



<!-- EhCache Manager --> <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="configLocation"> <value>classpath:ehcache.xml</value> </property> </bean> <bean id="localCache" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean"> <property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManager" /> <property name="cacheName" value="×××.cache.LOCAL_CACHE" /> </bean> <bean id="cacheService" class="×××.core.cache.CacheService" init-method="init" destroy-method="destory"> <property name="cacheServerList" value="${cache.servers}"/> <property name="cacheServerWeights" value="${cache.cacheServerWeights}"/> <property name="cacheCluster" value="${cache.cluster}"/> <property name="localCache" ref="localCache"/> </bean> <!-- EhCache Manager --> <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="configLocation"> <value>classpath:ehcache.xml</value> </property> </bean> <bean id="localCache" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean"> <property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManager" /> <property name="cacheName" value="×××.cache.LOCAL_CACHE" /> </bean> <bean id="cacheService" class="×××.core.cache.CacheService" init-method="init" destroy-method="destory"> <property name="cacheServerList" value="${cache.servers}"/> <property name="cacheServerWeights" value="${cache.cacheServerWeights}"/> <property name="cacheCluster" value="${cache.cluster}"/> <property name="localCache" ref="localCache"/> </bean>在properties文件中配置${cache.servers} ${cache.cacheServerWeights} ${cache.cluster}

Java 代码
/** * @author Marc * */ public class CacheService { private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private Cache localCache; String cacheServerList; String cacheServerWeights; boolean cacheCluster = false; int initialConnections = 10; int minSpareConnections = 5; int maxSpareConnections = 50; long maxIdleTime = 1000 * 60 * 30; // 30 minutes long maxBusyTime = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes long maintThreadSleep = 1000 * 5; // 5 seconds int socketTimeOut = 1000 * 3; // 3 seconds to block on reads int socketConnectTO = 1000 * 3; // 3 seconds to block on initial // connections. If 0, then will use blocking // connect (default) boolean failover = false; // turn off auto-failover in event of server // down boolean nagleAlg = false; // turn off Nagle's algorithm on all sockets in // pool MemCachedClient mc; public CacheService(){ mc = new MemCachedClient(); mc.setCompressEnable(false); } /** * 放入 * */ public void put(String key, Object obj) { Assert.hasText(key); Assert.notNull(obj); Assert.notNull(localCache); if (this.cacheCluster) { mc.set(key, obj); } else { Element element = new Element(key, (Serializable) obj); localCache.put(element); } } /** * 删除 */ public void remove(String key){ Assert.hasText(key); Assert.notNull(localCache); if (this.cacheCluster) { mc.delete(key); }else{ localCache.remove(key); } } /** * 得到 */ public Object get(String key) { Assert.hasText(key); Assert.notNull(localCache); Object rt = null; if (this.cacheCluster) { rt = mc.get(key); } else { Element element = null; try { element = localCache.get(key); } catch (CacheException cacheException) { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Cache failure: " + cacheException.getMessage()); } if(element != null) rt = element.getValue(); } return rt; } /** * 判断是否存在 * */ public boolean exist(String key){ Assert.hasText(key); Assert.notNull(localCache); if (this.cacheCluster) { return mc.keyExists(key); }else{ return this.localCache.isKeyInCache(key); } } private void init() { if (this.cacheCluster) { String[] serverlist = cacheServerList.split(","); Integer[] weights = this.split(cacheServerWeights); // initialize the pool for memcache servers SockIOPool pool = SockIOPool.getInstance(); pool.setServers(serverlist); pool.setWeights(weights); pool.setInitConn(initialConnections); pool.setMinConn(minSpareConnections); pool.setMaxConn(maxSpareConnections); pool.setMaxIdle(maxIdleTime); pool.setMaxBusyTime(maxBusyTime); pool.setMaintSleep(maintThreadSleep); pool.setSocketTO(socketTimeOut); pool.setSocketConnectTO(socketConnectTO); pool.setNagle(nagleAlg); pool.setHashingAlg(SockIOPool.NEW_COMPAT_HASH); pool.initialize();"初始化memcached pool!"); } } private void destory() { if (this.cacheCluster) { SockIOPool.getInstance().shutDown(); } } }
public class CachingInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { private CacheService cacheService; private String cacheKey; public void setCacheKey(String cacheKey) { this.cacheKey = cacheKey; } public void setCacheService(CacheService cacheService) { this.cacheService = cacheService; } public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { Object result = cacheService.get(cacheKey); //如果函数返回结果不在Cache中,执行函数并将结果放入Cache if (result == null) { result = invocation.proceed(); cacheService.put(cacheKey,result); } return result; } } public class CachingInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { private CacheService cacheService; private String cacheKey; public void setCacheKey(String cacheKey) { this.cacheKey = cacheKey; } public void setCacheService(CacheService cacheService) { this.cacheService = cacheService; } public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { Object result = cacheService.get(cacheKey); //如果函数返回结果不在Cache中,执行函数并将结果放入Cache if (result == null) { result = invocation.proceed(); cacheService.put(cacheKey,result); } return result; } }
<aop:config proxy-target-class="true"> <aop:advisor pointcut="execution(* ×××.PoiService.getOne(..))" advice-ref="PoiServiceCachingAdvice" /> </aop:config> <bean id="BasPoiServiceCachingAdvice" class="×××.core.cache.CachingInterceptor"> <property name="cacheKey" value="PoiService" /> <property name="cacheService" ref="cacheService" /> </bean>
