
ACK (acknowledgment) 应答

AID (association identifier) 关联识别码  

AP (accss point) 访问点

ATIM (announceent traffic indication message) 广播传输指示消息   
BSA (basic service area) 基本服务区
BSS (basic service set) 基本服务集
BSSID (basic service set identification) 基本服务集识别码
CCA (clera channel assessment) 干净信道评价
CCK (complemenetary code keying) 补码键控
CF (contention free) 无竞争
CFP (contention-free period) 无竞争期
CID (connection identifier) 连接标识符
CP (contention period) 竞争期
CRC (cyclic redundancy code) 循环冗余码
CS (carrier serse) 载波侦听
CTS (clear to send) 允许发送
CW (contention window) 竞争窗口
DA (destination address) 目的地址
DBPSK (differential binary phase shift keying) 差分二进制相移键控
DCE (data communication equipment) 数据通信设备
DCF (distributed coordination function) 分布式协调功能
DCLA (direct current level adjustment) 直接电平调整
DIFS (distributed (coordination function)interframe space) 分布式(协调功能)帧间间隔
DLL (data link layer) 数据链路层
DP (desensitization) 减敏现象
DQPSK (differential quadrature phase shift keying) 差分正交相移键控
DS (ditribution system) 分发系统
DSAP (destination service access point) 目的服务访问点
DSM (distribution system medium) 分发系统媒介
DSS (distribution system service) 分发系统服务
DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum) 直接序列扩频
DTIM (delivery traffic indication message) 交付传输指示信息
ED (energy detection) 能量检测
EIFS (extended interframe space) 扩展帧间间隔
EIRP (equivalent isotropically radiated power) 等效全向辐射功率
ERS (extended rate set) 扩展速率集

ESA (extended service area) 扩展服务域
ESS (extended service set) 扩展服务集
FC (frame control) 帧控制
FCS (frame check sequence) 帧校验序列
FER (frame error ratio) 帧差错率
FH (frequency hopping) 跳帧
FHSS (frequency-hopping spread spectrum) 跳帧扩频
FIFO (first in first out) 先进先出
GFSK (Gaussian frequency shift keying) 高斯频移键控
HEC (Header Error Check) 头部差错校验
HR/DSSS (High Rate direct sequence spreadd spectrum using the Long Preamble and header) 使用长前导和长头部的高速直接序列扩频
HR/DSSS/short (High Rate direct sequence spreadd spectrum using the optional Short Preamble and header mode) 使用可选的短前导和短头部的高速直接序列扩频
HR/DSSS/PBCC (High Rate direct sequence spreadd spectrum using the optional packet
binary convolutional coding mode and the Long Preamble and header) 使用可选分组二进制卷积编码方式和长前导和长头部的高速直接序列扩频 
HR/DSSS/PBCC/short (High Rate direct sequence spreadd spectrum using the optional packet binary convolutional coding mode and the optional Short Preamble and header)
IBSS (independent basic service set) 独立基本服务集
ICV (integrity check calue) 完整性检验值
IDU (inteface data unit) 接口数据单元
IFS (interframe space) 帧间间隔
IMP (intermodulation) 互调保护
IR (infrared) 红外线 (的)
ISM (industrial,scientific.and medical) 工业 科学 医疗
IV (initialization vector) 初始化矢量
LAN (local area network) 局域网
LLC (logical link control) 逻辑链路控制
LME (layer management entity) 层管理实体
LRC (long retry count) 长重发计数器
LSB (least significant bit) 最低位比特
MAC (medium access control) 媒介访问控制
MDF (management-defined field) 管理定义域
MIB (management information base) 管理信息库协议层管理实体
MMPDU (MAC management protocol data unit) 媒介访问控制管理协议数据单元
MPDU (MAC protocol data unit) 媒介访问控制协议数据单元

MSB(most significant bit)最高位比特
MSDU(MAC service data unit)媒介访问控制服务数据单元
N/A(not applicable)不可用
NAV(network allocation vector)网络分配矢量
PC(point coordinator)集中协调器
PCF(point coordination function)集中协调功能
PDU(protocol data unit)协调数据单元
PHY(physical [layer])物理层
PHY-SAP(physical layer service access point)物理层服务访问点
PIFS(point [coordination function] interframe space)集中协调功能帧间间隔
PLCP(physical layer convergence protocol)物理层收敛协议
PLME(physical layer management entity)物理层管理实体
PMD(physical edium dependent)物理媒介依赖
PMD-SAP(physical medium dependent service access point)物理媒介依赖服务访问点
PN(pseudo-noise [code sequence])随机噪声(码序列)
PPDU(PLCP protocol data unit)物理层收敛协议协议数据单元
ppm(paresper million)百万分率,百万分之。。。
PPM(pulse position modulation)脉冲相位调制
PRNG(pseudo-random number generator)随机号码发生器
PS(power save [mode])节能(模式)
PSDU(PLCP SDU)物理层收敛协议服务数据单元
RA(receiver address)接收地址
RF(radio frequency)射频
RTS(request to send)请求发送(发送请求)
RSSI(received signal strength indication)接收信号强度指示
RX(receive or receiver)接收或者接收机
SA(source address)源地址
SAP(service access point)服务访问点
SDU(service data unit)服务数据单元
SFD(start frame delimiter)开始帧分隔符
SLRC(station long retry count)站点长和和重传计数器
SIFS(short interframe space)短帧间间隔
SME(station management entity)站点管理实体
SMT(station management)站点管理
SQ(signal quality [PN code correlation strength])信号质量(PN码相关长强度)
SRC(short retry count)短重传计数器
SS(station service)站点服务
SSAP(source service access point)源服务访问点
SSID(service set identifier)服务集识别码
SSRC(station short retry count)站点短和重传计数器
TA(transmitter address)发送地址
TBTT(target beacon transmission time)目标信标发送间隔时间
TIM(traffic indication map)传输指示图
TSF(timing synchronization funcgion)定时同步功能
TU(time unit)时间单位
TX(transmit or transmitter)发送或者发送机
TXE(transmit enable)发送使能
UCT(unconditional transition)无条件转移
WAN(wide area network)广域网
WDM(wireless distribution media)无线分发媒介
WDS(wireless distribution system)无线分布式系统
WEP(wired equivalent privacy)有线等效加密
WM(wireless medium)无线媒介
