding Frenzy is a great example of something not to attempt in Flash.

·        Minimize the number of objects onscreen at once.

·        Avoid UI designs that have animated indicators at the edge of the screen. These will expand the final union size for dirty rectangle rendering, increasing the update cost.

·        Avoid large full-screen effects unless the screen is very simple (such as on a rewards screen). If possible, downshift the quality temporarily while a large full-screen effect is playing.

·        Target frame rates for 16 or 20 fps. A consistent frame rate feels much better than a high frame rate, and it reduces the per-frame overhead that Flash incurs from maintaining its objects.

·        Use lower resolutions – the graphics problem only really kicks in at higher resolutions. For web resolutions, we can get away with pretty much anything. At 800x600 though, the pixel throughput of Flash really starts to hurt.

·        If an animated object needs to be hidden, remove it from the screen instead of setting its _visible member to false. An invisible animating object still (inexplicably) dirties the screen.

There’s really no way around it. Flash is not designed for fast paced full-screen animated graphics of any complexity, but with careful optimization and some modifications to the game design we can still make it work for us.

Odds and Ends

This section is for whatever didn’t fit anywhere else in the paper. (I always seem to have one of these.)


Useful random tricks:

·        ActionScript 2 and JScript.NET are 99% the same. The Oberon multiplayer platform (one of its installations is at http://arcade.icq.com/multi.htm) has a feature on the server that lets it use JScript.NET or C# for the server script. So we can take a common rule set that needs to be implemented on both the client and the server (say a chess game, which has complicated rules), put it in a common class, and have both the FLA and the server both reference the class. JScript.NET even has some nice features to let us /*@if ( XYZ ) */ out code so Flash doesn't see some code, but the server does, or the other way around. For a complicated piece of code that is difficult to debug in Flash (perhaps a level generator, or pathfinder), we could throw together a quick JScript.NET front end to it, get it debugged and working via Visual Studio, then switch back to Flash, which can use it immediately.

·        It is possible, although it can be messy, to diff a FLA by publishing the old and new versions to SWF’s, then using KineticFusion (see Flash Resources at the end of this paper) to convert the SWF’s to XML, and diffing the XML files. This can be useful when trying to figure out exactly what changed in a FLA from one version to another, such as when that weird bug was introduced a couple weeks ago in version #27 that just got discovered, and the engineer who checked it in (who will surely be punished) used “made some fixes” in the check-in notes. The “fixes” could be anywhere. With standalone .as files it’s simple to diff the history, but with binary FLA files it’s impossible. The FLA-to-XML conversion makes it possible.

·        Flash renders at a variable frame rate if streaming sound is not playing. Every single frame in an animation sequence is guaranteed to be played. This means that if the system gets bogged down with a lot of script or expensive graphics, the game will appear to slow down as well. For gameplay controlled by code, this won’t be a problem, because the code will be time-based rather than frame-based. However, it will affect animations created using the Flash IDE. The solution to this is to write a “frame advancer” that takes over responsibility of advancing frames from Flash. It will simply check what time it is, and decide which frame to gotoAndStop() to based on the delta since the last check (divided into the target frame rate). When using a frame advancer, be careful not to skip past frames that have code attached to them that needs to run.

·        Any object placed in the Flash authoring tool receives a negative depth. When Flash goes to another frame, it will only destroy objects that do not exist on the new frame, but only if they have a negative depth. This means that objects created in code will stay around forever unless also removed by the code. It also means that in order to destroy objects that were placed in the authoring tool, it must be moved to a positive depth first.


Here are some things to watch out for during development:

·        When odd compile or runtime errors are coming up that make no sense, before spending an hour debugging it, try deleting the ASO cache files. These are to .as files what .obj files are to .cpp files – temporary object files that Flash creates in the process of compiling. Unfortunately, they apparently only perform a basic greater-than test on file timestamps, so reverting an .as file in source control will not get noticed by Flash, and not get recompiled, which can result in results that turn hair gray. The solution is to just delete all the ASO’s. Mike Chambers makes this easy with his “Clear ASO Cache” command, available here:


·        Classes have a limit of 32,000 bytes, because of the way Macromedia had to shoehorn AS2 into an AS1 bytecode Player. Avoid making gigantic, monolithic classes – keeping them under 1500 lines should be safe. At Oberon we’ve run into this problem when creating our “Constants” classes, which we use to store fake enums etc. – we usually just divide the constants down into multiple classes to deal with this.

·        Fonts in Flash are rendered very poorly at small sizes (under 12 points or so) and can look fuzzy or jagged. If using a font that is pretty much guaranteed to be installed on the system (such as Arial) then it’s possible to cheat by not embedding the font glyphs, and instead rendering the text as a “device font”. This lets the operating system render the font instead, and has the advantage of using the OS’s antialiasing (in Windows’ case, that may mean ClearType).

·        There is a 12-layer alpha limit – after 12 images are overlapping with alpha channels, Flash stops rendering the layers underneath. This is enough objects on top of each other that it usually shouldn’t be a problem, but it did come up in our testing and is a known issue.

·        Flash renders the edges of images it imports very poorly sometimes. A thorough explanation of the problem and its very simple workaround is detailed here:


·        It’s easy to get collisions between classes (which are installed into the global namespace), global variables, and instances on the timeline. It saves a lot of debugging time to simply name things with a convention based on scope. At Oberon our standard is to prefix class names with a ‘C’, and member variables or instances on the timeline with an underscore. That’s been enough to prevent collisions so far. It also avoids problems when publishing as Flash 6. For example, this code, while fine in Flash 7, can wreak havoc in 6:

var myClass :MyClass = new MyClass();

·        Long-running scripts can cause the dreaded “A script is running slowly” dialog to pop up. This is incredibly unprofessional in a game, and if the user hits “Yes” on the dialog, it will break the game, because it kills all scripts from then on. For the downloadable version, it’s possible to set the timeout before this dialog comes up by hacking the SWF. Better still, though, is to simply make sure that any functions that could run long are iterative. A level generation function will need to return back to the system every once in a while so Flash doesn’t think that it has hung. Remember that there are machines of all kinds out there – have such a function return to Flash no later than half a second per increment, just to be safe.

·        Avoid MX Components. They are tempting to use, because they can just be dropped right in and we can start working right away, but unfortunately they have a lot of problems: they are enormous in bytecode size, extremely slow to render, cause focus issues, and do other odd things like install “managers” at high numbered depths on _root. Plus they’re very difficult to skin. Instead, make a simple button class, an edit box, etc. – it’s takes five minutes to do in Flash.

Finally, here is a special note to people intending to use Flash on a console: you may be able to get what you need from gameswf, but forget about writing your own Player from scratch that can process SWF’s. It’s an enormous task – a lot more complicated than just drawing some triangles or interpreting some bytecode. Look into using GameFace from Anark instead. This product is currently in beta testing but looks to be a great Flash-in-3D.

Flash in the Future

There is a new version of Flash that Macromedia has been demonstrating at user group meetings, and at their conferences, supposedly entering beta soon (as of this writing). The new version is Flash 8, and it looks like it could really solve a lot of the performance problems mentioned in this paper, in addition to adding a lot of impressive new features.

On the performance front, supposedly the new ActionScript interpreter is much faster. But more importantly, they have added “bitmap caching”, which should solve many of the graphics related performance issues we’ve run into. Normally, Flash does a full render of anything on the screen that has changed, clipped to the dirty rectangle. With bitmap caching, we can have Flash cache a render for a MovieClip into a bitmap, rather than re-rendering the same pixels over and over.

As for new features, they are adding advanced pixel shaders (although still rendered in software) like glow, shadow, and blur. And they are fixing the font rendering problem, adding ClearType quality font rendering called “Saffron” that also includes hinting for rendering small fonts properly.


Let’s see how Flash stacks up to our original requirements:

·        The executable code must be small. The Oberon host application plus Flash’s OCX adds up to about 1.1 megs, compressing down to 829K. Not great, but not bad, considering all the toys in there. Grade: B.

·        The content must be small. Flash supports JPG and MP3, and its bytecode is tight enough to be negligible in comparison to the bitmaps and audio. We’re good to go. Our Oberon Flash host application adds support for JPEG2000, OGG, and OXM (Ogg-compressed .xm format), all of which are even smaller. Grade: A.

·        We’ve got to grab players’ attention. Flash is an excellent animation tool. With the right talent we can really grab people, although we need to be very careful about doing large full screen effects. Grade: B+.

·        The engine needs to avoid fancy API’s that probably don’t exist on the client machines. Flash runs on a default install of Win95, so it’s up to the host application to limit its API use, which isn’t difficult. Grade: A.

·        Performance is a huge concern. This is the worst problem with Flash, and it gets a C here. Although while we can’t bet on Flash 8’s release date, it looks like we may be able to bump this up to a B in a few months.

·        The toolset needs to support rapid iteration. This is perhaps the most powerful ability Flash gives us. Grade: A+.

·        We’re going to want to make a web version of the game as a teaser. The route to a web game from a deluxe game (or the other way around) is clear and direct in Flash. Grade: A.

At Oberon in Seattle, we’ve developed and shipped two successful downloadable Flash games (Betrapped! and A Series of Unfortunate Events) plus online web versions, a multi-thousand-user real-time multiplayer system that uses Flash and UDP on the client, and are working on additional Flash-based downloadable and web games to ship this year.

Flash has been a great experience for us. As described in this paper, it has a number of pro’s and con’s. We’ve worked around nearly all of the disadvantages, which have turned out to be minor in practice, and we would expect similar issues with any other platform we were to choose. The biggest disadvantage with Flash is of course CPU usage, which is a challenge, but we still think it’s worth fighting through. At the moment we’re betting on Flash 8 to give us the performance boost we need, but if that doesn’t work out, we may have to consider alternatives such as Torque 2D for our more action style fast paced games, and continue to use Flash for the slower paced games. And even if we weren’t using Flash as our primary development platform, we’ll still use it as a rapid prototyping tool to get us through the first couple stages of preproduction. Nothing beats being able to create an entire game prototype in a few days.

Flash Resources

Flash has an enormous community, with people of all skill levels, from many backgrounds. These aren’t just amateur web designers messing around with a few buttons and animations for a silly menu navigation bar. The heavy hitters in the community tend to be involved in “rich” client enterprise applications, and frequently have backgrounds in C# or Java.

Here are key resources for any Flash developer:

·        Fullasagoog’s RSS feed. Available at http://www.fullasagoog.com/feeds.cfm, this is an aggregator for all of the best Flash related blogs out there, and has valuable information popping up daily. This is the One True RSS Feed that everyone should subscribe to.

·        Any book by Colin Moock. His latest is Essential ActionScript 2.0 – anyone coding with Flash must stop what they are doing, and buy this book.

·        Extending Macromedia Flash MX 2004 by Keith Peters and Todd Yard. Writing JSFL? Automating common Flash tasks? Building custom panels and extending the IDE? This is the book to buy.

·        The FlashCoders mailing list. Every question about Flash has been asked here, and answered here, many many times. All known bugs have been analyzed, discussed, and worked around. The mailing list carries extremely heavy traffic, but that’s what the archive search is for. It’s available at http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashcoders. This archive contains or links to everything ever written on Flash that matters.

At Oberon, the tools we use that really speed up development are:

·        PrimalScript by Sapien (www.sapien.com). The text editor that does IntelliSense with ActionScript, mentioned previously in this paper.

·        ActionScript Viewer by Burak Kalayci (http://www.buraks.com/asv/). There are probably ten great decompilers for SWF’s out there right now, but this is the one we use at Oberon. It can reverse engineer all classes used in a SWF, and does a pretty decent job of naming variables. This tool is really useful for figuring out “how did they do that?” when visiting a site that shows off some interesting effect in Flash.

·        Flash Resource Manager by Mike Chambers (http://www.markme.com/mesh/archives/004700.cfm). Already mentioned earlier in this paper, this is a critical tool.

·        KineticFusion by Kinesis Software (http://www.kinesissoftware.com/index.php). This tool can roundtrip a SWF to/from XML, which can really aid in automation during the build process, or for making tweaks to a SWF after it’s made without needing to recompile (such as to change its frame rate, or alter some code).

·        AdminTool by AcmeWebWorks (http://acmewebworks.typepad.com/admintool/). This is a remote debugging tool for Flash in two parts – the admin interface (a standalone program), and a component that goes onto the stage in the SWF for communication with the admin interface. This tool can walk the object hierarchy, take snapshots for inspection, execute code in the SWF, control objects in the SWF, gather traces, and much more. Nobody should develop for Flash without this tool.

·        ASProf by David Chang (http://www.nochump.com/asprof/). This is a real-time profiling library that can dynamically hook different parts of the code and collect execution times, delivering the results in a table format. Required for optimizing ActionScript.

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