cvcam.h cvcam.lib cvcam.dll

cvcam.h cvcam.lib cvcam.dll

已有 1126 次阅读 2010-11-23 09:52|个人分类:读书日记|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:opencv cvcam

Some sample programs dealing with camera videos may be written using cvcam.lib in OpenCV, however, this library is already obsolete and is removed from OpenCV1.0 1.1 2.0 and 2.1. For the time being, I still can't figure out which library video processing functions have been transferred into, so let me know if you know. Nevertheless, when debugging those programs developped with cvcam.lib, many link errors pop up, saying XXX is not defined. Under such circumstance, you have to include cvcam.h cvcam.lib and cvcam.dll into your project. Through extensively searching with GOOGLE, I found these three antiquated stuff at last. Although everyone should keep updated with frontiers, for those who are really urgently needing to use this library before making clear where those video processing functions located in new version OpenCV library are freely to download them from the attached.

