第一个Demo就是计算PageRank 。
This application solves a linear system of equations using iterative solvers: Jacobi, Gaussian Belief Propagation (GaBP), Conjugate gradient, inverse of sparse symmetric matrix via GaBP, Shotgun LASSO solver and Shotgun sparse logistic regression solver.
This library implements multiple algorithms for factorizing a 3D tensor or a 2D matrix into lower rank matrices. Implemented algorithms are: PMF (probabalistic matrix factorization), BPTF (Bayesian probablistic tensor factorization), ALS (alternating least squares), WALS (weighted alternating least squares), SGD (stochastic gradient descent), SVD (Lanczos algorithm), NMF (non-negative matrix factorization) and Koren's SVD++ algorithm.
This library implements multiple clustering methods like K-Means, Fuzzy-Kmeans, Kmeans++, LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), K-Core decomposition.
Code for running Non-parametric belief propagation algorithm, for computing inference using Gaussian mixture model.