<?php /* * Filename: uis.php * Created on 2012-11-8 * Created by RobinTang * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ class UIElement { public static $pretab = " "; public $tag; public $befor; public $childs; public $attrs; public function __construct($t, $atts=false, $chs=false) { $this->tag = $t; ($atts && $this->attrs = $atts) || $this->attrs = array(); ($chs && $this->childs = $chs) || $this->childs = array (); } public function add($e) { array_push($this->childs, $e); return $this; } public function att($k, $v){ $this->attrs[$k] = $v; return $this; } public function toPage($pre = null) { $cs = ''; $pr = $pre . UIElement :: $pretab; $at = ''; $res = ''; if(count($this->attrs)){ $keys = array_keys($this->attrs); foreach($keys as $k){ $v = $this->attrs[$k]; $at .= " $k='$v'"; } } if(count($this->childs)){ foreach ($this->childs as $e) { if(!is_object($e)){ $cs .= $pr.$e . "\r\n"; } else if(!is_null($e)) { $cs .= $e->toPage($pr) . "\r\n"; } } $res .= "$pre<$this->tag$at>\r\n$cs$pre</$this->tag>"; } else{ $res .= "$pre<$this->tag$at/>"; } return $this->befor? $this->befor . "\r\n" . $res:$res; } } function UIPage($iswml = false){ $body = new UIElement('body'); $head = new UIElement('head'); $title = new UIElement('title'); $head->add($title); $page = new UIElement('html'); $page->add($head); if($iswml){ $page->befor = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\r\n".'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd">'; $page->att('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); $wml = new UIElement('wml'); $page->add($wml->add($body)); } else{ $page->befor = '<!DOCTYPE html>'; $page->add($body); } $page->title = $title; $page->head = $head; $page->body = $body; return $page; } function UIForm($method='GET', $action=false) { if($action){ return new UIElement('form', array('method'=>$method, 'action'=>$action)); } else{ return new UIElement('form', array('method'=>$method)); } } function UIInput($name, $type='text', $val=false) { $e = new UIElement('input', array('name'=>$name, 'type'=>$type)); $e && $e->att('value', $val); return $e; } function UIDiv($att = false, $chs = false){ return new UIElement('div', $att, $chs); } function UIBr($att = false){ return new UIElement('br', $att); } function UITable($att = false){ return new UIElement('table', $att); } function UITr($chs=false, $att = false){ $e = new UIElement('tr', $att); $chs && $e->childs = $chs; return $e; } function UITd($ch=false, $att = false, $colspan = false){ $e = new UIElement('td', $att); $ch && $e->add($ch); $colspan && $e->att('colspan', $colspan); return $e; } function UITh($ch=false, $att = false, $colspan = false){ $e = new UIElement('th', $att); $ch && $e->add($ch); $colspan && $e->att('colspan', $colspan); return $e; } function UIA($title='', $href = false, $att = false){ if(!$href) $href = $title; $e = new UIElement('a', $att); $e->att('href', $href); $e->add($title); return $e; } function uif_align($e, $al = 'center'){ $e->att('align', $al); return $e; } ?>
<?php /* * Filename: demo.php * Created on 2012-11-11 * Created by RobinTang * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ include_once('uis.php'); $pag = UIPage(true); // true表示输出的是web页面,如果是false则输出wap页面 $pag->title->add('测试页面'); $div = UIDiv(); $pag->body->add($div); uif_align($div); //居中对齐 $div->add('HelloWorld'); $div->add(UIBr()); // 下面创建一个表达 $form = UIForm('GET','http://www.baidu.com/s'); $form->add(UIInput('wd')); // 文本框 $form->add(UIInput('submit', 'submit', '搜索')); // 提交按钮 $div->add($form); // 添加到div中 // 最后输出 header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); echo $pag->toPage(); ?>