Wrote by mutouyun. (http://darkc.at/cxx-bind/)
在C++11里事情变得很不一样了。首先stl里就已经给我们提供了好用的std::bind,然后再就是语言本身的进化,让“写一个bind”之类的事情变得无比简单。于是我去年曾花了点时间,用C++11写了下面这个200多行的“simple bind”,用来让自己被C++98/03腌入味的思维习惯向C++11转换一下:
#include <type_traits> #include <tuple> #include <utility> namespace simple { /* Placeholder */ template <int N> struct placeholder {}; const placeholder<1> _1; const placeholder<6> _6; const placeholder<11> _11; const placeholder<16> _16; const placeholder<2> _2; const placeholder<7> _7; const placeholder<12> _12; const placeholder<17> _17; const placeholder<3> _3; const placeholder<8> _8; const placeholder<13> _13; const placeholder<18> _18; const placeholder<4> _4; const placeholder<9> _9; const placeholder<14> _14; const placeholder<19> _19; const placeholder<5> _5; const placeholder<10> _10; const placeholder<15> _15; const placeholder<20> _20; /* Sequence & Generater */ template <int... N> struct seq { typedef seq<N..., sizeof...(N)> next_type; }; template <typename... P> struct gen; template <> struct gen<> { typedef seq<> seq_type; }; template <typename P1, typename... P> struct gen<P1, P...> { typedef typename gen<P...>::seq_type::next_type seq_type; }; /* Merge the type of tuple */ template <typename T, typename TupleT> struct tuple_insert; template <typename T, typename... TypesT> struct tuple_insert<T, std::tuple<TypesT...>> { typedef std::tuple<T, TypesT...> type; }; template <class TupleT, typename... BindT> struct merge; template <typename... ParsT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>> { typedef std::tuple<> type; }; template <typename... ParsT, typename B1, typename... BindT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>, B1, BindT...> { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> tp_t; typedef typename tuple_insert< B1, typename merge<tp_t, BindT...>::type >::type type; }; template <typename... ParsT, int N, typename... BindT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>, const placeholder<N>&, BindT...> { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> tp_t; typedef typename tuple_insert< typename std::tuple_element<N - 1, tp_t>::type, typename merge<tp_t, BindT...>::type >::type type; }; /* Select the value of tuple */ template <typename T, class TupleT> inline auto select(TupleT& /*tp*/, T&& val) -> T&& { return std::forward<T>(val); } template <int N, class TupleT> inline auto select(TupleT& tp, placeholder<N>) -> decltype(std::get<N - 1>(tp)) { return std::get<N - 1>(tp); } /* Return type traits */ template <typename F> struct return_traits : return_traits<decltype(&F::operator())> {}; template <typename T> struct return_traits<T*> : return_traits<T> {}; // check function template <typename R, typename... P> struct return_traits<R(*)(P...)> { typedef R type; }; // check member function #define RESULT_TRAITS__(...) \ template <typename R, typename C, typename... P> \ struct return_traits<R(C::*)(P...) __VA_ARGS__> { typedef R type; }; RESULT_TRAITS__() RESULT_TRAITS__(const) RESULT_TRAITS__(volatile) RESULT_TRAITS__(const volatile) #undef RESULT_TRAITS__ /* Type detect */ template <typename T> struct is_pointer_noref : std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> {}; template <typename T> struct is_memfunc_noref : std::is_member_function_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> {}; template <typename T> struct is_wrapper : std::false_type {}; template <typename T> struct is_wrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T> struct is_wrapper_noref : is_wrapper<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::type> {}; /* The invoker for call a callable */ template <typename R, typename F, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_pointer_noref<F>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P&&... args) { return (*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); } template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && is_pointer_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_ptr, P&&... args) { return (std::forward<P1>(this_ptr)->*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); } template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && !is_pointer_noref<P1>::value && !is_wrapper_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_obj, P&&... args) { return (std::forward<P1>(this_obj).*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); } template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && !is_pointer_noref<P1>::value && is_wrapper_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_wrp, P&&... args) { typedef typename std::remove_reference<P1>::type wrapper_t; typedef typename wrapper_t::type this_t; return (static_cast<this_t&>(std::forward<P1>(this_wrp)).*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); } template <typename R, typename F, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<!is_pointer_noref<F>::value && !is_memfunc_noref<F>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P&&... args) { return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<P>(args)...); } /* Simple functor for bind callable type and arguments */ template<typename FuncT, typename... ParsT> class fr { typedef std::tuple<typename std::decay<ParsT>::type...> args_type; typedef typename std::decay<FuncT>::type callable_type; typedef typename return_traits<callable_type>::type return_type; callable_type call_; args_type args_; template <class TupleT, int... N> return_type do_call(TupleT&& tp, seq<N...>) { typedef typename merge<TupleT, ParsT...>::type params_t; return invoke<return_type> (call_, static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<N, params_t>::type>(select(tp, std::get<N>(args_)))...); } public: #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1800) /* <MSVC 2013> Visual Studio does not support defaulted move constructors or move-assignment operators as the C++11 standard mandates. See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24573963/move-constructor-invalid-type-for-defaulted-constructor-vs-2013 */ fr(fr&& rhs) : call_(std::move(rhs.call_)), args_(std::move(rhs.args_)) {} #else fr(fr&&) = default; #endif fr(const fr&) = default; fr(FuncT f, ParsT... args) : call_(std::forward<FuncT>(f)) , args_(std::forward<ParsT>(args)...) {} template <typename... P> return_type operator()(P&&... args) { return do_call(std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<P>(args)...), typename gen<ParsT...>::seq_type()); } }; /* Bind function arguments */ template <typename F, typename... P> inline fr<F&&, P&&...> bind(F&& f, P&&... args) { return { std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<P>(args)... }; } } // namespace simple
/* Bind function arguments */ template <typename F, typename... P> inline fr<F&&, P&&...> bind(F&& f, P&&... args) { return { std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<P>(args)... }; }
template<typename FuncT, typename... ParsT> class fr { public: fr(FuncT f, ParsT... args) : call_(std::forward<FuncT>(f)) , args_(std::forward<ParsT>(args)...) {} template <typename... P> return_type operator()(P&&... args) { // ...... } };
template<typename FuncT, typename... ParsT> class fr { typedef std::tuple<typename std::decay<ParsT>::type...> args_type; typedef typename std::decay<FuncT>::type callable_type; callable_type call_; args_type args_; public: fr(fr&&) = default; fr(const fr&) = default; // ...... };
蛋疼的是,这样虽然符合标准,但在VS2013下却是编译不过的,原因见此:Move Constructor - invalid type for defaulted constructor VS 2013,因此我们不得不给默认的移动构造函数加上一个空实现:
// ...... public: #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1800) /* <MSVC 2013> Visual Studio does not support defaulted move constructors or move-assignment operators as the C++11 standard mandates. See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24573963/move-constructor-invalid-type-for-defaulted-constructor-vs-2013 */ fr(fr&& rhs) : call_(std::move(rhs.call_)), args_(std::move(rhs.args_)) {} #else fr(fr&&) = default; #endif // ......
/* Return type traits */ template <typename F> struct return_traits : return_traits<decltype(&F::operator())> {}; template <typename T> struct return_traits<T*> : return_traits<T> {}; // check function template <typename R, typename... P> struct return_traits<R(*)(P...)> { typedef R type; }; // check member function #define RESULT_TRAITS__(...) \ template <typename R, typename C, typename... P> \ struct return_traits<R(C::*)(P...) __VA_ARGS__> { typedef R type; }; RESULT_TRAITS__() RESULT_TRAITS__(const) RESULT_TRAITS__(volatile) RESULT_TRAITS__(const volatile) #undef RESULT_TRAITS__
首先,打包好的args实际上是一个std::tuple。那么从args中获取第N个元素的方法则是std::get<N>(args_)。在使用bind的时候,我们会为待绑定的function指定它的参数,因此fr的typename... ParsT变参即保存了参数个数。
于是解包的过程就变成了如何在编译期通过ParsT得到一个“0, 1, 2...”的编译期常数数列。
/* Sequence & Generater */ template <int... N> struct seq { typedef seq<N..., sizeof...(N)> next_type; }; template <typename... P> struct gen; template <> struct gen<> { typedef seq<> seq_type; }; template <typename P1, typename... P> struct gen<P1, P...> { typedef typename gen<P...>::seq_type::next_type seq_type; };
template <int... N> return_type do_call(seq<N...>) { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> params_t; return call_(static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<N, params_t>::type>(std::get<N>(args_))...); } return_type operator()(void) { return do_call(typename gen<ParsT...>::seq_type()); }
template <typename R, typename F, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pointer<F>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P&&... args) { return (*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <typename T> struct is_pointer_noref : std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> {}; template <typename R, typename F, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_pointer_noref<F>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P&&... args) { return (*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <typename T> struct is_memfunc_noref : std::is_member_function_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type> {}; template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && is_pointer_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_ptr, P&&... args) { return (std::forward<P1>(this_ptr)->*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <typename T> struct is_wrapper : std::false_type {}; template <typename T> struct is_wrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>> : std::true_type {}; template <typename T> struct is_wrapper_noref : is_wrapper<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::type> {}; template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && !is_pointer_noref<P1>::value && !is_wrapper_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_obj, P&&... args) { return (std::forward<P1>(this_obj).*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <typename R, typename F, typename P1, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<is_memfunc_noref<F>::value && !is_pointer_noref<P1>::value && is_wrapper_noref<P1>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P1&& this_wrp, P&&... args) { typedef typename std::remove_reference<P1>::type wrapper_t; typedef typename wrapper_t::type this_t; return (static_cast<this_t&>(std::forward<P1>(this_wrp)).*std::forward<F>(f))(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <typename R, typename F, typename... P> inline typename std::enable_if<!is_pointer_noref<F>::value && !is_memfunc_noref<F>::value, R>::type invoke(F&& f, P&&... args) { return std::forward<F>(f)(std::forward<P>(args)...); }
template <int... N> return_type do_call(seq<N...>) { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> params_t; return invoke<return_type> (call_, static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<N, params_t>::type>(std::get<N>(args_))...); }
/* Placeholder */ template <int N> struct placeholder {}; const placeholder<1> _1; const placeholder<6> _6; const placeholder<11> _11; const placeholder<16> _16; const placeholder<2> _2; const placeholder<7> _7; const placeholder<12> _12; const placeholder<17> _17; const placeholder<3> _3; const placeholder<8> _8; const placeholder<13> _13; const placeholder<18> _18; const placeholder<4> _4; const placeholder<9> _9; const placeholder<14> _14; const placeholder<19> _19; const placeholder<5> _5; const placeholder<10> _10; const placeholder<15> _15; const placeholder<20> _20;
当然了,比较好的做法应该是使用extern const,不过这样就需要一个cpp来对这些占位符提供定义了。好在编译器是聪明的,对于static的全局变量,虽然原则上不同的独立编译单元会重新实例化,但如果它们全是一样的,而且又没有在运行时被修改,它们一般会被优化为同一份内存。
/* Select the value of tuple */ template <typename T, class TupleT> inline auto select(TupleT& /*tp*/, T&& val) -> T&& { return std::forward<T>(val); } template <int N, class TupleT> inline auto select(TupleT& tp, placeholder<N>) -> decltype(std::get<N - 1>(tp)) { return std::get<N - 1>(tp); }
template <class TupleT, typename... BindT> struct merge; template <typename... ParsT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>> { typedef std::tuple<> type; };
template <typename T, typename TupleT> struct tuple_insert; template <typename T, typename... TypesT> struct tuple_insert<T, std::tuple<TypesT...>> { typedef std::tuple<T, TypesT...> type; }; template <typename... ParsT, typename B1, typename... BindT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>, B1, BindT...> { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> tp_t; typedef typename tuple_insert< B1, typename merge<tp_t, BindT...>::type >::type type; }; template <typename... ParsT, int N, typename... BindT> struct merge<std::tuple<ParsT...>, const placeholder<N>&, BindT...> { typedef std::tuple<ParsT...> tp_t; typedef typename tuple_insert< typename std::tuple_element<N - 1, tp_t>::type, typename merge<tp_t, BindT...>::type >::type type; };
template <class TupleT, int... N> return_type do_call(TupleT&& tp, seq<N...>) { typedef typename merge<TupleT, ParsT...>::type params_t; return invoke<return_type> (call_, static_cast<typename std::tuple_element<N, params_t>::type>(select(tp, std::get<N>(args_)))...); } template <typename... P> return_type operator()(P&&... args) { return do_call(std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<P>(args)...), typename gen<ParsT...>::seq_type()); }
友情链接:qicosmos - std::bind技术内幕
Wrote by mutouyun. (http://darkc.at/cxx-bind/)