Last edited18/January/2013 NH
Thereis an overview of the internal design of Scintilla.Scintilla内部设计的概述
Some notes on using Scintilla.使用Scintilla的一些注意事项
How to use the Scintilla Edit Control on Windows.在Windows上如何使用ScintillaEdit Control
A simple sample using Scintilla from C++ on Windows.Windows一个简单的使用Scintilla的例子(C++)
A simple sample using Scintilla from Visual Basic.Windows一个简单的使用Scintilla的例子(Visual Basic)
Bait is a tiny sample using Scintilla on GTK+.Bait,这是一个简单的在GTK+中使用Scintilla的例子
A detailed description of how to write a lexer, includinga discussion of folding.详述如何编写一个语法识别器,包括代码折叠的详细讨论
How to implement a lexer in the container.如何在容器中实现一个语法识别器
How to implement folding.如何实现代码折叠
The codingstyle used in Scintilla and SciTE is worthfollowing if you want to contribute code to Scintilla but is not compulsory.
TheWindows version of Scintilla is a Windows Control. As such, its primaryprogramming interface is through Windows messages. Early versions of Scintillaemulated much of the API defined by the standard Windows Edit and RichEditcontrols but those APIs are now deprecated in favour of Scintilla's own, moreconsistent API. In addition to messages performing the actions of a normal Editcontrol, Scintilla allows control of syntax styling, folding, markers,autocompletion and call tips.
Window版本的Scintilla是一个WindowsControl。因此,其主要的开发接口都是通过Windows消息来实现的。早期版本的Scintilla模仿Windows的Edit控件和RichEdit控件,定义了大量的API,但是现在这些API都已经不再推荐使用,他们已经被现在Scintilla的更一致的API取代。除了一般的Edit Control的功能外,Scintill还支持语法样式,代码折叠,标签,自动完成,以及函数调用提示。
TheGTK+ version also uses messages in a similar way to the Windows version. Thisis different to normal GTK+ practice but made it easier to implement rapidly.
Scintilladoes not properly support right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew. Whiletext in these languages may appear correct, it is not possible to interact withthis text as is normal with other editing components.
Thisdocumentation describes the individual messages and notifications used byScintilla. It does not describe how to link them together to form a usefuleditor. For now, the best way to work out how to develop using Scintilla is tosee how SciTE uses it. SciTE exercises most of Scintilla's facilities.
Inthe descriptions that follow, the messages are described as function calls withzero, one or two arguments. These two arguments are the standard wParam and lParam familiarto Windows programmers. These parameters are integers that are large enough tohold pointers, and the return value is also an integer large enough to containa pointer. Although the commands only use the arguments described, because allmessages have two arguments whether Scintilla uses them or not, it is stronglyrecommended that any unused arguments are set to 0. This allows futureenhancement of messages without the risk of breaking existing code. Commonargument types are:
这里的两个参数和Windows下的其他程序类似是标准的wParam and lParam 。这些参数都是一个足够存下一个执政的整数,而返回值也是如此。虽然有些指令(Commands)都没使用任何参数,但是所有的消息都会带两个参数,不管Scintilla内部是否使用它们,我们强烈建议大家对于未用到的参数统一设置为0。这可以避免当某些消息在新特性,破坏现有代码的行为。通用的参数类型是:
bool |
Arguments expect the values 0 for false and 1 for true.0 只允许两种值得参数,0表示false,1表示true |
int |
Arguments are 32-bit signed integers. 一个32位有符号整数的参数 |
const char * |
Arguments point at text that is being passed to Scintilla but not modified. The text may be zero terminated or another argument may specify the character count, the description will make this clear. 这种参数是一个指向文本的指针,这种参数不会被Scintilla修改。文本必须以0结尾或者以另外一个参数来指定文本的长度。 |
char * |
Arguments point at text buffers that Scintilla will fill with text. In some cases, another argument will tell Scintilla the buffer size. In others, you must make sure that the buffer is big enough to hold the requested text. If a NULL pointer (0) is passed then, for SCI_* calls, the length that should be allocated is returned. 这种参数也是一个指向文本的缓冲区,将传入Scintilla用于填充一些文本。有些情况下,需要一个额外的参数来告诉Scintilla缓冲区的大小。其他的情况下,你必须确保缓冲区足够容纳请求的文本。对于SCI_*的接口,如果传入的参数是NULL(0),那么返回值表示需要分配多大的内存。 |
colour |
Colours are set using the RGB format (Red, Green, Blue). The intensity of each colour is set in the range 0 to 255. If you have three such intensities, they are combined as: red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16). If you set all intensities to 255, the colour is white. If you set all intensities to 0, the colour is black. When you set a colour, you are making a request. What you will get depends on the capabilities of the system and the current screen mode. 这是一个RGB格式的颜色值。它由3种颜色分量(Red, Green, Blue)组成。每种颜色分量的都是0至255内的值。这三个颜色分量应该使用下面的方式进行组合:red | (green << 8) | (blue << 16)。如果你将所有的颜色分量设置为255,就是白色,如果全0的话,就是黑色。 |
alpha |
Translucency is set using an alpha value. Alpha ranges from 0 (SC_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT) which is completely transparent to 255 (SC_ALPHA_OPAQUE) which is opaque. The value 256 (SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA) is opaque and uses code that is not alpha-aware and may be faster. Not all platforms support translucency and only some Scintilla features implement translucency. The default alpha value for most features is SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA. 透明度用一个alpha值表示。Alpha的取值范围是从0(SC_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT)到255 (SC_ALPHA_OPAQUE)。0表示完全透明,而255表示表示不透明。而256(SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA)也表示不透明的,该值使用在被非alpha-aware的地方处理速度会更快。并不是所有的平台都支持透明机制,而且Scintilla也只是部分特性中使用了透明机制。对大部分特性来说都是SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA。 |
<unused> |
This is an unused argument. Setting it to 0 will ensure compatibility with future enhancements. 这个表示未用到的参数。请设置为0,以便于未来的某些特性做兼容。 |
o Text retrieval and modification 文本获取和修改 |
o Searching and replacing 搜索和替换 |
o Overtype |
o Cut, copy and paste 剪切复制粘贴 |
o Error handling 错误处理 |
o Undo and Redo 撤销和重做 |
o Selection and information |
o Multiple Selection and Virtual Space 多选和虚拟空白 |
o Scrolling and automatic scrolling 滑动和自动滑动 |
o White space 空白 |
o Cursor 光标 |
o Mouse capture鼠标捕获 |
o Line endings 行尾 |
o Styling 风格 |
o Style definition 风格定义 |
o Caret, selection, and hotspot styles |
o Margins 边栏 |
o Annotations |
o Other settings 其他设置 |
o Brace highlighting |
o Tabs and Indentation Guides Tab和缩进 |
o Markers标签 |
o Indicators |
o Autocompletion 自动完成 |
o User lists |
o Call tips 调用提示 |
o Keyboard commands 键盘指令 |
o Key bindings 快捷键绑定 |
o Popup edit menu 弹出编辑菜单 |
o Macro recording 宏录制 |
o Printing 打印 |
o Direct access 直接访问 |
o Multiple views 多视图 |
o Background loading and saving 后台加载和保存 |
o Folding 代码折叠 |
o Line wrapping 自动换行 |
o Zooming 缩放 |
o Long lines 长行 |
o Lexer 词法分析 |
o Lexer objects 词法对象 |
o Notifications 通知事件 |
o Images 图片 |
o GTK+ GTK+ |
o Provisional messages 待定的消息 |
o Deprecated messages 不推荐的消息 |
o Edit messages never supported by Scintilla 不再支持的消息 |
o Building Scintilla 编译Scintilla |
Messageswith names of the form SCI_SETxxxxx oftenhave a companion SCI_GETxxxxx. To save tediousrepetition, if theSCI_GETxxxxx messagereturns the value set by the SCI_SETxxxxx message,the SET routineis described and the GET routineis left to your imagination.
类似SCI_SETxxxxx 的消息通常也会有一个对应的SCI_GETxxxxx消息。为了保持一致性,SCI_GETxxxxx的返回值就是SCI_SETxxxxx 设置的值,只要你看到一个SET你就应该想到会有一个对应的GET。
Text retrieval andmodification
Each byte in a Scintilladocument is followed by an associated byte of styling information. Thecombination of a character byte and a style byte is called a cell. Style bytesare interpreted an index into an array of styles. Style bytes may be split intoan index and a set of indicator bits but this use is discouraged and indicatorsshould now useSCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE and related calls. Thedefault split is with the index in the low 5 bits and 3 high bits asindicators. This allows 32fundamental styles, which is enough for most languages, and three independentindicators so that, for example, syntax errors, deprecated names and badindentation could all be displayed at once. The number of bits used for stylescan be altered with SCI_SETSTYLEBITS up to a maximum of 8bits. The remaining bits can be used for indicators.
[MS1] Inthis document, 'character' normally refers to a byte even when multi-bytecharacters are used. Lengths measure the numbers of bytes, not the amount ofcharacters in those bytes.
Positions withinthe Scintilla document refer to a character or the gap before that character.The first character in a document is 0, the second 1 and so on. If a documentcontains nLen characters, thelast character is numbered nLen-1. The caret exists between character positions and can be located frombefore the first character (0) to after the last character (nLen).
Thereare places where the caret can not go where two character bytes make up onecharacter. This occurs when a DBCS character from a language like Japanese isincluded in the document or when line ends are marked with the CP/M standard ofa carriage return followed by a line feed. The INVALID_POSITION constant(-1) represents an invalid position within the document.
有些场景下连字符不能出现在两个字符之间,比如当两个字节实际上是一个字符时。这种情况出现在当文档包含一些DBCS字符时,比如日语字符,或者行尾被标记为xxxxx[MS2] 。常量INVALID_POSITION (-1)表示文档中的无效位置。
Alllines of text in Scintilla are the same height, and this height is calculatedfrom the largest font in any current style. This restriction is forperformance; if lines differed in height then calculations involvingpositioning of text would require the text to be styled first.
SCI_GETTEXT(intlength, char *text)
SCI_SETTEXT(<unused>,const char *text)
SCI_GETLINE(intline, char *text)
SCI_REPLACESEL(<unused>,const char *text)
SCI_GETTEXTRANGE(<unused>,Sci_TextRange *tr)
SCI_ALLOCATE(intbytes, <unused>)
SCI_ADDTEXT(intlength, const char *s)
SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT(intlength, cell *s)
SCI_APPENDTEXT(intlength, const char *s)
SCI_INSERTTEXT(intpos, const char *text)
SCI_DELETERANGE(intpos, int deleteLength)
SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT(<unused>,Sci_TextRange *tr)
SCI_TARGETASUTF8(<unused>,char *s)
SCI_ENCODEDFROMUTF8(constchar *utf8, char *encoded)
SCI_GETTEXT(intlength, char *text)
This returns length-1 characters of textfrom the start of the document plus one terminating 0 character. To collect allthe text in a document, use SCI_GETLENGTH toget the number of characters in the document (nLen), allocate a characterbuffer of length nLen+1 bytes,then call SCI_GETTEXT(nLen+1,char *text). If the text argument is 0 then thelength that should be allocated to store the entire document is returned. Ifyou then save the text, you should use SCI_SETSAVEPOINT tomark the text as unmodified.
该函数返回的数据时从文本的起始位置返回length-1个字符,并以0字符结尾。如果想获取文档中的所有文本,需要先用SCI_GETLENGTH 获取文档中总共有多少字符(nLen),然后分配nLen+1 字节的缓冲区,接着再调用SCI_GETTEXT(nLen+1, char*text)。如果text参数为0,那么整个文档的的数据自动分配内存兵返回。如果你已经保存了text,你应该使用SCI_SETSAVEPOINT 来标注text没有修改。
SCI_SETTEXT(<unused>,const char *text)
This replaces all the text in the document with the zero terminated text stringyou pass in.
This message tells Scintilla that the currentstate of the document is unmodified. This is usually done when the file issaved or loaded, hence the name "save point". As Scintilla performsundo and redo operations, it notifies the container that it has entered or leftthe save point with SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED and SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT notificationmessages, allowing the container to know if thefile should be considered dirty or not.
这个消息用来告诉Scintilla,当前文档是没有修改的。通常在保存完毕和刚加载完文件是需要这么处理,这就是所谓的“sacepoint”。在Scintilla执行undo和redo操作时,将用SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED和 SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT通知消息来通知容器,Scintilla已经进入或者离开svaepoint。这样便于container知道当前文件是否是“脏”[MS3] 的。
SCI_GETLINE(intline, char *text)
This fills the buffer defined by text with the contents of the nominated line(lines start at 0). The buffer is not terminated by a 0 character. It is up toyou to make sure that the buffer is long enough for the text, useSCI_LINELENGTH(int line).The returned value is the number of characters copied to the buffer. Thereturned text includes any end of line characters. If you ask for a line numberoutside the range of lines in the document, 0 characters are copied. If thetext argument is 0 then the length that should be allocated to store the entireline is returned.
本函数用指定的行(从0开始)的内容来填充text参数指向的缓冲区。填充的内容不是以字符0结尾。调用前你必须保证缓冲区的长度足够容纳下该行的文本。可以通过SCI_LINELENGTH(int line)来获取指定行的长度。返回值表示缓冲区中填充料多少字符。返回的文本将包括行结束符。如果line参数指定的行超出本文档行号的范围,0个字符将被拷贝。如果text参数为0,Scintilla将自动分配足够存储该行长度的缓冲区,并返回。
SCI_REPLACESEL(<unused>,const char *text)
The currently selected text between the anchorand the current position isreplaced by the 0 terminated text string. If the anchor and current positionare the same, the text is inserted at the caret position. The caret ispositioned after the inserted text and the caret is scrolled into view.
本函数用text参数所指向的以0结尾的字符串,来替换由 anchorand 和currentposition指向当前选中的文本。如果anchor和current position相等,那么就表示插入文本到caretposition。xxxxx[MS4]
These messages set and get the read-only flagfor the document. If you mark a document as read only, attempts to modify thetext cause the SCN_MODIFYATTEMPTRO notification.
SCI_GETTEXTRANGE(<unused>, Sci_TextRange *tr)
This collects the text between the positions cpMin and cpMax andcopies it to lpstrText (see struct Sci_TextRange inScintilla.h). If cpMax is-1, text is returned to the end of the document. The text is 0 terminated, soyou must supply a buffer that is at least 1 character longer than the number ofcharacters you wish to read. The return value is the length of the returnedtext not including the terminating 0.
这个会将从cpMin 到cpMax 这两个位置间的文本,拷贝到lpstrText (参见Scintilla.h 中的struct Sci_TextRange定义)。如果cpMax等于-1,返回一直到文档结束位置的文本。返回的文本以0结尾,所以你必须缓冲区的长度必须必你想要读取的内容要多至少1字符。返回值表示实际包含的字符数,不含尾部的0字符。
SCI_GETSTYLEDTEXT(<unused>, Sci_TextRange *tr)
This collects styled text into a buffer using two bytes for each cell, with thecharacter at the lower address of each pair and the style byte at the upperaddress. Characters between the positions cpMin and cpMax are copied to lpstrText (seestruct Sci_TextRange in Scintilla.h). Two 0 bytes are added to the end of the text, so thebuffer that lpstrText points at must beat least 2*(cpMax-cpMin)+2 bytes long. Nocheck is made for sensible values of cpMin or cpMax. Positionsoutside the document return character codes and style bytes of 0.
SCI_ALLOCATE(intbytes, <unused>)
Allocate a document buffer large enough to store a given number of bytes. Thedocument will not be made smaller than its current contents.
SCI_ADDTEXT(intlength, const char *s)
This inserts the first length charactersfrom the string s atthe current position. This will include any 0's in the string that you mighthave expected to stop the insert operation. The current position is set at theend of the inserted text, but it is not scrolled into view.
这个将由s指向的长length 的文本插入到当前position。这个函数在遇到任何\0字符时将停止插入操作。插入完成后,当前的位置将调整到插入文本之后。而且不要指望Scintilla会自动滚动视图使其显示。
SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT(intlength, cell *s)
This behaves just like SCI_ADDTEXT, but inserts styledtext.
SCI_APPENDTEXT(intlength, const char *s)
This adds the first length charactersfrom the string s tothe end of the document. This will include any 0's in the string that you mighthave expected to stop the operation. The current selection is not changed andthe new text is not scrolled into view.
SCI_INSERTTEXT(intpos, const char *text)
This inserts the zero terminated text stringat position pos orat the current position if pos is-1. If the current position is after the insertion point then it is moved alongwith its surrounding text but no scrolling is performed.
Unless the document is read-only, this deletes all the text.
SCI_DELETERANGE(intpos, int deleteLength)
Deletes a range of text in the document.
When wanting to completely restyle the document, for example after choosing alexer, the SCI_CLEARDOCUMENTSTYLE canbe used to clear all styling information and reset the folding state.
如果你向完全重置整个文档的Style,比如当用户切换了一个新的lexer时,SCI_CLEARDOCUMENTSTYLE 就可以用来清除所有的Style信息,并且重置所有的代码折叠状态。
This returns the character at pos inthe document or 0 if pos isnegative or past the end of the document.
This returns the style at pos inthe document, or 0 if pos isnegative or past the end of the document.
This pair of routines sets and reads back the number of bits in each cell touse for styling, to a maximum of 8 style bits. The remaining bits can be usedas indicators. The standard setting is SCI_SETSTYLEBITS(5). The number of styling bits needed by thecurrent lexer can be found with SCI_GETSTYLEBITSNEEDED.
Extended styles are used for features like textual margins and annotations aswell as internally by Scintilla. They are outside the range 0..255 used for thestyles bytes associated with document bytes. These functions manage the use ofextended styles to ensures that components cooperate in defining styles. SCI_RELEASEALLEXTENDEDSTYLES releases anyextended styles allocated by the container. SCI_ALLOCATEEXTENDEDSTYLES allocates a rangeof style numbers after the byte style values and returns the number of thefirst allocated style. Ranges for margin and annotation styles should beallocated before calling SCI_MARGINSETSTYLEOFFSET or SCI_ANNOTATIONSETSTYLEOFFSET.
Sci_TextRange and Sci_CharacterRange
These structures are defined to be exactly thesame shape as the Win32 TEXTRANGE and CHARRANGE, so that older codethat treats Scintilla as a RichEdit will work.
这个结构实际上与WIN32下的TEXTRANGE 和 CHARRANGE相同,所以有些比较老的代码将Scintilla当做RichEdit来玩也可以工作。
struct Sci_CharacterRange {
long cpMin;
long cpMax;
struct Sci_TextRange {
struct Sci_CharacterRange chrg;
char *lpstrText;
GTK+-specific:Access to encoded text
SCI_TARGETASUTF8(<unused>,char *s)
This method retrieves the value of the target encoded as UTF-8 which is thedefault encoding of GTK+ so is useful for retrieving text for use in otherparts of the user interface, such as find and replace dialogs. The length ofthe encoded text in bytes is returned.
SCI_ENCODEDFROMUTF8(constchar *utf8, char *encoded)
SCI_ENCODEDFROMUTF8 converts a UTF-8string into the document's encoding which is useful for taking the results of afind dialog, for example, and receiving a string of bytes that can be searchedfor in the document. Since the text can contain nul bytes, the SCI_SETLENGTHFORENCODE method can be usedto set the length that will be converted. If set to -1, the length isdetermined by finding a nul byte. The length of the converted string isreturned.