ITK Configuring and Building in VisualStudio及hello world程序编译

1. ITK Configuring and Building in VisualStudio

With Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 (32-bit):

  • Launch the CMake GUI by starting a Visual Studio Command Prompt (Start->Programs-> Microsoft Visual Studio 2010->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio Command Prompt) and running "cmake-gui"
  • Next to "Where is the source code:", click "Browse Source..." and navigate to where you cloned the repository with Git.
  • Next to "Where to build the binaries:", select "Browse Build..." and select a place to build the ITK library. I like to use c:\build\ITK. This directory should NOT be inside the directory where you cloned the repository.
  • Click "Configure", and then specify "Visual Studio 10" as the generator for this project.
  • Choose your build options. I like to UNCHECK BUILD_EXAMPLES and BUILD_TESTING as they speed up the build process significantly.
  • Click "Generate".
  • Open Visual Studio 2010
  • Open Project
  • Navigate to the Build directory you specified through CMake
  • Open the ALL_BUILD project
  • From the Build menu, choose "Build Solution" (or "Build ALL_BUILD")

2. hello world程序编译


(1)任意位置建立文件夹 hello, hello/bin, hello用来存放源程序, bin 为程序编译目标。拷贝ITK下的Examples\Installation中的CMakeLists.txt和HelloWorld.cxx到hello文件夹下。

    (2)使用 CMake 进行配置:打开Cmake,选择源文件夹和目标文件夹路径,

    Where is the source code: 点击 Browse, 选择   D:\Projects\ITK Projects\hello

    Where to build the binaries: 点击 Browse, 选择  D:\Projects\ITK Projects\hello\bin


(3)点击Configure(如果没有找到 ITK 路径, 则需要手动指定),等所有条目都变成白色后再点击Generate生成项目,如图7。

(4)双击打开 hello/bin下生成的HelloWorld.sln, 自动进入VS 2010,如图8, 编译并运行项目,如图9,至此成功。




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