
用BP网络完成函数的逼近 ,此处主要为了演示效果,其中部分函数已经废弃。





% 用BP网络完成函数的逼近 clf reset figure(1) P=-1:.1:1; % T 为目标向量 T=0:0.314:6.28; T=sin(T); plot(P,T,'+'); title('训练向量'); xlabel('输入向量 P'); ylabel('目标向量 T'); S1=5; [w1,b1,w2,b2]=initff(P,S1,'tansig',T,'purelin'); % >> help initff % INITFF Inititialize feed-forward network up to 3 layers. % % This function is obselete. % Use NNT2FF and INIT to update and initialize your network. df=10; %学习过程显示频率 me=8000; %最大训练步数 eg=0.02 %误差指标 lr=0.01 %学习率 tp=[df me eg lr]; [w1,b1,w2,b2,ep,tr]=trainbp(w1,b1,'tansig',w2,b2,'purelin',P,T,tp); % >> help trainbp % TRAINBP Train feed-forward network with backpropagation. % % This function is obselete. % Use NNT2FF and TRAIN to update and train your network.
