
on init




//执行on init下的action;


sysclktz 0



loglevel 3


//依次执行do_loglevel()@builtins.c,  log_set_level()@util.c

//只有小于等于 loglevel才输出,参见[email protected]


//#define ERROR(x...)  log_write(3, "<3>init: " x)

//#define INFO(x...) log_write(6, "<6>init: " x)


export PATH ......



symlink /system/etc  /etc

//symlink <target> <path>  :创建一个指向<path>的软连接<target>


mkdir ...

//  mkdir <path> [mode] [owner] [group]


mount ...

//mount <type> <device> <dir> [ <mountoption> ]*
//试图在目录<dir>挂载指定的设备。<device> 可以是以 mtd@name 的形式指定一个mtd块设备。<mountoption>包括 //"ro"、"rw"、"remount"、"noatime"、 ...


write /proc/sys/kenel/panic_on_oops 1

//This file (new in Linux 2.5) controls the kernel's behaviour when an oops or BUG is encountered. If this file contains 0, then the system tries to continue operation. If it contains 1, then the system delays a few seconds (to give klogd time to record the oops output) and then panics. If the /proc/sys/kernel/panic file is also non-zero then the machine will be rebooted.


    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns 600000
    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns 2000000
    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield 1
    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_child_runs_first 0
    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_min_granularity_ns 400000
    write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_features 24188





