HEVC学习(七) —— 帧内预测系列之五



Void TComPrediction::predIntraLumaAng(TComPattern* pcTComPattern, UInt uiDirMode, Pel* piPred, UInt uiStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight,  TComDataCU* pcCU, Bool bAbove, Bool bLeft )
  Pel *pDst = piPred;
  Int *ptrSrc;

  assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] >= 0 ); //   4x  4
  assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] <= 5 ); // 128x128
  assert( iWidth == iHeight  );
  //! 获取指向用于帧内预测的参考样点的指针,很有可能指向的是经过滤波的参考样点首地址
  ptrSrc = pcTComPattern->getPredictorPtr( uiDirMode, g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2, m_piYuvExt );

  // get starting pixel in block
  Int sw = 2 * iWidth + 1; //!< ptrSrc指向的是当前PU的左上邻点,故加上2*iWidth指向下一行即当前PU的左邻点,加1指向当前PU的首地址

  // Create the prediction
  if ( uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX )
    xPredIntraPlanar( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight );
    xPredIntraAng( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight, uiDirMode, bAbove, bLeft, true );

    if( (uiDirMode == DC_IDX ) && bAbove && bLeft )
    {// draft
      xDCPredFiltering( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight);





const UChar TComPattern::m_aucIntraFilter[5] =
10, //4x4
7, //8x8
1, //16x16
0, //32x32
10, //64x64

Int* TComPattern::getPredictorPtr( UInt uiDirMode, UInt log2BlkSize, Int* piAdiBuf )
{//! 这边根据帧内预测模式来决定是否要将指针指向经过滤波后的样点值,判断规则可参见draft
  Int* piSrc;
  assert(log2BlkSize >= 2 && log2BlkSize < 7);
  Int diff = min<Int>(abs((Int) uiDirMode - HOR_IDX), abs((Int)uiDirMode - VER_IDX));
  UChar ucFiltIdx = diff > m_aucIntraFilter[log2BlkSize - 2] ? 1 : 0;
  if (uiDirMode == DC_IDX)
  if (uiDirMode == DC_IDX || uiDirMode == LM_CHROMA_IDX)
    ucFiltIdx = 0; //no smoothing for DC or LM chroma

  assert( ucFiltIdx <= 1 );

  Int width  = 1 << log2BlkSize;
  Int height = 1 << log2BlkSize;
  piSrc = getAdiOrgBuf( width, height, piAdiBuf );

  if ( ucFiltIdx ) //!< 帧内预测模式满足滤波的条件
    piSrc += (2 * width + 1) * (2 * height + 1); //!< 指针指向滤波后的样点值

  return piSrc;

在函数的开始前,我注释了一个数组m_aucIntraFilter,这里面存放了不同PU尺寸下滤波的阈值,可参照draft8.进行了解,具体的判断规则在draft里也详细介绍了,我就不重复了,有兴趣的朋友可以到官网上去下,或者可以到我的博客资源里下载。这里需要指出的是,在函数的最后,当满足滤波条件是,piSrc向后移动了(2*width +1)*(2*height+1),可能刚开始看这句话时会有所疑惑,关于这个的解释可以查看我前面的博客“HEVC学习(五) —— 帧内预测系列之三”中对几个buffer的解释,看完后大家应该就能清楚了。至此,这个函数的解释就结束了。




/** Function for filtering intra DC predictor.
 * \param pSrc pointer to reconstructed sample array
 * \param iSrcStride the stride of the reconstructed sample array
 * \param rpDst reference to pointer for the prediction sample array
 * \param iDstStride the stride of the prediction sample array
 * \param iWidth the width of the block
 * \param iHeight the height of the block
 * This function performs filtering left and top edges of the prediction samples for DC mode (intra coding).
Void TComPrediction::xDCPredFiltering( Int* pSrc, Int iSrcStride, Pel*& rpDst, Int iDstStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight )
  Pel* pDst = rpDst;  //!< 实际上就是dcVal
  Int x, y, iDstStride2, iSrcStride2;

  // boundary pixels processing
  pDst[0] = (Pel)((pSrc[-iSrcStride] + pSrc[-1] + 2 * pDst[0] + 2) >> 2);  //!< 式子(8-35),左上角的点,利用其上邻点和左邻点与其加权平均
//! predSamples[0][0] = ( p[0][-1] + p[-1][0] + 2 * dcVal + 2 ) >> 2); 
  for ( x = 1; x < iWidth; x++ ) //!< 上边界
    pDst[x] = (Pel)((pSrc[x - iSrcStride] +  3 * pDst[x] + 2) >> 2); //!< 式子(8-36),第一行的点,利用对应上邻点与其加权平均
// predSamples[x][0] = ( p[x][-1] + 3 * dcVal + 2 ) >> 2);
  //! 左边界
  for ( y = 1, iDstStride2 = iDstStride, iSrcStride2 = iSrcStride-1; y < iHeight; y++, iDstStride2+=iDstStride, iSrcStride2+=iSrcStride )
    pDst[iDstStride2] = (Pel)((pSrc[iSrcStride2] + 3 * pDst[iDstStride2] + 2) >> 2); //!< 式子(8-37),第一列的点,利用对应左邻点与其加权平均
// predSamples[0][y] = ( p[-1][y] + 3 * dcVal + 2 ) >> 2);




