



大部分的打印机,除了使用USB连接外,中间使用一个USB-to-serial芯片来提供一个串行数据 流(RS-232 style)到CPU,所以要匹配正确的串行速度、位宽和握手过程

(2)当连接建立后,我们可以向printer发送g-code命令,为了检测一切是否正常,一个好的步骤应测试所有的end-stop sensors,temperature sensors和步进电机。

(3)当所有的测试通过后,我们可以对print bed找水平:

the ideal is to have a platform that is as flat as possible and perfectly parallel to the axes of the moving print head, in all directions. In order to reach this goal, the user has to move the head across all directions, comparing its vertical position with the one of the platform, and correct the level of the latter by mean of some screws, rising or lowering
the four corners of the platform

(4)找好水平后,平台应该小心的进行清理,covered with the proper kind of surface: it can be done with one or more layers of blue tape (for PLA) or Kapton
tape (for ABS), or the proper material required for the other kinds of plastic.

(5)If we are going to use ABS filament, we should now pre-heat the printing bed

(6)下一部就要load filament:这需要加热打印头(如nozzle)和激活extruder的步进电机。



打印一个几厘米小的空的物体,时间大约在10-20分钟,如果是一个苹果大小的物体时间会增加到1小时或更多(取决于分辨率,填充和打印速度)。打印更大一点的物体时间很容易超过10小时,如果他们同时又很复杂或者是solid fill,时间会达到50个小时或更多。


After the printer has finished to print an object, it may be worth to give it a few minutes for all the parts to cool down, and in case of ABS it will be also much easier to detach it from the bed. You may then have to remove the raft and/or the support structures, with the help of a sharp knife or cutter blade.

