注意一: 适用范围 Note that you can only do bitwise operations on an integer. Trying to do them on strings or floats will result in nonsensical output!
print 5 >> 4 # Right Shift print 5 << 1 # Left Shift print 8 & 5 # Bitwise AND print 9 | 4 # Bitwise OR print 12 ^ 42 # Bitwise XOR print ~88 # Bitwise NOT
print 0b1, #1 print 0b10, #2 print 0b11, #3 print 0b100, #4 print 0b101, #5 print 0b110, #6 print 0b111 #7 print "******" print 0b1 + 0b11 print 0b11 * 0b11
print bin(1) for i in range(2,6): print bin(i)
比特操作 - 将二进制的str转换为十进制的number
print int("1",2) print int("10",2) print int("111",2) print int("0b100",2) print int(bin(5),2) # Print out the decimal equivalent of the binary 11001001. print int("11001001",2)
2 Note that the bitwise | operator can only create results that are greater than or equal to the larger of the two integer inputs.
shift_right = 0b1100 shift_left = 0b1 # Your code here! shift_right=shift_right >>2 shift_left=shift_left<<2 print bin(shift_right) print bin(shift_left)
2 just flips all of the bits in a single number
print ~1 print ~2 print ~3 print ~42 print ~123
A bit mask is just a variable that aids you with bitwise operations. A bit mask can help you turn specific bits on, turn others off, or just collect data from an integer about which bits are on or off
def check_bit4(input): input1=int(bin(input),2) input2=0b1000 if(input1&input2): return "on" else: return "off"
a = 0b10111011 mask=0b100 desired=a|mask print bin(desired)
a = 0b11101110 mask=0b11111111 desired=a ^ mask print bin(desired)
def flip_bit(number,n): mask=0b1<<(n-1) result=mask^number return bin(result)
class Fruit(object): """A class that makes various tasty fruits.""" def __init__(self, name, color, flavor, poisonous): self.name = name self.color = color self.flavor = flavor self.poisonous = poisonous def description(self): print "I'm a %s %s and I taste %s." % (self.color, self.name, self.flavor) def is_edible(self): if not self.poisonous: print "Yep! I'm edible." else: print "Don't eat me! I am super poisonous." lemon = Fruit("lemon", "yellow", "sour", False) lemon.description() lemon.is_edible()如上,
class Animal(object): #object是python中的类,Animal是用户自定义的类,用户自定义的类首字母大写 def __init__(self,name): #self表示当前的对象,类似C++中的class的*this, 一般放在参数中的第一位。 self.name=name zebra= Animal("Jeffrey") print zebra.name如上,可以看出,貌似Python中没有private, protected,public这样的关键字。并且,在_ _init _ _( )函数中,不仅完成了构造函数,而且完成了对成员变量的声明。
class ShoppingCart(object): """Creates shopping cart objects for users of our fine website.""" items_in_cart = {} def __init__(self, customer_name): self.customer_name = customer_name def add_item(self, product, price): """Add product to the cart.""" if not product in self.items_in_cart: self.items_in_cart[product] = price print product + " added." else: print product + " is already in the cart." def remove_item(self, product): """Remove product from the cart.""" if product in self.items_in_cart: del self.items_in_cart[product] print product + " removed." else: print product + " is not in the cart." my_cart=ShoppingCart("Goerge") my_cart.add_item("lemon",3.14)如上,是一个更贴近生活的例子, ShoppintCart
class Employee(object): """Models real-life employees!""" def __init__(self, employee_name): self.employee_name = employee_name def calculate_wage(self, hours): self.hours = hours return hours * 20.00 # Add your code below! class PartTimeEmployee(Employee): #inheritance def calculate_wage(self, hours): #override self.hours=hours #because of override, this line have to be here again return hours*12.00注意一 为什么要把object作为参数? Normally we use object as the parent class because it is the most basic type of class, but by specifying a different class, we can inherit more complicated functionality.
class Employee(object): """Models real-life employees!""" def __init__(self, employee_name): self.employee_name = employee_name def calculate_wage(self, hours): self.hours = hours return hours * 20.00 # Add your code below! class PartTimeEmployee(Employee): #inheritance def calculate_wage(self, hours): #override self.hours=hours #because of override, this line have to be here again return hours*12.00 def full_time_wage(self, hours): return super(PartTimeEmployee,self).calculate_wage(hours) milton = PartTimeEmployee("Milton") print milton.full_time_wage(10)
class Point3D(object): def __init__(self,x,y,z): self.x=x self.y=y self.z=z def __repr__(self): return "(%d, %d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y, self.z) my_point = Point3D(1,2,3) print my_pointwe can override the built-in __repr__() method, which is short for representation; by providing a return value in this method, we can tell Python how to represent an object of our class (for instance, when using a print statement).
my_list = [i**2 for i in range(1,11)] # Generates a list of squares of the numbers 1 - 10 f = open("output.txt", "w") for item in my_list: f.write(str(item) + "\n") f.close()
my_file=open("output.txt","r+")You can open files in write-only mode ("w"), read-only mode ("r"), read and write mode ("r+"), and append mode ("a", which adds any new data you write to the file to the end of the file).
my_file =open("output.txt","r") print my_file.read() my_file.close()
my_file=open("text.txt", "r") print my_file.readline() #readline()每次读一行 print my_file.readline() print my_file.readline() my_file.close()
读写文件操作5 自动关闭文件
You may not know this, but file objects contain a special pair of built-in methods: __enter__() and __exit__(). The details aren't important, but what is important is that when a file object's __exit__() method is invoked, it automatically closes the file. How do we invoke this method? With with and as.
with open("text.txt", "w") as textfile: textfile.write("Success!")
with open("text.txt","w") as my_file: my_file.write("hello python") if my_file.closed==False: my_file.close() print my_file.closed