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近期项目需要视频播放 activeX 控件, 要求播放h.264文件,因此我决定借助于 vlc,
很幸运,vlc开源,同时在 binary 分发包.zip 中有 activeX 直接可用。
1、vlc 官方介绍:
VLC官方网站: http://www.videolan.org/
VLC下载页面: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
VLC下载目录(源码和安装包): http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/
VLC Nightly Builds:  http://nightlies.videolan.org/
VLC 开发Wiki: http://wiki.videolan.org/Developers_Corner
VLC Win32第三方库预编译包下载目录: http://download.videolan.org/pub/testing/win32/
VLC 官方论坛: http://forum.videolan.org/
VLC 邮件列表: http://www.videolan.org/developers/lists.html
http://wiki.videolan.org/ActiveX vlc ActiveX介绍
http://wiki.videolan.org/ActiveX/HTML ActiveX 如何使用
http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:WebPlugin how to use ActiveX

总结:vlc 很好很强大,
但vlc ActiveX控件却要依赖于vlc 的安装。
这从 ReadMe 中也可以看出: 
vlc 的 ActiveX 是  local server (就是说可以当 dll 也可以当 exe) The advantage of a local server is that it will never crash its client,
If the control needs to use external VLC plugins (i.e other than built-in ones),
make sure that the plugin path is set in the registry as per following example:
"InstallDir"="d:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC"
@="d:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe"
The InstallDir must be the parent directory of the 'plugins' directory.
For convenience, I have provided a sample axvlc.INF file, which assumes that the VLC
NSIS Installer has been packaged up a CAB file called AXVLC.CAB.
The ActiveX Control DLL file can also be distributed by itself if it has been
compiled with built-in VLC plugins; check developer information for more
information on built-in plugins.
i.e Internet Explorer, if itself is crashing.
2、按照之前 activeX 的分发经验和 vlc 官网提供的 inf 文件,我自己制作了一个 cab 文件:
1、CABARC.EXE -s 6144  N axvlc.cab axvlc.inf axvlc.dll vlc-1.0.5-win32.exe
2、makecert -sv vlc.pvk -n "CN=imit.whu.edu.cn" vlc.cer
比官网的要大~但是要新 vlc-1.0.5 ,不过vlc-0.8.6e 貌似是稳定版本
