使用Ant从svn检出代码(check out resource from svn use ant)


<project name="check out from SVN use ant"  default="checkout">

 <!-- define the svn url and the local directory to be checked out -->

 <property file="build.properties" />

 <path id="ant.classpath">     <pathelement location="${ant_home}/lib/svnant.jar"/>   <pathelement location="${ant_home}/lib/svnClientAdapter.jar"/>   <pathelement location="${ant_home}/lib/svnjavahl.jar"/>  </path>        <!-- define the svn task-->  <taskdef name="svn" classname="org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTask" >   <classpath refid="ant.classpath"/>  </taskdef>    <!-- prepare for the checking out:clean the directory  -->        <target name="prepare"  description="Prepare the dirs for the task">      <delete dir="${local.dir}" />       <mkdir dir="${local.dir}" />      </target>

 <!-- check out the scource from the svn -->     <target name="checkout" depends="prepare">       <svn javahl="true" username="" password="" >           <checkout url="${svn.url}" destPath="${local.dir}" />          </svn>      </target>



svn.url=svn:// local.dir=C:/SVNTest

一个简单的例子(包含svnant.zip)可以从http://download.csdn.net/source/534499下载。 更多帮助请访问:http://subclipse.tigris.org/svnant.html

