Delphi图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合





    本文代码必须包括文章《Delphi图像处理 -- 数据类型及公用过程》中的ImageData.pas单元。



    在《C++图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合(上)》、《C++图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合(中)》和《C++图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合(下)》等多篇文章中,介绍了图像颜色混合的原理、算法优化和代码完善方法,因此这里不再介绍,直接贴出Delpha实现代码(BASM)和例子。由于BASM汇编码较长,在C++版的颜色混合文章的图像黑白调整和灰度图象染色功能,准备另文发表。


procedure _SetMixerMM;
    pxor        mm7, mm7
    mov         eax, 1011h
    movd        mm6, eax
    pshufw      mm6, mm6, 0
    mov         eax, 8
    movd        mm5, eax
    pshufw      mm5, mm5, 0

// --> mm7 4 * word = 0
// --> mm6 4 * word = 0x1101
// --> mm5 4 * word = 4
// --> eax source alpha
// --> esi source pixel (ARGB)
// --> edi dest pixel (ARGB)
// <-- eax dest alpha !!!
// <-- mm0 dest pixel
procedure _PARGBMixer(srcAlpha: Integer);
    push      edx
    movd      mm0, [esi]
    movd      mm1, [edi]
    punpcklbw mm0, mm7
    punpcklbw mm1, mm7

    // dest.rgb = dest.rgb * dest.alpha / 255
    movzx     edx, [edi].TARGBQuad.Alpha
    pmullw    mm1, qword ptr ArgbTab[edx*8]
    pmulhuw   mm1, mm6
    paddusw   mm1, mm5
    psrlw     mm1, 4

    // dest.rgb = (dest.rgb * 255 + (source.rgb - dest.rgb) * sourec.alpha) / 255
    psubw     mm0, mm1
    pmullw    mm0, qword ptr ArgbTab[eax*8]
    pmullw    mm1, qword ptr ArgbTab[255*8]
    paddw     mm0, mm1
    pmulhuw   mm0, mm6
    paddusw   mm0, mm5
    psrlw     mm0, 4

    // dest.alpha += (source.alpha - (dest.alpha * source.alpha + 127) / 255)
    push      eax
    add       [esp], edx
    imul      eax, edx
    add       eax, 127
    mul       dword ptr DivTab[255*4]
    pop       eax
    sub       eax, edx

    // dest.rgb = dest.rgb * 255 / dest.alpha
    movq      mm1, mm0
    psllw     mm0, 8
    psubw     mm0, mm1
    pmulhuw   mm0, qword ptr MMDivTab[eax*8]
    packuswb  mm0, mm7
    pop       edx

// --> mm7 4 * word = 0
// --> eax source alpha
// --> esi source pixel (ARGB)
// --> edi dest pixel (ARGB)
// <-- mm0 dest pixel (RGB)
procedure _ARGBMixer(srcAlpha: Integer);
    movd      mm0, [esi]
    movd      mm1, [edi]
    punpcklbw mm0, mm7
    punpcklbw mm1, mm7
    psubw     mm0, mm1
    pmullw    mm0, qword ptr ArgbTab[eax*8]
    psllw     mm1, 8
    paddw     mm0, mm1
    psrlw     mm0, 8
    packuswb  mm0, mm0

    BWDefault: array[0..5] of Integer = (410, 614, 410, 819, 205, 614);
    GrayConst: array[0..2] of Integer = (113, 604, 307);

// eax,edx,ecx=r,g,b esi,sdi,ebx=rIndex,gIndex,bIndex
procedure CompareRgb;
    cmp     eax, ecx
    jae     @@1
    xchg    eax, ecx
    xchg    esi, ebx
    cmp     eax, edx
    jae     @@2
    xchg    eax, edx
    xchg    esi, edi
    cmp     ecx, edx
    jbe     @@3
    xchg    ecx, edx
    xchg    ebx, edi

// in: edi=pixel
// out: eax=bwGray
procedure GetBWGray;
    push    esi
    push    edi
    movzx   ecx, [edi].TARGBQuad.Blue
    movzx   edx, [edi].TARGBQuad.Green
    movzx   eax, [edi].TARGBQuad.Red
    mov     ebx, 4          // blue  index
    mov     edi, 2          // green index
    xor     esi, esi        // red   index
    call    CompareRgb      // CompareRgb(red, green, blue)
    sub     eax, edx        // max - mid
    sub     edx, ecx        // mid - min
    add     edi, esi
    dec     edi
    imul    eax, BWDefault[esi*4].Integer
    imul    edx, BWDefault[edi*4].Integer
    add     eax, edx        // gray = (((max - mid) * params[maxIndex] +
    add     eax, 512        //          (mid - min) * params[maxIndex + midIndex - 1] +
    sar     eax, 10         //           512) >> 10) + min
    add     eax, ecx
    pop     edi
    pop     esi

// in: esi=srcPixel,edi=dstPixel,eax=gray
// out: [edi]=mixerColor
procedure ColorMix;
  gray, max_min: LongWord;
    push    esi
    push    edi
    mov     gray, eax
    movzx   ecx, [esi].TARGBQuad.Blue
    movzx   edx, [esi].TARGBQuad.Green
    movzx   eax, [esi].TARGBQuad.Red
    xor     ebx, ebx            // blue  index
    mov     edi, 1              // green index
    mov     esi, 2              // red   index
    call    CompareRgb          // CompareRgb(red, green, blue)
    sub     eax, ecx            // max - min
    jnz     @@4
    pop     edi
    mov     eax, gray
    mov     [edi].TARGBQuad.Blue, al
    mov     [edi].TARGBQuad.Green, al
    mov     [edi].TARGBQuad.Red, al
    jmp     @@Exit
    sub     edx, ecx            // mid - min
    mov     max_min, eax

    mov     ecx, eax
    sub     eax, edx
    imul    eax, GrayConst[edi*4].Integer
    imul    ecx, GrayConst[ebx*4].Integer
    add     eax, ecx
    add     eax, 512            // nMax = gray +
    shr     eax, 10             //   (max_min - mid_min) * grayConst[midIndex] +
    add     eax, gray           //   max_min * grayConst[minIndex]
    cmp     eax, 255
    ja      @@5
    mov     ecx, eax
    sub     ecx, max_min        // nMin = nMax - max_min
    js      @@6
    add     edx, ecx            // nMid = nMin + mid_min
    jmp     @@8

@@5:// nMax > 255
    shl     edx, 10             // hueCoef = (mid_min << 10) / max_min
    mov     eax, max_min
    xchg    eax, edx
    mul     DivTab[edx*4].Integer
    push    edx
    mov     ecx, GrayConst[edi*4].Integer
    imul    edx, ecx
    shr     edx, 10             // v0 = (ys[mid.index] * hueCoef) >> 10
    add     ecx, GrayConst[ebx*4].Integer
    sub     ecx, edx            // v1 = ys[mid.index] + ys[min.index] - v0
    add     edx, GrayConst[esi*4].Integer
    mov     eax, edx
    shl     edx, 8
    sub     edx, eax
    mov     eax, gray
    shl     eax, 10
    sub     eax, edx
    mov     edx, ecx
    shr     edx, 1
    add     eax, edx
    mul     DivTab[ecx*4].Integer
    mov     ecx, edx            // nMin = ((gray << 10) - (ys[max.index] + v0) *
    pop     eax                 //   255 + (v1 >> 1)) / v1
    xor     edx, 255
    imul    edx, eax
    add     edx, 512
    shr     edx, 10
    add     edx, ecx            // nMid = nMin + (((255 ^ newMin) * hueCoef + 512) >> 10)
    mov     eax, 255            // nMax = 255
    jmp     @@8

@@6:// nMin < 0
    shl     edx, 10             // hueCoef = (mid_min << 10) / max_min
    mov     eax, max_min
    xchg    eax, edx
    mul     DivTab[edx*4].Integer
    push    edx
    imul    edx, GrayConst[edi*4].Integer
    add     edx, 512
    shr     edx, 10             // tmp = ys[max.index] + ((ys[mid.index] * hueCoef + 512) >> 10)
    add     edx, GrayConst[esi*4].Integer
    mov     eax, gray
    shl     eax, 10
    mov     ecx, edx
    shr     edx, 1
    add     eax, edx
    mul     DivTab[ecx*4].Integer
    mov     eax, edx            // nMax = ((gray << 10) + (tmp >> 1)) / tmp
    pop     edx
    imul    edx, eax
    add     edx, 512
    shr     edx, 10             // nMid = (nMax * hueCoef + 512) >> 10
    mov     ecx, 1              // nMin = 1
    mov     ah, dl
    pop     edx
    mov     [edx+esi], al
    mov     [edx+edi], ah
    mov     [edx+ebx], cl
    mov     edi, edx
    pop     esi

procedure _DoColorMixer(var Dest: TImageData; const Source: TImageData; Alpha: Integer);
  width, height, dstOffset, srcOffset: Integer;
  dst, src: LongWord;
  alphaI: Integer;
    push    esi
    push    edi
    push    ebx
    mov     alphaI, ecx
    mov     cl, [eax].TImageData.AlphaFlag
    mov     ch, [edx].TImageData.AlphaFlag
    and     [edx].TImageData.AlphaFlag, cl
    push    ecx
    call    _SetCopyRegs
    mov     width, ecx
    mov     height, edx
    mov     srcOffset, eax
    mov     dstOffset, ebx
    pop     ecx
    cmp     alphaI, 256
    jne     @@MixerA
    cmp     ch, TRUE
    je      @@MixerA
    cmp     cl, TRUE
    je      @@MixerB

    push    width
    call    GetBWGray
    call    ColorMix
    add     esi, 4
    add     edi, 4
    dec     width
    jnz     @@xLoop
    pop     width
    add     esi, srcOffset
    add     edi, dstOffset
    dec     height
    jnz     @@yLoop
    jmp     @@End

    cmp     cl, True
    je      @@MixerB
    pxor    mm7, mm7
    push    width
    movzx   eax, [esi].TARGBQuad.Alpha
    mul     alphaI
    shr     eax, 8
    jz      @@NextA
    push    esi
    push    edi
    push    eax
    mov     eax, [edi]
    mov     dst, eax
    lea     edi, dst
    call    GetBWGray           // get dest BlackWhite gray
    call    ColorMix            // dst = source.HS mixer dest.gray
    mov     esi, edi
    pop     eax                 // mixAlpha = source.Alpha * alpha / 256
    pop     edi
    call    _ARGBMixer          // dest.rgb = dst.rgb mixer dest.rgb
    movd    [edi], mm0
    mov     [edi].TARGBQuad.Alpha, 255
    pop     esi
    add     esi, 4
    add     edi, 4
    dec     width
    jnz     @@xLoopA
    pop     width
    add     esi, srcOffset
    add     edi, dstOffset
    dec     height
    jnz     @@yLoopA
    jmp     @@End

    call    _SetMixerMM
    push    width
    movzx   eax, [esi].TARGBQuad.Alpha
    mul     alphaI
    shr     eax, 8
    jz      @@NextB
    test    [edi].TARGBQuad.Alpha, 0ffh
    jnz     @@B_1
    mov     eax, [esi]
    mov     [edi], eax
    jmp     @@NextB
    push    esi
    push    edi
    push    edi
    push    eax
    mov     eax, [esi]
    mov     src, eax
    mov     eax, [edi]
    mov     dst, eax
    lea     edi, dst
    call    GetBWGray           // get dest BlackWhite gray
    call    ColorMix            // dst = source.HS mixer dest.gray
    mov     esi, edi
    pop     eax                 // mixAlpha = source.Alpha * alpha / 256
    pop     edi
    call    _PARGBMixer         // dst.rgb = dst.rgb mixer dest.rgb
    movd    [esi], mm0
    movzx   eax, [edi].TARGBQuad.Alpha// mixAlpha = dest.Alpha
    lea     edi, src
    call    _PARGBMixer         // dest.rgb = dst.rgb mixer source.rgb
    pop     edi
    movd    [edi], mm0
    mov     [edi].TARGBQuad.Alpha, al
    pop     esi
    add     esi, 4
    add     edi, 4
    dec     width
    jnz     @@xLoopB
    pop     width
    add     esi, srcOffset
    add     edi, dstOffset
    dec     height
    jnz     @@yLoopB
    pop     ebx
    pop     edi
    pop     esi

// 图像颜色模式混合
procedure ImageColorMixer(var Dest: TImageData; const Source: TImageData; Alpha: Single = 1);
  alphaI: Integer;
  alphaI := Round(Alpha * 256);
  if alphaI < 0 then Exit;
  if alphaI > 256 then alphaI := 256;
  _DoColorMixer(Dest, Source, alphaI);


  source, dest: TGpBitmap;
  g: TGpGraphics;
  src, dst: TImageData;
  source := TGpBitmap.Create('..\..\media\Apple.png');
  dest := TGpBitmap.Create('..\..\media\xmas_011.png');
  g := TGpGraphics.Create(Canvas.Handle);
  g.DrawImage(dest, 0, 0);
  g.DrawImage(source, dest.Width, 0);
  src := LockGpBitmap(source);
  dst := LockGpBitmap(dest);
  ImageColorMixer(dst, src);
//  ImageMixer(dst, src, 0.75);
  UnlockGpBitmap(dest, dst);
  UnlockGpBitmap(source, src);
  g.DrawImage(dest, dst.Width + src.Width, 0);


Delphi图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合_第1张图片


  source: TGpBitmap;
  dest: TBitmap;
  tmp: TJpegImage;
  g: TGpGraphics;
  src, dst: TImageData;
  dest := TBitmap.Create;
  tmp := TJpegImage.Create;
  source := TGpBitmap.Create('..\..\media\xmas_011.png');
  g := TGpGraphics.Create(Canvas.Handle);
  Canvas.Draw(0, 0, dest);
  g.DrawImage(source, dest.Width, 0);
  dst := GetBitmapData(dest);
  src := LockGpBitmap(source);
  ImageColorMixer(dst, src);
//  ImageMixer(dst, src, 1);
  UnlockGpBitmap(source, src);
  Canvas.Draw(dst.Width + src.Width, 0, dest);


Delphi图像处理 -- 图像颜色混合_第2张图片 



    《Delphi图像处理》系列使用GDI+单元下载地址和说明见文章《GDI+ for VCL基础 -- GDI+ 与 VCL》。

    因水平有限,错误在所难免,欢迎指正和指导。邮箱地址:[email protected]

    这里可访问《Delphi图像处理 -- 文章索引》。

