(JavaCard)JavaCard222VM Spec(JavaCard 2.2.2 虚拟机规范-中英文对照,第三章)

Structure of the Java Card Virtual

The specification of the Java Card virtual machine is in many ways quite similar to
that of the Java virtual machine. This similarity is of course intentional, as the design
of the Java Card virtual machine was based on that of the Java virtual machine.
Rather than reiterate all the details of this specification which are shared with that of
the Java virtual machine, this chapter will mainly refer to its counterpart in The Java
Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd Edition, providing new information only where the
Java Card virtual machine differs.
与其处处重申这个规范和java虚拟机规范的所有相同的部分,还不如直接强调本虚拟机与java 2 虚拟机的不同。

3.1 Data Types and Values
3.1 数据类型和值
The Java Card virtual machine supports the same two kinds of data types as the Java
virtual machine: primitive types and reference types. Likewise, the same two kinds of
values are used: primitive values and reference values.

The primitive data types supported by the Java Card virtual machine are the numeric
types, the boolean type, and the returnAddress type. The numeric types consist only
of these types:
■ byte, whose values are 8-bit signed two’s complement integers
■ short, whose values are 16-bit signed two’s complement integers

■ byte:8-bit有符号的2进制整数
■ short:16-bit有符号的2进制整数

Some Java Card virtual machine implementations may also support an additional
integral type:
■ int, whose values are 32-bit signed two’s complement integers
■ int,32-bit有符号的二进制整数。

Support for the boolean type is identical to that in the Java virtual machine. The
value 1 is used to represent true and the value of 0 is used to represent false.
Support for reference types is identical to that in the Java virtual machine.

3.2 Words
3.2 字
The Java Card virtual machine is defined in terms of an abstract storage unit called a
word. This specification does not mandate the actual size in bits of a word on a
specific platform. A word is large enough to hold a value of type byte, short,
reference or returnAddress. Two words are large enough to hold a value of
type int.

The actual storage used for values in an implementation is platform-specific. There
is enough information present in the descriptor component of a CAP file to allow an
implementation to optimize the storage used for values in variables and on the

3.3 Runtime Data Areas
3.3 运行态数据域
The Java Card virtual machine can support only a single thread of execution. Any
runtime data area in the Java virtual machine which is duplicated on a per-thread
basis will have only one global copy in the Java Card virtual machine.
The Java Card virtual machine's heap is not required to be garbage collected. Objects
allocated from the heap will not necessarily be reclaimed.
This specification does not include support for native methods, so there are no
native method stacks.
Otherwise, the runtime data areas are as documented for the Java virtual machine.

3.4 Contexts
3.4 上下文
Each applet running on a Java Card virtual machine is associated with an execution
context. The Java Card virtual machine uses the context of the current frame to
enforce security policies for inter-applet operations.
There is a one-to-one mapping between contexts and packages in which applets are
defined. An easy way to think of a context is as the runtime equivalent of a package,
since Java packages are compile-time constructs and have no direct representation at
runtime. As a consequence, all applet instances from the same package will share the
same context.

The Java Card Runtime Environment also has its own context. Framework objects
execute in this Java Card RE context.

The context of the currently executing method is known as the current context. Every
object in a Java Card virtual machine is owned by a particular context. The owning
context is the context that was current when the object was created.

When a method in one context successfully invokes a method on an object in another
context, the Java Card virtual machine performs a context switch. Afterwards the
invoked method's context becomes the current context. When the invoked method
returns, the current context is switched back to the previous context.

3.5 Frames
3.5 帧
Java Card virtual machine frames are very similar to those defined for the Java
virtual machine. Each frame has a set of local variables and an operand stack.
Frames also contain a reference to a constant pool, but since all constant pools for all
classes in a package are merged, the reference is to the constant pool for the current
class’ package.
Each frame also includes a reference to the context in which the current method is

3.6 Representation of Objects
3.6 对象的描述
The Java Card virtual machine does not mandate a particular internal structure for
objects or a particular layout of their contents. However, the core components in a
CAP file are defined assuming a default structure for certain runtime structures (such
as descriptions of classes), and a default layout for the contents of dynamically
allocated objects. Information from the descriptor component of the CAP file can be
used to format objects in whatever way an implementation requires.

3.7 Special Initialization Methods
3.7 特殊初始化方法

The Java Card virtual machine supports instance initialization methods exactly as does
the Java virtual machine.

The Java Card virtual machine includes only limited support for class or interface
initialization methods. There is no general mechanism for executing
<clinit> methods on a Java Card virtual machine. Instead, a CAP file includes
information for initializing class data as defined in Section, “Class
Initialization” on page 2-11.

3.8 Exceptions
3.8 异常

Exception support in the Java Card virtual machine is identical to support for
exceptions in the Java virtual machine.

3.9 Binary File Formats
3.9 二进制文件格式

This specification defines two binary file formats which enable platform-
independent development, distribution and execution of Java Card programs.
The CAP file format describes files that contain executable code and can be
downloaded and installed onto a Java Card technology-enabled device. A CAP file is
produced by a Java Card platform Converter tool, and contains a converted form of
an entire package of Java classes. This file format's relationship to the Java Card
virtual machine is analogous to the relationship of the class file format to the Java
virtual machine.

The export file format describes files that contain the public linking information of
Java Card API packages. A package’s export file is used when converting client
packages of that package.

3.10 Instruction Set Summary
The Java Card virtual machine instruction set is quite similar to the Java virtual
machine instruction set. Individual instructions consist of a one-byte opcode and zero
or more operands. The pseudo-code for the Java Card virtual machine's instruction
fetch-decode-execute loop is the same. Multi-byte operand data is also encoded in
big-endian order.
3.10 指令集汇总
java卡虚拟机指令集和java虚拟机指令集非常类似。个别的指令由一个字节操作码,零或者更多的操作数组成。java卡虚拟机指令的 获取-解码-执行 循环也是相同的。多字节的操作数大端编码。

There are a number of ways in which the Java Card virtual machine instruction set
diverges from that of the Java virtual machine. Most of the differences are due to the
Java Card virtual machine's more limited support for data types. Another source of
divergence is that the Java Card virtual machine is intended to run on 8-bit and 16-
bit architectures, whereas the Java virtual machine was designed for a 32-bit
architecture. The rest of the differences are all oriented in one way or another
toward optimizing the size or performance of either the Java Card virtual machine
or Java Card programs. These changes include inlining constant pool data directly in
instruction opcodes or operands, adding multiple versions of a particular instruction
to deal with different datatypes, and creating composite instructions for operations
on the current object.

3.10.1 Types and the Java Card Virtual Machine
3.10.1 类型和java卡虚拟机

The Java Card virtual machine supports only a subset of the types supported by the
Java virtual machine. This subset is described in Chapter 2. Type support is reflected
in the instruction set, as instructions encode the data types on which they operate.
Given that the Java Card virtual machine supports fewer types than the Java virtual
machine, there is an opportunity for better support for smaller data types. Lack of
support for large numeric data types frees up space in the instruction set. This extra
instruction space has been used to directly support arithmetic operations on the
short data type.

Some of the extra instruction space has also been used to optimize common
operations. Type information is directly encoded in field access instructions, rather
than being obtained from an entry in the constant pool.
