Oracle自治事务的介绍(Autonomous Transactions)PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;

Autonomous transactions allow you to leave the context of the calling transaction, perform an independant transaction, and return to the calling transaction without affecting it's state. The autonomous transaction has no link to the calling transaction, so only commited data can be shared by both transactions.

The following types of PL/SQL blocks can be defined as autonomous transactions:

    * Stored procedures and functions. 存储过程和函数
    * Local procedures and functions defined in a PL/SQL declaration block. 定义在声明块里的本地存储过程和函数
    * Packaged procedures and functions. 打包的存储过程和函数
    * Type methods. 类型方法
    * Top-level anonymous blocks. 顶层的匿名块

The easiest way to understand autonomous transactions is to see them in action. To do this, we create a test table and populate it with two rows. Notice that the data is not commited.

    CREATE TABLE at_test (
      description VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO at_test (id, description) VALUES (1, 'Description for 1');
    INSERT INTO at_test (id, description) VALUES (2, 'Description for 2');

    SELECT * FROM at_test;

            ID DESCRIPTION
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------
             1 Description for 1
             2 Description for 2

    2 rows selected.


Next, we insert another 8 rows using an anonymous block declared as an autonomous transaction, which contains a commit statement.

      FOR i IN 3 .. 10 LOOP
        INSERT INTO at_test (id, description)
        VALUES (i, 'Description for ' || i);
      END LOOP;

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SELECT * FROM at_test;

            ID DESCRIPTION
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------
             1 Description for 1
             2 Description for 2
             3 Description for 3
             4 Description for 4
             5 Description for 5
             6 Description for 6
             7 Description for 7
             8 Description for 8
             9 Description for 9
            10 Description for 10

    10 rows selected.


As expected, we now have 10 rows in the table. If we now issue a rollback statement we get the following result.

    SELECT * FROM at_test;

            ID DESCRIPTION
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------
             3 Description for 3
             4 Description for 4
             5 Description for 5
             6 Description for 6
             7 Description for 7
             8 Description for 8
             9 Description for 9
            10 Description for 10

    8 rows selected.


The 2 rows inserted by our current session (transaction) have been rolled back, while the rows inserted by the autonomous transactions remain. The presence of the PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION compiler directive made the anonymous block run in its own transaction, so the internal commit statement did not affect the calling session. As a result rollback was still able to affect the DML issued by the current statement.
被我们当前事务插入的2行数据被回滚了,而被自治事务插入的数据继续存在。编译描述符 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION 使得自治块在自己的事务里运行,所以内部的提交语句不会影响调用方的事务。

Autonomous transactions are commonly used by error logging routines, where the error messages must be preserved, regardless of the the commit/rollback status of the transaction. For example, the following table holds basic error messages.

    CREATE TABLE error_logs (
      id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
      log_timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
      error_message VARCHAR2(4000),
      CONSTRAINT error_logs_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)

    CREATE SEQUENCE error_logs_seq;

We define a procedure to log error messages as an autonomous transaction.

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE log_errors (p_error_message IN VARCHAR2) AS
      INSERT INTO error_logs (id, log_timestamp, error_message)
      VALUES (error_logs_seq.NEXTVAL, SYSTIMESTAMP, p_error_message);

The following code forces an error, which is trapped and logged.

      INSERT INTO at_test (id, description)
      VALUES (998, 'Description for 998');

      -- Force invalid insert.
      INSERT INTO at_test (id, description)
      VALUES (999, NULL);
        log_errors (p_error_message => SQLERRM);

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SELECT * FROM at_test WHERE id >= 998;

    no rows selected

    SELECT * FROM error_logs;

            ID LOG_TIMESTAMP
    ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
             1 28-FEB-2006 11:10:10.107625
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("TIM_HALL"."AT_TEST"."DESCRIPTION")

    1 row selected.


From this we can see that the LOG_ERRORS transaction was separate to the anonymous block. If it weren't, we would expect the first insert in the anonymous block to be preserved by the commit statement in the LOG_ERRORS procedure.

Be careful how you use autonomous transactions. If they are used indiscriminately they can lead to deadlocks, and cause confusion when analyzing session trace. To hammer this point home, here's a quote from Tom Kyte posted on my blog (here):
小心你使用自治存储过程的方式。如果你胡乱使用,可能会引起死锁,同时在分析跟踪事务时引起冲突。下面是Tom Kyte在我的博客里提供的一些建议:

    ... in 999 times out of 1000, if you find yourself "forced" to use an autonomous transaction - it likely means you have a serious data integrity issue you haven't thought about.

    Where do people try to use them?

        * in that trigger that calls a procedure that commits (not an error logging routine). Ouch, that has to hurt when you rollback.
        * in that trigger that is getting the mutating table constraint. Ouch, that hurts *even more*

    Error logging - OK.

    Almost everything else - not OK.
