Oracle version:
RAC Primary database racnode1 racnode1-vip racnode1-priv racnode2 racnode2-vip racnode2-priv racnode3 racnode3-vip racnode3-priv
Single Standby database standby
主库是一台3nodes的10g RAC,备库准备使用单实例数据库存储使用ASM
需要在standby机器上安装oracle database software并升级至10.2.0.5,安装过程略
RAC 信息
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'; Session altered. SQL> select INSTANCE_NAME,HOST_NAME,VERSION,STARTUP_TIME,STATUS,ACTIVE_STATE,INSTANCE_ROLE,DATABASE_STATUS from gv$INSTANCE; INSTANCE_NAME HOST_NAME VERSION STARTUP_TIME STATUS ACTIVE_ST INSTANCE_ROLE DATABASE_STATUS ---------------- ----------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------ --------- ------------------ ----------------- racdb2 racnode2 2012-12-25 16:08:08 OPEN NORMAL PRIMARY_INSTANCE ACTIVE racdb1 racnode1 2012-12-25 16:08:07 OPEN NORMAL PRIMARY_INSTANCE ACTIVE racdb3 racnode3 2012-12-25 16:08:08 OPEN NORMAL PRIMARY_INSTANCE ACTIVE SQL> select dbid,name,created,log_mode,db_unique_name from gv$database; DBID NAME CREATED LOG_MODE DB_UNIQUE_NAME ---------- --------- ------------------- ------------ ------------------------------ 800157471 RACDB 2012-12-20 15:58:23 ARCHIVELOG racdb 800157471 RACDB 2012-12-20 15:58:23 ARCHIVELOG racdb 800157471 RACDB 2012-12-20 15:58:23 ARCHIVELOG racdb SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATADG/racdb/datafile/system.269.802972261 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs1.256.802972267 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/sysaux.265.802972263 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/users.257.802972267 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/example.258.802972265 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs2.259.802972265 +DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs3.264.802972269 7 rows selected. SQL> select name from v$controlfile; NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATADG/racdb/controlfile/current.260.802540703 +FLASHDG/racdb/controlfile/current.256.802540705 SQL> select member from v$logfile; MEMBER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.266.802541097 +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.259.802541105 +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.267.802541113 +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.260.802541123 +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.270.802888327 +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.279.802888333 +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 MEMBER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 12 rows selected. SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- ------------------- 1 1 23 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1026686 2012-12-26 11:16:41 2 1 22 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1026647 2012-12-26 11:16:24 3 2 13 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1026657 2012-12-26 11:16:26 4 2 14 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1026688 2012-12-26 11:16:42 5 3 7 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1026664 2012-12-26 11:16:39 6 3 6 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1026655 2012-12-26 11:16:26 6 rows selected.
[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ crs_stat -t Name Type Target State Host ------------------------------------------------------------ ora.racdb.db application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....b1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....b2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....b3.inst application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 ora.....zwc.cs application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....db1.srv application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....E1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....de1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....de1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 application ONLINE ONLINE racnode1 ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....E2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....de2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....de2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 application ONLINE ONLINE racnode2 ora....SM3.asm application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 ora....E3.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 ora....de3.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 ora....de3.ons application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 application ONLINE ONLINE racnode3 [oracle@racnode1 ~]$ crs_stat -ls Name Owner Primary PrivGrp Permission ----------------------------------------------------------------- ora.racdb.db oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....b1.inst oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....b2.inst oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....b3.inst oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora.....zwc.cs oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....db1.srv oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....SM1.asm oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....E1.lsnr oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....de1.gsd oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- ora....de1.ons oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- root oinstall rwxr-xr-- ora....SM2.asm oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....E2.lsnr oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....de2.gsd oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- ora....de2.ons oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- root oinstall rwxr-xr-- ora....SM3.asm oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....E3.lsnr oracle oinstall rwxrwxr-- ora....de3.gsd oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- ora....de3.ons oracle oinstall rwxr-xr-- root oinstall rwxr-xr--
[oracle@racnode1 admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. RACDB1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb1) ) ) RACDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode3-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) ) ) LISTENERS_RACDB = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode3-vip)(PORT = 1521)) ) ZWC = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode1-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode3-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = zwc) (FAILOVER_MODE = (TYPE = SELECT) (METHOD = BASIC) (RETRIES = 180) (DELAY = 5) ) ) ) RACDB3 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode3-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb3) ) ) RACDB2 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = racnode2-vip)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb2) ) )
groupadd -g 501 oinstall
groupadd -g 502 dba
groupadd -g 503 oper
useradd -m -u 501 -g oinstall -G dba,oper -d /home/oracle -s /bin/bash -c "Oracle Software Owner" oracle
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app
chmod -R 775 /u01/app
alias ls="ls -FA" export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1 export ORACLE_PATH=$ORACLE_BASE/common/oracle/sql:.:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin export CV_JDKHOME=/usr/local/java export ORACLE_SID=standby export PATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin export PATH=${PATH}:$ORACLE_BASE/common/oracle/bin export ORACLE_TERM=xterm export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin export ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS" export DISPLAY= export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/oracm/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/network/jlib export THREADS_FLAG=native export TEMP=/tmp export TMPDIR=/tmp
[oracle@standby admin]$ cat listener.ora # listener.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = standby) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1) (SID_NAME = standby) ) ) LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby)(PORT = 1521)) ) [oracle@standby admin]$ cat tnsnames.ora # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. STANDBY = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = standby) ) ) [oracle@standby admin]$
[oracle@standby admin]$ lsnrctl start LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 26-DEC-2012 14:02:11 Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Starting /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait... TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production System parameter file is /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora Log messages written to /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=standby)(PORT=1521))) Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=standby)(PORT=1521))) STATUS of the LISTENER ------------------------ Alias LISTENER Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production Start Date 26-DEC-2012 14:02:11 Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec Trace Level off Security ON: Local OS Authentication SNMP OFF Listener Parameter File /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora Listener Log File /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log Listening Endpoints Summary... (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=standby)(PORT=1521))) Services Summary... Service "standby" has 1 instance(s). Instance "standby", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service... The command completed successfully
[root@standby ~]# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s %p", RESULT=="36000c29188bfef12f9950965ac870971", NAME="asm-diskb", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="0660" KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s %p", RESULT=="36000c292f3719ad39d579ab6427a959c", NAME="asm-diskc", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="0660" [root@standby ~]# start_udev Starting udev: [ OK ] [root@standby ~]# ls -l /dev/asm-disk* brw-rw---- 1 oracle oinstall 8, 16 Dec 26 14:24 /dev/asm-diskb brw-rw---- 1 oracle oinstall 8, 32 Dec 26 14:24 /dev/asm-diskc [root@standby ~]#
使用root用户执行 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/localconfig add
[root@standby ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/localconfig add /etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now. Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys. Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'.. Operation successful. Configuration for local CSS has been initialized Adding to inittab Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds. Checking the status of new Oracle init process... Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds. CSS is active on these nodes. standby CSS is active on all nodes. Oracle CSS service is installed and running under init(1M)
[root@standby ~]# ps -ef|grep ASM oracle 6505 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM oracle 6507 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_psp0_+ASM oracle 6509 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_mman_+ASM oracle 6511 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_dbw0_+ASM oracle 6513 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_lgwr_+ASM oracle 6515 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_ckpt_+ASM oracle 6517 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_smon_+ASM oracle 6519 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_rbal_+ASM oracle 6521 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 asm_gmon_+ASM oracle 6525 1 0 14:32 ? 00:00:00 oracle+ASM (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq))) root 6535 3686 0 14:33 pts/3 00:00:00 grep ASM
[oracle@standby ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=+ASM [oracle@standby ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 14:37:19 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> show parameter asm NAME TYPE ------------------------------------ ---------------------- VALUE ------------------------------ asm_diskgroups string DATADG asm_diskstring string /dev/asm* asm_power_limit integer 1 SQL> show parameter spfile NAME TYPE ------------------------------------ ---------------------- VALUE ------------------------------ spfile string /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0 /db_1/dbs/spfile+ASM.ora SQL> select path from v$asm_disk; PATH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /dev/asm-diskb /dev/asm-diskc SQL>
SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=/u01/app/oracle/arch valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=racdb' sid='racdb1'; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=/u01/app/oracle/arch valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=racdb' sid='racdb2'; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_1='location=/u01/app/oracle/arch valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=racdb' sid='racdb3'; System altered.
[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 14:50:02 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. connected to target database: RACDB (DBID=800157471) RMAN> run{ 2> configure channel 1 device type disk connect sys/oracle@racdb1; 3> configure channel 2 device type disk connect sys/oracle@racdb2; 4> configure channel 3 device type disk connect sys/oracle@racdb3; 5> backup database format '/u01/app/oracle/backup/%d_FULLBAK_%T_%u_s%s_p%p' tag 'FULLBAK' 6> plus archivelog; 7> } using target database control file instead of recovery catalog old RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 1 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 1 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored old RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 2 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 2 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored old RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 3 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters: CONFIGURE CHANNEL 3 DEVICE TYPE DISK CONNECT '*'; new RMAN configuration parameters are successfully stored Starting backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:36 current log archived allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=843 instance=racdb1 devtype=DISK allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2 channel ORA_DISK_2: sid=848 instance=racdb2 devtype=DISK allocated channel: ORA_DISK_3 channel ORA_DISK_3: sid=844 instance=racdb3 devtype=DISK channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=1 sequence=23 recid=45 stamp=803055040 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:50 channel ORA_DISK_2: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_2: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=2 sequence=14 recid=44 stamp=803055040 channel ORA_DISK_2: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:51 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_3: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=3 sequence=7 recid=43 stamp=803055038 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:51 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:54 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145048_0.283.803055051 tag=TAG20121226T145048 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:05 channel ORA_DISK_2: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:54 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145048_0.278.803055051 tag=TAG20121226T145048 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_2: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:05 channel ORA_DISK_3: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:54 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145048_0.277.803055051 tag=TAG20121226T145048 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_3: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:05 Finished backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:54 Starting backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:54 using channel ORA_DISK_1 using channel ORA_DISK_2 using channel ORA_DISK_3 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset input datafile fno=00001 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/system.269.802972261 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:55 channel ORA_DISK_2: starting full datafile backupset channel ORA_DISK_2: specifying datafile(s) in backupset input datafile fno=00003 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/sysaux.265.802972263 input datafile fno=00006 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs2.259.802972265 input datafile fno=00004 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/users.257.802972267 channel ORA_DISK_2: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:50:56 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting full datafile backupset channel ORA_DISK_3: specifying datafile(s) in backupset input datafile fno=00005 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/example.258.802972265 input datafile fno=00002 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs1.256.802972267 input datafile fno=00007 name=+DATADG/racdb/datafile/undotbs3.264.802972269 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:05 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:36 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0kntr9ef_s20_p1 tag=FULLBAK comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:41 channel ORA_DISK_2: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:44 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0lntr9ef_s21_p1 tag=FULLBAK comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_2: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:49 channel ORA_DISK_3: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:44 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0mntr9eg_s22_p1 tag=FULLBAK comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_3: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:48 Finished backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:43 Starting backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:44 current log archived using channel ORA_DISK_1 using channel ORA_DISK_2 using channel ORA_DISK_3 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=1 sequence=24 recid=47 stamp=803055105 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:49 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_3: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=3 sequence=8 recid=48 stamp=803055106 channel ORA_DISK_3: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:50 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:50 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145149_0.275.803055109 tag=TAG20121226T145149 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01 channel ORA_DISK_3: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:51 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145149_0.273.803055111 tag=TAG20121226T145149 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_3: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive log backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archive log(s) in backup set input archive log thread=2 sequence=15 recid=46 stamp=803055105 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:52 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:53 piece handle=+FLASHDG/racdb/backupset/2012_12_26/annnf0_tag20121226t145149_0.272.803055113 tag=TAG20121226T145149 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02 Finished backup at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:53 Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 26-DEC-2012 14:51:53 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/c-800157471-20121226-00 comment=NONE Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 26-DEC-2012 14:52:00 RMAN>
RMAN> backup device type disk format '/u01/app/oracle/backup/standby_ctl_%U' current controlfile for standby; Starting backup at 26-DEC-2012 15:48:17 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=848 instance=racdb1 devtype=DISK allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2 channel ORA_DISK_2: sid=845 instance=racdb2 devtype=DISK allocated channel: ORA_DISK_3 channel ORA_DISK_3: sid=847 instance=racdb3 devtype=DISK channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset including standby control file in backupset channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 15:48:21 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 26-DEC-2012 15:48:24 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/standby_ctl_0rntrcq3_1_1 tag=TAG20121226T154819 comment=NONE channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:05 Finished backup at 26-DEC-2012 15:48:24
[oracle@standby ~]$ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwstandby entries=5 force=y password=oracle
[oracle@standby ~]$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. RACDB1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb1) ) ) RACDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) ) ) ZWC = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = zwc) (FAILOVER_MODE = (TYPE = SELECT) (METHOD = BASIC) (RETRIES = 180) (DELAY = 5) ) ) ) RACDB3 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb3) ) ) RACDB2 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = racdb) (INSTANCE_NAME = racdb2) ) ) STANDBY = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = standby)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = standby) ) )
[oracle@standby ~]$ sqlplus /nolog SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 15:17:31 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. SQL> conn sys@racdb as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> conn sys@racdb1 as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> conn sys@racdb2 as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> conn sys@racdb3 as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> conn sys@zwc as sysdba Enter password: Connected. SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options [oracle@standby ~]$
create pfile='/u01/app/oracle/backup/initstandby.ora' from spfile;
[oracle@standby backup]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/udump [oracle@standby backup]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/cdump [oracle@standby backup]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/bdump [oracle@standby backup]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/adump [oracle@standby backup]$ export ORACLE_SID=+ASM [oracle@standby backup]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 15:41:41 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> alter diskgroup datadg add directory '+DATADG/standby'; Diskgroup altered.
[oracle@standby dbs]$ cat initstandby.ora *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/adump' *.background_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/bdump' *.cluster_database=false *.compatible='' *.control_files='+DATADG/standby/controlfile' *.core_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/cdump' *.db_block_size=8192 *.db_create_file_dest='+DATADG' *.db_domain='' *.db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 *.db_name='racdb' *.db_unique_name='standby' *.job_queue_processes=10 *.local_listener='' *.log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.dbf' *.nls_language='SIMPLIFIED CHINESE' *.open_cursors=300 *.pga_aggregate_target=199229440 *.processes=800 *.remote_login_passwordfile='exclusive' *.sessions=885 *.sga_target=597688320 *.undo_management='AUTO' *.user_dump_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/udump' *.log_archive_config='dg_config=(racdb,standby)' *.log_archive_dest_1='location=/u01/app/oracle/arch valid_for=(all_logfiles,all_roles) db_unique_name=standby' *.log_archive_dest_2='service=racdb1 lgwr sync valid_for=(online_logfiles,primary_roles) db_unique_name=racdb' *.log_archive_dest_state_1='enable' *.log_archive_dest_state_2='enable' *.thread=1 *.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1' *.standby_file_management='AUTO' *.fal_server='racdb1','racdb2' *.fal_client='standby' *.service_names='standby' *.db_file_name_convert='+DATADG/racdb/','+DATADG/standby/' *.log_file_name_convert='+DATADG/racdb/','+DATADG/standby/','+FLASHDG/racdb/','+DATADG/standby/' [oracle@standby dbs]$
restore controlfile
[oracle@standby dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 15:53:19 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup nomount ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 599785472 bytes Fixed Size 2098112 bytes Variable Size 163580992 bytes Database Buffers 427819008 bytes Redo Buffers 6287360 bytes SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options [oracle@standby dbs]$ rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 15:53:26 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. connected to target database: racdb (not mounted) RMAN> restore standby controlfile from '/u01/app/oracle/backup/standby_ctl_0rntrcq3_1_1'; Starting restore at 26-DEC-2012 15:53:30 using target database control file instead of recovery catalog allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=871 devtype=DISK channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:08 output filename=+DATADG/standby/controlfile/standby_ctl Finished restore at 26-DEC-2012 15:53:40
RMAN> alter database mount; database mounted released channel: ORA_DISK_1 RMAN> run{ 2> allocate channel c1 device type disk; 3> allocate channel c2 device type disk; 4> restore database; 5> release channel c1; 6> release channel c2; 7> } allocated channel: c1 channel c1: sid=871 devtype=DISK allocated channel: c2 channel c2: sid=870 devtype=DISK Starting restore at 26-DEC-2012 15:59:06 channel c1: starting datafile backupset restore channel c1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set restoring datafile 00001 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/system.269.802972261 channel c1: reading from backup piece /u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0kntr9ef_s20_p1 channel c2: starting datafile backupset restore channel c2: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set restoring datafile 00002 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs1.256.802972267 restoring datafile 00005 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/example.258.802972265 restoring datafile 00007 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs3.264.802972269 channel c2: reading from backup piece /u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0mntr9eg_s22_p1 channel c2: restored backup piece 1 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0mntr9eg_s22_p1 tag=FULLBAK channel c2: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15 channel c2: starting datafile backupset restore channel c2: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set restoring datafile 00003 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/sysaux.265.802972263 restoring datafile 00004 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/users.257.802972267 restoring datafile 00006 to +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs2.259.802972265 channel c2: reading from backup piece /u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0lntr9ef_s21_p1 channel c1: restored backup piece 1 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0kntr9ef_s20_p1 tag=FULLBAK channel c1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:23 channel c2: restored backup piece 1 piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/backup/RACDB_FULLBAK_20121226_0lntr9ef_s21_p1 tag=FULLBAK channel c2: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:23 Finished restore at 26-DEC-2012 15:59:45 released channel: c1 released channel: c2
[oracle@standby ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 16:04:46 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> set linesize 200 SQL> select dbid,name,switchover_status,db_unique_name,database_role,open_mode,current_scn from v$database; DBID NAME SWITCHOVER_STATUS DB_UNIQUE_NAME DATABASE_ROLE OPEN_MODE CURRENT_SCN ---------- --------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------- 800157471 RACDB SESSIONS ACTIVE standby PHYSICAL STANDBY MOUNTED 1044439
SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- ----------------------- 1 1 25 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1039974 26-DEC-2012 14:51:44 2 1 24 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1039911 26-DEC-2012 14:50:38 3 2 15 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1039909 26-DEC-2012 14:50:38 4 2 16 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1039976 26-DEC-2012 14:51:44 5 3 9 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1039979 26-DEC-2012 14:51:46 6 3 8 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1039906 26-DEC-2012 14:50:38 6 rows selected. SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ ---------- ------- ------- --------------------------------------------------------- --- 2 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 NO 2 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 YES 1 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 NO 1 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 YES 3 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_3.266.802541097 NO 3 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_3.259.802541105 YES 4 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_4.267.802541113 NO 4 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_4.260.802541123 YES 5 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_5.270.802888327 NO 5 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_5.279.802888333 YES 6 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 NO 6 ONLINE +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 YES 12 rows selected.
SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 11 size 50M,group 12 size 50M,group 13 size 50M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 2 group 14 size 50M,group 15 size 50M,group 16 size 50M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 3 group 17 size 50M,group 18 size 50M,group 19 size 50M; Database altered.
SQL> select * from v$standby_log; GROUP# DBID THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES USED ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME LAST_CHANGE# LAST_TIME ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------ ----------------------- 11 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 12 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 13 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 14 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 15 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 16 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 17 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 18 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 19 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 9 rows selected.
[oracle@standby ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 26 16:14:59 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session; Database altered. SQL> select sequence#,name,first_time,next_time,applied from v$archived_log; no rows selected SQL> select dbid,name,switchover_status,db_unique_name,database_role,open_mode,current_scn from v$database; DBID NAME SWITCHOVER_STATUS DB_UNIQUE_NAME DATABASE_ROLE OPEN_MODE CURRENT_SCN ---------- --------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ---------- ----------- 800157471 RACDB SESSIONS ACTIVE standby PHYSICAL STANDBY MOUNTED 1044439
SQL> create spfile from pfile; File created.
[oracle@standby ~]$ tail -f /u01/app/oracle/admin/standby/bdump/alert_standby.log ORA-00312: 联机日志 6 线程 3: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343' ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 未能打开文件 +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 ORA-15173: entry 'group_6.280.802888343' does not exist in directory 'onlinelog' ORA-00312: 联机日志 6 线程 3: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337' ORA-17503: ksfdopn: 2 未能打开文件 +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 ORA-15173: entry 'group_6.271.802888337' does not exist in directory 'onlinelog' Deleted Oracle managed file +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 Deleted Oracle managed file +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 Clearing online redo logfile 6 complete Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 24
SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=standby lgwr sync valid_for=(online_logfiles,primary_role) db_unique_name=standby' sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2='enable'; System altered. SQL> alter system set log_archive_config='dg_config=(racdb,standby)' sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set fal_server='standby' sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set fal_client='racdb1' sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set fal_client='racdb1' sid='racdb1'; System altered. SQL> alter system set fal_client='racdb2' sid='racdb2'; System altered. SQL> alter system set fal_client='racdb3' sid='racdb3'; System altered.
SQL> alter system set standby_file_management=AUTO; System altered.
ORA-16047: 目标设置和备用之间的 DGID 不匹配
Wed Dec 26 16:33:36 CST 2012
PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'standby'. Error is 16047.
Wed Dec 26 16:35:12 CST 2012
我记得在配置single dataguard的时候db_unique_name默认等于db_name,故这里没有在主库配置db_unique_name这个参数。问题就是出在这里
SQL> alter system set db_unique_name='racdb' scope=spfile; System altered. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options [oracle@racnode1 backup]$ srvctl stop database -d racdb [oracle@racnode1 backup]$ srvctl start database -d racdb [oracle@racnode1 backup]$ srvctl start service -d racdb -s zwc
SQL> show parameter log_archive_config NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ log_archive_config string dg_config=(racdb,standby) SQL> show parameter db_unique_name NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_unique_name string racdb SQL>
SQL> show parameter log_archive_config NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ log_archive_config string dg_config=(racdb,standby) SQL> show parameter db_unique_name NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_unique_name string standby
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATADG was mounted SUCCESS: diskgroup FLASHDG was mounted Thu Dec 27 08:57:15 CST 2012 Setting recovery target incarnation to 2 Thu Dec 27 08:57:15 CST 2012 Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 800695506 Thu Dec 27 08:57:15 CST 2012 Database mounted in Shared Mode (CLUSTER_DATABASE=TRUE) Completed: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Thu Dec 27 08:57:21 CST 2012 ALTER DATABASE OPEN Picked broadcast on commit scheme to generate SCNs Thu Dec 27 08:57:21 CST 2012 LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES ARC0 started with pid=24, OS id=4436 Thu Dec 27 08:57:21 CST 2012 ARC0: Archival started ARC1: Archival started LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE ARC1 started with pid=25, OS id=4438 LNSb started with pid=26, OS id=4440 Thu Dec 27 08:57:28 CST 2012 ****************************************************************** LGWR: Setting 'active' archival for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 ****************************************************************** LNSb started with pid=26, OS id=4477 Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 38 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 38 (thread open) Thread 1 opened at log sequence 38 Current log# 2 seq# 38 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 Current log# 2 seq# 38 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 Successful open of redo thread 1 Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 SMON: enabling cache recovery Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 ARC0: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH ARC0: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH Thu Dec 27 08:57:32 CST 2012 ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH Thu Dec 27 08:57:35 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid Thu Dec 27 08:57:43 CST 2012 Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 1. Thu Dec 27 08:57:43 CST 2012 SMON: enabling tx recovery Thu Dec 27 08:57:43 CST 2012 Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK Opening with internal Resource Manager plan replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found) Starting background process QMNC QMNC started with pid=27, OS id=4663 Thu Dec 27 08:58:05 CST 2012 Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN Thu Dec 27 08:58:14 CST 2012 ARC1: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 37 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 08:58:18 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid Thu Dec 27 08:59:20 CST 2012 ALTER SYSTEM SET service_names='zwc' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='racdb1'; Thu Dec 27 09:07:14 CST 2012 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 39 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 09:07:14 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 39 (LGWR switch) Current log# 1 seq# 39 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 Current log# 1 seq# 39 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 Thu Dec 27 09:07:51 CST 2012 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 40 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 09:07:51 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 40 (LGWR switch) Current log# 2 seq# 40 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 Current log# 2 seq# 40 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 Thu Dec 27 09:08:10 CST 2012 ALTER SYSTEM SET service_names='zwc','racdb' SCOPE=MEMORY SID='racdb1'; Thu Dec 27 09:08:36 CST 2012 Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 41 Checkpoint not complete Current log# 2 seq# 40 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 Current log# 2 seq# 40 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 41 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 09:08:40 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 41 (LGWR switch) Current log# 1 seq# 41 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 Current log# 1 seq# 41 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 Thu Dec 27 09:12:24 CST 2012 Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 42 Checkpoint not complete Current log# 1 seq# 41 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 Current log# 1 seq# 41 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 42 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 09:12:28 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 42 (LGWR switch) Current log# 2 seq# 42 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 Current log# 2 seq# 42 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 Thu Dec 27 09:13:05 CST 2012 LGWR: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 43 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 Thu Dec 27 09:13:05 CST 2012 Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 43 (LGWR switch) Current log# 1 seq# 43 mem# 0: +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 Current log# 1 seq# 43 mem# 1: +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715
ARC1: Thread not mounted Thu Dec 27 08:48:50 CST 2012 Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 800697579 Thu Dec 27 08:48:50 CST 2012 Physical Standby Database mounted. Completed: alter database mount standby database Thu Dec 27 08:49:09 CST 2012 alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session Thu Dec 27 08:49:09 CST 2012 Attempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery process (standby) MRP0 started with pid=19, OS id=15411 Thu Dec 27 08:49:09 CST 2012 MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started (standby) Managed Standby Recovery starting Real Time Apply parallel recovery started with 2 processes Thu Dec 27 08:49:14 CST 2012 Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived... Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 24 Thu Dec 27 08:49:15 CST 2012 Completed: alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session Thu Dec 27 08:57:03 CST 2012 Using STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter default value as /u01/app/oracle/arch Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 15448 RFS[1]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Primary thread 1 already marked as open; setting 'closed' Primary thread 2 already marked as open; setting 'closed' Primary thread 3 already marked as open; setting 'closed' Thu Dec 27 08:57:03 CST 2012 RFS LogMiner: Client disabled from further notification Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 15450 RFS[2]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[2]: Successfully opened standby log 17: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869' Thu Dec 27 08:57:15 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 15454 RFS[3]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' RFS[3]: Successfully opened standby log 18: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_18.271.803059871' Thu Dec 27 08:57:24 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 15456 RFS[4]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[5]: Assigned to RFS process 15458 RFS[5]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 08:57:35 CST 2012 Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 24-36 Thu Dec 27 08:57:35 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[6]: Assigned to RFS process 15460 RFS[6]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[7]: Assigned to RFS process 15462 RFS[7]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[7]: Successfully opened standby log 14: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_14.267.803059831' Thu Dec 27 08:57:47 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[8]: Assigned to RFS process 15464 RFS[8]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_24_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_25_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_26_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_27_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_28_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_29_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:57:59 CST 2012 RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_30_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_31_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:58:06 CST 2012 Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC -- Connected User is Valid RFS[9]: Assigned to RFS process 15468 RFS[9]: Identified database type as 'physical standby' Thu Dec 27 08:58:06 CST 2012 RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_32_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:58:06 CST 2012 RFS[9]: Successfully opened standby log 15: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_15.268.803059833' Thu Dec 27 08:58:07 CST 2012 RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_33_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_34_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_35_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/1_36_802540708.dbf' RFS[8]: Successfully opened standby log 12: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_12.265.803059803' Thu Dec 27 08:58:18 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_24_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 2 sequence 15 Fetching gap sequence in thread 2, gap sequence 15-18 Thu Dec 27 08:58:19 CST 2012 RFS[8]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/2_15_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:58:33 CST 2012 RFS[9]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/2_16_802540708.dbf' RFS[9]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/2_17_802540708.dbf' RFS[9]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/2_18_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:58:49 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_15_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 3 sequence 8 Fetching gap sequence in thread 3, gap sequence 8-12 Thu Dec 27 08:59:06 CST 2012 RFS[3]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/3_8_802540708.dbf' RFS[3]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/3_9_802540708.dbf' RFS[3]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/3_10_802540708.dbf' RFS[3]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/3_11_802540708.dbf' RFS[3]: Archived Log: '/u01/app/oracle/arch/3_12_802540708.dbf' Thu Dec 27 08:59:19 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_8_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_25_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_16_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_9_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_26_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_27_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_28_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_10_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_29_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_17_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_30_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_31_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_11_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_32_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_18_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_33_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_34_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_12_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 08:59:30 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_35_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_19_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_36_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 09:00:02 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_37_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_13_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 3 sequence 14 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:00:04 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 3 Group 17 Seq 14 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 38 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:00:04 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 38 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 2 sequence 20 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:00:04 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 14 Seq 20 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_14.267.803059831 Thu Dec 27 09:07:14 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 09:07:15 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_38_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 09:07:26 CST 2012 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 39 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:07:26 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 39 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Thu Dec 27 09:07:51 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 09:07:52 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[2]: Successfully opened standby log 17: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869' Thu Dec 27 09:07:55 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_14_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_39_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 40 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:07:58 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 40 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 3 sequence 15 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:07:58 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 3 Group 17 Seq 15 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869 Thu Dec 27 09:08:40 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 09:08:41 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_40_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 09:08:43 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[7]: Successfully opened standby log 14: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_14.267.803059831' Thu Dec 27 09:08:44 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/2_20_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 41 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:08:53 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 41 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 2 sequence 21 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:08:59 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 14 Seq 21 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_14.267.803059831 Thu Dec 27 09:12:29 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 09:12:30 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_41_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 09:12:42 CST 2012 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 42 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:12:42 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 42 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Thu Dec 27 09:13:06 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[5]: Successfully opened standby log 11: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801' Thu Dec 27 09:13:08 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_42_802540708.dbf Thu Dec 27 09:13:08 CST 2012 Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode RFS[2]: Successfully opened standby log 17: '+DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869' Thu Dec 27 09:13:08 CST 2012 Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/3_15_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 43 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:13:11 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 43 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Thu Dec 27 09:13:23 CST 2012 Media Recovery Waiting for thread 3 sequence 16 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 09:13:23 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 3 Group 17 Seq 16 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_17.270.803059869可以看到日志全部传输过来了
在主库创建standby logfile,为了switchover之后原RAC primary database和single physical standby database角色变换后新的standby database可以正常应用日志
SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ ---------- ------- ------- -------------------------------------------------- --- 2 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 NO 2 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 YES 1 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 NO 1 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 YES 3 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.266.802541097 NO 3 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.259.802541105 YES 4 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.267.802541113 NO 4 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.260.802541123 YES 5 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.270.802888327 NO 5 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.279.802888333 YES 6 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 NO 6 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 YES 12 rows selected. SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- ----------------------- 1 1 43 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154512 27-DEC-2012 09:13:05 2 1 42 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1154455 27-DEC-2012 09:12:28 3 2 21 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154041 27-DEC-2012 09:08:43 4 2 20 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1152090 27-DEC-2012 08:57:39 5 3 15 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1153073 27-DEC-2012 09:07:52 6 3 16 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154577 27-DEC-2012 09:13:08 6 rows selected. SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 7 size 50M,group 8 size 50M,group 9 size 50M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 2 group 10 size 50M,group 11 size 50M,group 12 size 50M; Database altered. SQL> alter database add standby logfile thread 3 group 13 size 50M,group 14 size 50M,group 15 size 50M; Database altered. SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ ---------- ------- ------- -------------------------------------------------- --- 2 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.802540719 NO 2 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_2.258.802540725 YES 1 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.802540709 NO 1 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_1.257.802540715 YES 3 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.266.802541097 NO 3 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_3.259.802541105 YES 4 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.267.802541113 NO 4 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_4.260.802541123 YES 5 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.270.802888327 NO 5 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_5.279.802888333 YES 6 ONLINE +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.271.802888337 NO 6 ONLINE +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_6.280.802888343 YES 7 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_7.272.803122431 NO 7 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_7.271.803122435 YES 8 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_8.273.803122441 NO 8 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_8.268.803122445 YES 9 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_9.274.803122449 NO 9 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_9.264.803122453 YES 10 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_10.275.803122477 NO 10 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_10.282.803122483 YES 11 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_11.276.803122487 NO 11 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_11.281.803122493 YES 12 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_12.277.803122497 NO 12 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_12.276.803122501 YES 13 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_13.278.803122527 NO 13 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_13.274.803122531 YES 14 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_14.279.803122537 NO 14 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_14.270.803122541 YES 15 STANDBY +DATADG/racdb/onlinelog/group_15.280.803122545 NO 15 STANDBY +FLASHDG/racdb/onlinelog/group_15.269.803122551 YES 30 rows selected. SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- ----------------------- 1 1 43 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154512 27-DEC-2012 09:13:05 2 1 42 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1154455 27-DEC-2012 09:12:28 3 2 21 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154041 27-DEC-2012 09:08:43 4 2 20 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1152090 27-DEC-2012 08:57:39 5 3 15 52428800 2 YES INACTIVE 1153073 27-DEC-2012 09:07:52 6 3 16 52428800 2 NO CURRENT 1154577 27-DEC-2012 09:13:08 6 rows selected. SQL> select * from v$standby_log; GROUP# DBID THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES USED ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIME LAST_CHANGE# LAST_TIME ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------ ----------------------- 7 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 8 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 9 UNASSIGNED 1 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 10 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 11 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 12 UNASSIGNED 2 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 13 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 14 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 15 UNASSIGNED 3 0 52428800 512 YES UNASSIGNED 0 0 9 rows selected.
SQL> alter system set standby_file_management='AUTO' sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set db_file_name_convert='+DATADG/standby/','+DATADG/racdb/' sid='*' scope=spfile; alter system set db_file_name_convert='+DATADG/standby/','+DATADG/racdb/' sid='*' scope=spfile * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02096: specified initialization parameter is not modifiable with this option SQL> alter system set log_file_name_convert='+DATADG/standby/','+DATADG/racdb/','+DATADG/standby/','+FLASHDG/racdb/' sid='*' scope=spfile; alter system set log_file_name_convert='+DATADG/standby/','+DATADG/racdb/','+DATADG/standby/','+FLASHDG/racdb/' sid='*' scope=spfile * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified
create spfile='+DATADG/racdb/spfileracdb.ora' from pfile='/tmp/rac1.ora';
srvctl stop/start database -d racdb
[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 27 10:24:14 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> create tablespace zhongwc datafile size 10M autoextend on; Tablespace created.
ASMCMD [+datadg/standby/datafile] > ls -l Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y EXAMPLE.258.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y SYSAUX.261.803059163 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y SYSTEM.257.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y UNDOTBS1.259.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y UNDOTBS2.262.803059163 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y UNDOTBS3.260.803059149 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 08:00:00 Y USERS.263.803059163 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y ZHONGWC.279.803125553
SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATADG/standby/datafile/system.257.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs1.259.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/sysaux.261.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/users.263.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/example.258.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs2.262.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs3.260.803059149 +DATADG/standby/datafile/zhongwc.279.803125553 8 rows selected.备库alert.log
Media Recovery Log /u01/app/oracle/arch/1_55_802540708.dbf Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 56 (in transit) Thu Dec 27 10:17:01 CST 2012 Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 56 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Thu Dec 27 10:25:53 CST 2012 Successfully added datafile 8 to media recovery Datafile #8: '+DATADG/standby/datafile/zhongwc.279.803125553'
SQL> conn hr/ Enter password: Connected. SQL> create table t_zhongwc (tid number(3) primary key,tname varchar2(20)) tablespace zhongwc; Table created. SQL> insert into t_zhongwc values(1,'rac to single dg'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into t_zhongwc values(2,'zhongwc'); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL>
[oracle@standby arch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 27 10:31:50 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel; Database altered. SQL> alter database open; Database altered. SQL> select open_mode from v$database; OPEN_MODE ---------- READ ONLY SQL> conn hr/ Enter password: Connected. SQL> desc t_zhongwc Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- TID NOT NULL NUMBER(3) TNAME VARCHAR2(20) SQL> select * from t_zhongwc 2 / TID TNAME ---------- -------------------- 1 rac to single dg 2 zhongwc
[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 27 10:43:07 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> drop tablespace zhongwc including contents and datafiles; Tablespace dropped.
[oracle@standby arch]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 27 10:44:47 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATADG/standby/datafile/system.257.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs1.259.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/sysaux.261.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/users.263.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/example.258.803059147 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs2.262.803059163 +DATADG/standby/datafile/undotbs3.260.803059149 7 rows selected.
ASMCMD [+datadg/standby/datafile] > ls -l Type Redund Striped Time Sys Name DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y EXAMPLE.258.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y SYSAUX.261.803059163 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y SYSTEM.257.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y UNDOTBS1.259.803059147 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y UNDOTBS2.262.803059163 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y UNDOTBS3.260.803059149 DATAFILE MIRROR COARSE DEC 27 10:00:00 Y USERS.263.803059163备库alert.log
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 11 Seq 61 Reading mem 0 Mem# 0: +DATADG/standby/onlinelog/group_11.264.803059801 Thu Dec 27 10:43:49 CST 2012 Recovery deleting file #8:'+DATADG/standby/datafile/zhongwc.279.803125553' from controlfile. Deleted Oracle managed file +DATADG/standby/datafile/zhongwc.279.803125553 Recovery dropped tablespace 'ZHONGWC'