Patch的格式和coding style我到没觉得有什么,只是我要申请FSF。
什么是FSF呢其实就是Free Software Foundation
To initiate a copyright assignment, please fill in an assignment request form and send it to [email protected] . On receipt of your request, the FSF will prepare a legal copyright assignment document and send it to you via regular post. You will be asked to sign the document and return it to the FSF. On receipt of the signed document from you, the FSF will add their own signature, indicating acceptance of the copyright transfer. Finally, the FSF will e-mail you a copy of the executed document in PDF format.
In cases where your employer, or an academic institution where you study, might have a basis to claim copyright ownership on your contribution, you are required to indicate this when you request an assignment form. This applies to most eCos contributors. The FSF will then request a disclaimer from your company or academic institution.
Note that the eCos maintainers should be advised of all eCos-related copyright assignments by the FSF directly, but this communication can sometimes be delayed or lost. For this reason, please notify the eCos maintainers when you receive confirmation from the FSF that your copyright assignment has been executed.