Figure1 shows an tower of hanoi setup with three discs on the first pole. Note that all the discs are a different size. The a < b < c.
The goal is move all discs from first pole to the last pole. There are three rules:
1. A large disc can never be placed on top of a small disc.
2. You can only move one disc at a time
3. You can move discs on first pole to third pole with one movement.
Look at Figure2. To solve the Towers of Hani with four discs.
Step1. Move 3 discs to the second pole.
Step2. Move biggest disc to the third pole.
Step3. Move 3 discs to the third pole.
How to Move 3 discs to the second pole?
Step1. Move 2 discs to the third pole.
Step2. Move biggest disc to the second pole.
Step3. Move 2 discs to the second pole.
So if you want to move n discs:
Step1. Move the top n - 1 discs to the pole 2 (Move top n - 1 discs From beginning pole to empty)
Step2. Move the nthdisc to the pole 3 (Move the nth From beginning pole to destination)
step3. Move the n -1 discs from the pole 2 to 3. (Move the n - 1 discs From empty pole to destination)
int findEmpty(int from, int destination){ if((from == 1 && destination == 2) || (from == 2 && destination == 1)) return 3; else if((from == 2 && destination == 3) || (from == 3 && destination == 2)) return 1; else if((from == 1 && destination == 3) || (from == 3 && destination == 1)) return 2; } void moveTown(int totalNum, int beginning, int destination){ if(totalNum == 1){ cout << "move "<< totalNum << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; }else{ int empty = findEmpty(beginning, destination); moveTown(totalNum - 1, beginning, empty); cout << "move "<< totalNum << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; moveTown(totalNum - 1, empty, destination); } }
just call
moveTown(3, 1, 3);
Look At moveTown function. Every time we need findEmpty function to find the empty pole. There are only 3 poles. So we can tell the function what the empty pole is.
void Hanoi(const int& n,const int& beginning,const int& destination,const int& empty ) { if( n > 0 ) { Hanoi( n-1, beginning, empty, destination ); cout << "Moving " << n << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; Hanoi( n-1, empty, destination, beginning ); } }
// Hanoi.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int findEmpty(int from, int destination){ if((from == 1 && destination == 2) || (from == 2 && destination == 1)) return 3; else if((from == 2 && destination == 3) || (from == 3 && destination == 2)) return 1; else if((from == 1 && destination == 3) || (from == 3 && destination == 1)) return 2; } //slow one void moveTown(int totalNum, int beginning, int destination){ if(totalNum == 1){ cout << "move "<< totalNum << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; }else{ int empty = findEmpty(beginning, destination); moveTown(totalNum - 1, beginning, empty); cout << "move "<< totalNum << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; moveTown(totalNum - 1, empty, destination); } } //better one void Hanoi(const int& n,const int& beginning,const int& destination,const int& empty ) { if( n > 0 ) { Hanoi( n-1, beginning, empty, destination ); cout << "Moving " << n << " from " << beginning << " to " << destination << endl; Hanoi( n-1, empty, destination, beginning ); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //moveTown(3, 1, 3); cout << endl; Hanoi(3, 1, 3, 2); return 0; }