OUI - 10021 A read lock cannot be obtained

OUI - 10021

今天在给一个客户升级数据库时,无意中碰到一个报错 oui-10021  查了下联机文档,就找到了解决方法,



Oracle® Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Windows and UNIX


The target area <location_of_oraInventory> is being written to by another session. 
A read lock cannot be obtained.

Potential Causes

Another process has locked the global inventory (oraInventory). For any reading operation or when OUI is started, OUI creates a "reader.lock" file in the <oraInventory>/locks directory. Since a write lock ("writer.lock") already exists in the <oraInventory>/locks directory, OUI cannot create a "reader.lock".

Possible Solutions

  • Check if a "writer.lock" already exists in the <oraInventory>/locks directory.

  • Check if another OUI is running in the system that can hold a lock on the oraInventory.

    For Unix, you can use this command:

         % ps -ef | grep runInstaller

    For Windows, you can use one of these commands:

         > tasklist | findstr /R "setup.exe"
         > tasklist | findstr /R "oui.exe"
         > tasklist | findstr /R "javaw.exe"            (Make sure that this is the Java process related to OUI.)
  • Stop the process, then try to start OUI again.

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