
Who an help me?

I get the following error message in gimages.pp in line 271:

Error: call by var parameters have to match exactly: Got ANSISTRING expected SHORTSTRING

function LoadImage( Dir, FileName: string; var P: PImageCanvas; DesiredBPP: Word ): Boolean;
    Dirr,Name,Ext: string;
    R: PImageReader;
    S: PStream;
    FSplit( FileName, Dirr, Name, Ext ); // here i get the error

    FileName := FSearch( FileName, Dir+';'+Dirr+';'+'.\');
    if FileName = '' then
        P := nil;

The {$H+} directive brings no success.

I tried two methods:

  {$H+}  Dirr,Name,Ext: string; {$H-}

  no success. I get the same error message.

  I gave the {$H+} directive before LoadImage() function.
  After LoadImage() function i gave {$H-} directive.

  no success. I get the same error message.

What goes wrong here?

Thanks alredy for your help!

-- Thomas Schönfelder, 2007年 11月月 22日 10:48 下午 (E-mail)



> Thanks alredy for your help!

I hope this doesn't mean you aren't going to post a reply after someone helps. If the original poster doesn't reply after help is given, the person who helped has no idea whether his answer was read by the o.p.

{$H+} is very cryptic; I had to look it up. {$longstrings on} is easier to understand.

I had to look up "fsplit" also, but I didn't know which unit to look in. Using "dos.fsplit" would help readers of your program, especially since you left out the "uses dos" in the fragment above.

Does the compiler directive {$longstrings on} or {$h+} appear anywhere else in your program? That would seem to be the problem. If so, you want to turn longstrings off (not on with {$h+}) when defining the function load_image. In the future, please show all compiler directives and "uses" that could affect the code that you post.

This works for me:

{$longstrings on}

uses dos;

{$longstrings off}

procedure show_parts( file_name: string );
var dir,name,ext: string;
  dos.fsplit( file_name, dir, name, ext );
  writeln( dir );
  writeln( name );
  writeln( ext );

{$longstrings on}

  path: string;
  path := 'c:\here\';
  show_parts( path );
Note that if the variable "path" is longer than 255 characters, only the first 255 charcters will be received by the procedure "show_parts", since its parameter is a short string.

Another way to make sure that a string variable is a short string, not an ansistring, is to specify a maximal size:

var dir,name,ext: string[255];
-- Steve Fisher, 2007年 11月月 23日 01:47 上午 (E-mail)

I noticed that it's possible to typecast ansistring to shortstring. Try this:
FSplit( shortstring(FileName), shortstring(Dirr), shortstring(Name), shortstring(Ext) );
-- Mario Ray Mahardhika, 2007年 11月月 23日 05:54 上午 (E-mail)


Thank's for your help. To parenthise the used dos unit with the longstrings on/ff directive works for me.

The other version, the typecast to shortstring brings me the error message
...different type size (4 -> 256).

Only the Steves version works for me. In spite of this, thank you too.

You see, my "Thank's alredy for your help" doesn't mean that i don't replay an answer.

I whish you both a nice weekend.


-- Thomas Schönfelder, 2007年 11月月 23日 10:59 上午 (E-mail)

The most standard / simplest solution obviously is changing the declaration to the following:

var dir,name,ext: shortstring;

The other option obviously is to add {$H-} or {$LONGSTRINGS OFF} before the declaration, that effectively does the same.

-- Tomas Hajny, 2007年 11月月 23日 12:34 下午 (E-mail)

another possable answer is to use {R+} (openstring on) will cause all string passes to be flexable size this seems to help. you can deline a variable as openstring instead of string or shortstring.
-- Allen Harrington, 2007年 11月月 30日 02:28 下午 (E-mail)

