



 在算法设计的学习中,每到“动态规划一节,一般都会涉及到矩阵连乘”问题(例如《Algorithms》,中文译名《算法概论》),可想而知该题的经典程度 :)

  前些天复习动态规划的时候,瞅着这个问题突然有了一点有趣的想法:难道该题只能以动态规划求解吗?能不能用……(暂且卖个关子 :))?遂而有了以下的一些思考。









例如A1乘以A2记为:A1A2,并用 () 表示矩阵之间的相乘顺序,例如A1乘以A2再乘以

A3,我们便记作:((A1A2)A3),另外,就一个a行b列的矩阵与一个b行c列的矩阵相乘而言(注意,必须满足矩阵可乘条件),其需要的乘法次数为:aXbXc(不相信的朋友可以自己演算:)),对于上面提到的这种情况,如果采用 ((A1A2)A3) 的连乘顺序,那么总的乘法次数为:10X100X5 + 10X5X50 = 7500;而采用 (A1(A2A3))的连乘顺序,那么总的连乘次数为:100X5X50 + 10X100X50 = 75000 !两种连乘顺序的乘法次数竟然相差十倍之巨!可想而知一个好的矩阵连乘顺序选择是多么重要。



对于一连串的矩阵相乘,我们定义问题 P(i,j) ( j >= i ) :原矩阵链中矩阵Ai至Aj之间的矩阵


P(i,j)( 1>= j - i >=0 ) 的解都是易解的,或者说平凡的,那么,对于这个自定义的问题,我们很自然的可以总结出以下的递推公式:


                         0 ( i = j )

P(i,j) (j>=i) =      axbxc ( i = j+1 )

                    Min( P(i,k)+p(k+1,j)+axmxc ( k>=i 且 k <=j )) (其他情况)

( 设Ai为 axb 矩阵,Aj为 bxc 矩阵,Ak为 nxm 矩阵 )






/* Name: matrixs_chain_mutiply_dp.cpp Copyright: No Copyright Author: Hugo Yu Date: 09-01-10 21:47 Description: A Simple Implementation Of matrix chain-multiplication ( Dynamic Programming ) */ #include <iostream> using std::endl; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::istream; #include <cstddef> using std::size_t; struct SimpleMatrix { //friend istream& operator >> ( istream& input, SimpleMatrix& sm ); size_t rows; size_t cols; }; //the max matrixs count ( just for simple :) ) const size_t MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT = 512; //matrix array SimpleMatrix g_sm_array[MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT]; //buffer size_t g_buffer[MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT][MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT]; //max size_t const size_t MAX_SIZE_T = size_t(-1); istream& operator >> ( istream& input, SimpleMatrix& sm ) { input >> sm.rows >> sm.cols; return input; } size_t Calculate( size_t matrix_count )//just use g_sm_array { //initiate the g_buffer for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count; ++i ) { g_buffer[i][i] = 0; } for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count - 1; ++i ) { g_buffer[i][i+1] = g_sm_array[i].rows * g_sm_array[i].cols * g_sm_array[i+1].cols; } //do the calculate for( int k = 2; k < matrix_count; ++k ) { for( int i = 0; i <= matrix_count - k; ++i ) { size_t min_count = MAX_SIZE_T;//just for simple for( int j = i; j < i + k; ++j ) { size_t result = g_buffer[i][j] + g_buffer[j+1][i+k] + g_sm_array[i].rows * g_sm_array[j].cols * g_sm_array[i+k].cols; if( result < min_count ) min_count = result; } g_buffer[i][i+k] = min_count; } } return g_buffer[0][matrix_count-1]; } int main() { size_t matrix_count = 0; cout << "Please Input The Matrixs Count : " << endl; cin >> matrix_count; cout << "Please Input The Matrixs : " << endl; //SimpleMatrix *sm_array = new SimpleMatrix[matrix_count];//should be more safe here :) for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count; ++i ) { cin >> g_sm_array[i]; } cout << "The Result Is : "<< Calculate( matrix_count )<<endl; //delete[] sm_array;//should be more safe here :) system( "pause" ); return 0; }

  好了,至此经典的算法已经讲述完毕,接下来该轮到我自个儿瞎扯几句了 :)


其中100这个数字,毫无疑问,它是所有矩阵行列数中最大的,并且如果我们采用这种矩阵连乘顺序:(A1(A2A3)) ,那么,100首先作为A2矩阵的行数参加了一次乘法运算(即100×5×50),然后再次作为A2矩阵的行数(或者说A1矩阵的列数)参加了一次乘法运算(即10×100×50),也就是说,100作为各矩阵行列数中最大的一个数,在上述的这种矩阵连乘顺序中,总共参加了两次乘法运算,即产生了两次作用!毫无疑问这定会带来很大的乘法次数,那么我的想法是,能不能首先将这个100消除,以使其产生的效果最小,答案很简单:首先计算 A1A2,而这种乘法方案恰恰就是该矩阵情况下矩阵连乘的最优顺序方案!那么很自然的,我便有了以下一个“贪心”的算法:

  1.首先按照各矩阵的共有行列数排序(所谓共有行列数,举例来说,对于axb矩阵A1及bXc矩阵A2的共有行列数即为共有的b,暂且不知道更为准确的叫法,就容我先这么叫吧 :))




/* Name: matrixs_chain_mutiply_gd.cpp Copyright: No Copyright Author: Hugo Yu Date: 10-01-10 19:57 Description: A Simple Implementation Of matrix chain-multiplication ( Greed algorithm ) */ #include <iostream> using std::endl; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::istream; #include <cstddef> using std::size_t; #include <algorithm> using std::sort; struct SimpleMatrix { //friend istream& operator >> ( istream& input, SimpleMatrix& sm ); size_t rows; size_t cols; }; istream& operator >> ( istream& input, SimpleMatrix& sm ) { input >> sm.rows >> sm.cols; return input; } struct Pair { bool operator < ( const Pair& pair ) const { return this->element < pair.element; } size_t element; size_t index; }; //the max matrixs count ( just for simple :) ) const size_t MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT = 512; //matrix array SimpleMatrix g_sm_array[MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT]; //buffer Pair g_buffer[MAX_MATRIXS_COUNT]; //max size_t const size_t MAX_SIZE_T = size_t(-1); size_t Calculate( size_t matrix_count ) { //initiate the g_buffer for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count - 1; ++i ) { g_buffer[i].element = g_sm_array[i].cols; g_buffer[i].index = i; } sort( g_buffer, g_buffer + matrix_count - 1 ); size_t result = 0; for( int i = matrix_count - 2; i >= 0; --i ) { size_t index = g_buffer[i].index; //calculate result result += ( g_sm_array[index].rows * g_sm_array[index].cols * g_sm_array[index+1].cols ); //update matrixs array for( int j = index + 2; j < matrix_count - 1; ++j ) { if( ( g_sm_array[index+1].rows != g_sm_array[j].rows ) || ( g_sm_array[index+1].cols != g_sm_array[j].cols ) ) break; g_sm_array[j].rows = g_sm_array[index].rows; } g_sm_array[index+1].rows = g_sm_array[index].rows; for( int j = index - 1; j >= 0; --j ) { if( ( g_sm_array[index].rows != g_sm_array[j].rows ) || ( g_sm_array[index].cols != g_sm_array[j].cols ) ) break; g_sm_array[j].cols = g_sm_array[index+1].cols; } g_sm_array[index].cols = g_sm_array[index+1].cols; } return result; } int main() { size_t matrix_count = 0; cout << "Please Input The Matrixs Count : " << endl; cin >> matrix_count; cout << "Please Input The Matrixs : " << endl; //SimpleMatrix *sm_array = new SimpleMatrix[matrix_count];//should be more safe here :) for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count; ++i ) { cin >> g_sm_array[i]; } cout << "The Result Is : "<< Calculate( matrix_count )<<endl; //delete[] sm_array;//should be more safe here :) system( "pause" ); return 0; }



//max matrix rows or cols const size_t MAX_ROW_COL = 100; void RandomMatrixs( size_t matrix_count ) { g_sm_array[0].rows = rand() % ( MAX_ROW_COL - 1 ) + 1;//avoid get 0 g_sm_array[matrix_count-1].cols = rand() % ( MAX_ROW_COL - 1 ) + 1; for( int i = 0; i < matrix_count - 1; ++i ) { g_sm_array[i].cols = g_sm_array[i+1].rows = rand() % ( MAX_ROW_COL - 1 ) + 1; } }



  很快便得到了一组结果不一致的数据:A1 42X98, A2 98X68,A3 68X63,A4 63X83,A5 83X54。 

  使用动态规划的正规方法,所得结果为:867678( ((((A1A2)A3)A4)A5) ),而贪心算法的结果却为:885066( (((A1A2)A3)(A4A5)) ),显然,矩阵连乘问题使用贪心法是错误的 :( 


  现在的理解是,贪心的局部最优,在“矩阵连乘”问题中并不会导致全局最优,也就是说我对于本题的看法还是落入了“短视”的窠臼,不过明晰的数学分析抑或缜密的证明推断,现在的我还是无能为力(囧...),再次渴望一下大牛们的谆谆教诲 :),不过最为“矩阵连乘”问题的近似算法,我想也许这个贪心思路能够带来一点启示 :)

  好了,思考暂时便是这么多了,我想也是时候休息一下了(譬如玩玩《KOF》或者《SF4》) :)
