(If you only Load, Then you also need perform 'Drop',Tasks -> Manual Tasks ->Directed Move ->Drop Loaded LPNs)
Way 1. Warehouse Manager Responsibility -> Inquiry -> Warehouse Control Board,In Result Page,Display 'Transact Number', This is Pick ID.
Way 2. In Pending Transaction Form, Transaction_Temp_Id of pending allocation is Pick ID as well.
Way 3. In case you are picking sales order, you can find pick id from 'Pick Slip Report'
Paper Based Picking
In some scenarios paper based picking, where the system produces a paper report, and the operator has the ability to decide which task to perform next, may be useful. Paper based picking could be helpful when the operator knows more efficient paths to go from locator to locator that cannot easily be modeled in the system, or if some pick methodology not easily mapped to the methodologies above is required.
Paper based picking is available for all of the material movement tasks, which excludes only cycle counting tasks. You must enter a task number that is provided on the move order report. These reports can be automatically printed as part of the task creation process.