Unable to install breakpoint in due to missing line number


在 eclipse中不能调试,总是报错:“Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes. Modify compiler options to generate line number attributes”

弄了好半天也没弄出来,最后google了一下,总算解决了。原因是:ANT编译的class Eclipse不认,因为eclipse也会编译class。怎么让它们统一呢,就是在build.xml里的javac标签里加上一句 debug="true",一切就OK了。

如:<javac ... debug="true">


The solution given above involving moving your eclipse workspace to be in the app-server's directory is not a very good idea.
The issue, most likely, is that there are two compiles happening -- eclipse's and ant's. The settings for the eclipse compiler don't affect the ant build even if you launch the ant build from within eclipse. Ant controls it's own compiler settings. You can tell ant to generate debugging info like this:




Make sure you are setting debug=true in your compilation task, otherwise you won't be able to debug.


The solution given above involving moving your eclipse workspace to be in the app-server's directory is not a very good idea.
The issue, most likely, is that there are two compiles happening -- eclipse's and ant's. The settings for the eclipse compiler don't affect the ant build even if you launch the ant build from within eclipse. Ant controls it's own compiler settings. You can tell ant to generate debugging info like this:


<javac ... debug="true" .../>
