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function [cid,nr,centers] = cskmeans(x,k,nc) % CSKMEANS K-Means clustering - general method. % % This implements the more general k-means algorithm, where % HMEANS is used to find the initial partition and then each % observation is examined for further improvements in minimizing % the within-group sum of squares. % % [CID,NR,CENTERS] = CSKMEANS(X,K,NC) Performs K-means % clustering using the data given in X. % % INPUTS: X is the n x d matrix of data, % where each row indicates an observation. K indicates % the number of desired clusters. NC is a k x d matrix for the % initial cluster centers. If NC is not specified, then the % centers will be randomly chosen from the observations. % % OUTPUTS: CID provides a set of n indexes indicating cluster % membership for each point. NR is the number of observations % in each cluster. CENTERS is a matrix, where each row % corresponds to a cluster center. % % See also CSHMEANS % W. L. and A. R. Martinez, 9/15/01 % Computational Statistics Toolbox warning off [n,d] = size(x); if nargin < 3 % Then pick some observations to be the cluster centers. ind = ceil(n*rand(1,k)); % We will add some noise to make it interesting. nc = x(ind,:) + randn(k,d); end %%%%% prelocate the memory %set up storage % integer 1,...,k indicating cluster membership cid = zeros(1,n); % Make this different to get the loop started. oldcid = ones(1,n); % The number in each cluster. nr = zeros(1,k); % Set up maximum number of iterations. maxiter = 100; iter = 1; while ~isequal(cid,oldcid) & iter < maxiter % Implement the hmeans algorithm % For each point, find the distance to all cluster centers for i = 1:n dist = sum((repmat(x(i,:),k,1)-nc).^2,2); [m,ind] = min(dist); % assign it to this cluster center cid(i) = ind; end % Find the new cluster centers for i = 1:k % find all points in this cluster, foe details see doc find ind = find(cid==i); % find the centroid nc(i,:) = mean(x(ind,:)); % Find the number in each cluster; nr(i) = length(ind); end iter = iter + 1; end % Now check each observation to see if the error can be minimized some more. % Loop through all points. maxiter = 2; iter = 1; move = 1; while iter < maxiter & move ~= 0 move = 0; % Loop through all points. for i = 1:n % find the distance to all cluster centers dist = sum((repmat(x(i,:),k,1)-nc).^2,2); r = cid(i); % This is the cluster id for x %%nr,nr+1; dadj = nr./(nr+1).*dist'; % All adjusted distances [m,ind] = min(dadj); % minimum should be the cluster it belongs to if ind ~= r % if not, then move x cid(i) = ind; ic = find(cid == ind); nc(ind,:) = mean(x(ic,:)); move = 1; end end iter = iter+1; end centers = nc; if move == 0 disp('No points were moved after the initial clustering procedure.') else disp('Some points were moved after the initial clustering procedure.') end warning on


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function [idx, C, sumD, D] = kmeans(X, k, varargin) %KMEANS K-means clustering. % IDX = KMEANS(X, K) partitions the points in the N-by-P data matrix % X into K clusters. This partition minimizes the sum, over all % clusters, of the within-cluster sums of point-to-cluster-centroid % distances. Rows of X correspond to points, columns correspond to % variables. KMEANS returns an N-by-1 vector IDX containing the % cluster indices of each point. By default, KMEANS uses squared % Euclidean distances. % % KMEANS treats NaNs as missing data, and ignores any rows of X that % contain NaNs. % % [IDX, C] = KMEANS(X, K) returns the K cluster centroid locations in % the K-by-P matrix C. % % [IDX, C, SUMD] = KMEANS(X, K) returns the within-cluster sums of % point-to-centroid distances in the 1-by-K vector sumD. % % [IDX, C, SUMD, D] = KMEANS(X, K) returns distances from each point % to every centroid in the N-by-K matrix D. % % [ ... ] = KMEANS(..., 'PARAM1',val1, 'PARAM2',val2, ...) specifies % optional parameter name/value pairs to control the iterative algorithm % used by KMEANS. Parameters are: % % 'Distance' - Distance measure, in P-dimensional space, that KMEANS % should minimize with respect to. Choices are: % 'sqEuclidean' - Squared Euclidean distance (the default) % 'cityblock' - Sum of absolute differences, a.k.a. L1 distance % 'cosine' - One minus the cosine of the included angle % between points (treated as vectors) % 'correlation' - One minus the sample correlation between points % (treated as sequences of values) % 'Hamming' - Percentage of bits that differ (only suitable % for binary data) % % 'Start' - Method used to choose initial cluster centroid positions, % sometimes known as "seeds". Choices are: % 'sample' - Select K observations from X at random (the default) % 'uniform' - Select K points uniformly at random from the range % of X. Not valid for Hamming distance. % 'cluster' - Perform preliminary clustering phase on random 10% % subsample of X. This preliminary phase is itself % initialized using 'sample'. % matrix - A K-by-P matrix of starting locations. In this case, % you can pass in [] for K, and KMEANS infers K from % the first dimension of the matrix. You can also % supply a 3D array, implying a value for 'Replicates' % from the array's third dimension. % % 'Replicates' - Number of times to repeat the clustering, each with a % new set of initial centroids. A positive integer, default is 1. % % 'EmptyAction' - Action to take if a cluster loses all of its member % observations. Choices are: % 'error' - Treat an empty cluster as an error (the default) % 'drop' - Remove any clusters that become empty, and set % the corresponding values in C and D to NaN. % 'singleton' - Create a new cluster consisting of the one % observation furthest from its centroid. % % 'Options' - Options for the iterative algorithm used to minimize the % fitting criterion, as created by STATSET. Choices of STATSET % parameters are: % % 'Display' - Level of display output. Choices are 'off', (the % default), 'iter', and 'final'. % 'MaxIter' - Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default is 100. % % 'OnlinePhase' - Flag indicating whether KMEANS should perform an "on-line % update" phase in addition to a "batch update" phase. The on-line phase % can be time consuming for large data sets, but guarantees a solution % that is a local minimum of the distance criterion, i.e., a partition of % the data where moving any single point to a different cluster increases % the total sum of distances. 'on' (the default) or 'off'. % % Example: % % X = [randn(20,2)+ones(20,2); randn(20,2)-ones(20,2)]; % opts = statset('Display','final'); % [cidx, ctrs] = kmeans(X, 2, 'Distance','city', ... % 'Replicates',5, 'Options',opts); % plot(X(cidx==1,1),X(cidx==1,2),'r.', ... % X(cidx==2,1),X(cidx==2,2),'b.', ctrs(:,1),ctrs(:,2),'kx'); % % See also LINKAGE, CLUSTERDATA, SILHOUETTE. % KMEANS uses a two-phase iterative algorithm to minimize the sum of % point-to-centroid distances, summed over all K clusters. The first phase % uses what the literature often describes as "batch" updates, where each % iteration consists of reassigning points to their nearest cluster % centroid, all at once, followed by recalculation of cluster centroids. % This phase occasionally (especially for small data sets) does not converge % to solution that is a local minimum, i.e., a partition of the data where % moving any single point to a different cluster increases the total sum of % distances. Thus, the batch phase be thought of as providing a fast but % potentially only approximate solution as a starting point for the second % phase. The second phase uses what the literature often describes as % "on-line" updates, where points are individually reassigned if doing so % will reduce the sum of distances, and cluster centroids are recomputed % after each reassignment. Each iteration during this second phase consists % of one pass though all the points. The on-line phase will converge to a % local minimum, although there may be other local minima with lower total % sum of distances. The problem of finding the global minimum can only be % solved in general by an exhaustive (or clever, or lucky) choice of % starting points, but using several replicates with random starting points % typically results in a solution that is a global minimum. % % References: % % [1] Seber, G.A.F. (1984) Multivariate Observations, Wiley, New York. % [2] Spath, H. (1985) Cluster Dissection and Analysis: Theory, FORTRAN % Programs, Examples, translated by J. Goldschmidt, Halsted Press, % New York. % Copyright 1993-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/05/07 18:31:22 $ if nargin < 2 error('stats:kmeans:TooFewInputs','At least two input arguments required.'); end [ignore,wasnan,X] = statremovenan(X); hadNaNs = any(wasnan); if hadNaNs warning('stats:kmeans:MissingDataRemoved','Ignoring rows of X with missing data.'); end % n points in p dimensional space [n, p] = size(X); pnames = { 'distance' 'start' 'replicates' 'emptyaction' 'onlinephase' 'options' 'maxiter' 'display'}; dflts = {'sqeuclidean' 'sample' [] 'error' 'on' [] [] []}; [eid,errmsg,distance,start,reps,emptyact,online,options,maxit,display] ... = internal.stats.getargs(pnames, dflts, varargin{:}); if ~isempty(eid) error(sprintf('stats:kmeans:%s',eid),errmsg); end if ischar(distance) distNames = {'sqeuclidean','cityblock','cosine','correlation','hamming'}; j = strmatch(lower(distance), distNames); if length(j) > 1 error('stats:kmeans:AmbiguousDistance', ... 'Ambiguous ''Distance'' parameter value: %s.', distance); elseif isempty(j) error('stats:kmeans:UnknownDistance', ... 'Unknown ''Distance'' parameter value: %s.', distance); end distance = distNames{j}; switch distance case 'cosine' Xnorm = sqrt(sum(X.^2, 2)); if any(min(Xnorm) <= eps(max(Xnorm))) error('stats:kmeans:ZeroDataForCos', ... ['Some points have small relative magnitudes, making them ', ... 'effectively zero./nEither remove those points, or choose a ', ... 'distance other than ''cosine''.']); end X = X ./ Xnorm(:,ones(1,p)); case 'correlation' X = X - repmat(mean(X,2),1,p); Xnorm = sqrt(sum(X.^2, 2)); if any(min(Xnorm) <= eps(max(Xnorm))) error('stats:kmeans:ConstantDataForCorr', ... ['Some points have small relative standard deviations, making them ', ... 'effectively constant./nEither remove those points, or choose a ', ... 'distance other than ''correlation''.']); end X = X ./ Xnorm(:,ones(1,p)); case 'hamming' if ~all(ismember(X(:),[0 1])) error('stats:kmeans:NonbinaryDataForHamm', ... 'Non-binary data cannot be clustered using Hamming distance.'); end end else error('stats:kmeans:InvalidDistance', ... 'The ''Distance'' parameter value must be a string.'); end if ischar(start) startNames = {'uniform','sample','cluster'}; j = strmatch(lower(start), startNames); if length(j) > 1 error('stats:kmeans:AmbiguousStart', ... 'Ambiguous ''Start'' parameter value: %s.', start); elseif isempty(j) error('stats:kmeans:UnknownStart', ... 'Unknown ''Start'' parameter value: %s.', start); elseif isempty(k) error('stats:kmeans:MissingK', ... 'You must specify the number of clusters, K.'); end start = startNames{j}; if strcmp(start, 'uniform') if strcmp(distance, 'hamming') error('stats:kmeans:UniformStartForHamm', ... 'Hamming distance cannot be initialized with uniform random values.'); end Xmins = min(X,[],1); Xmaxs = max(X,[],1); end elseif isnumeric(start) CC = start; start = 'numeric'; if isempty(k) k = size(CC,1); elseif k ~= size(CC,1); error('stats:kmeans:MisshapedStart', ... 'The ''Start'' matrix must have K rows.'); elseif size(CC,2) ~= p error('stats:kmeans:MisshapedStart', ... 'The ''Start'' matrix must have the same number of columns as X.'); end if isempty(reps) reps = size(CC,3); elseif reps ~= size(CC,3); error('stats:kmeans:MisshapedStart', ... 'The third dimension of the ''Start'' array must match the ''replicates'' parameter value.'); end % Need to center explicit starting points for 'correlation'. (Re)normalization % for 'cosine'/'correlation' is done at each iteration. if isequal(distance, 'correlation') CC = CC - repmat(mean(CC,2),[1,p,1]); end else error('stats:kmeans:InvalidStart', ... 'The ''Start'' parameter value must be a string or a numeric matrix or array.'); end if ischar(emptyact) emptyactNames = {'error','drop','singleton'}; j = strmatch(lower(emptyact), emptyactNames); if length(j) > 1 error('stats:kmeans:AmbiguousEmptyAction', ... 'Ambiguous ''EmptyAction'' parameter value: %s.', emptyact); elseif isempty(j) error('stats:kmeans:UnknownEmptyAction', ... 'Unknown ''EmptyAction'' parameter value: %s.', emptyact); end emptyact = emptyactNames{j}; else error('stats:kmeans:InvalidEmptyAction', ... 'The ''EmptyAction'' parameter value must be a string.'); end if ischar(online) j = strmatch(lower(online), {'on','off'}); if length(j) > 1 error('stats:kmeans:AmbiguousOnlinePhase', ... 'Ambiguous ''OnlinePhase'' parameter value: %s.', online); elseif isempty(j) error('stats:kmeans:UnknownOnlinePhase', ... 'Unknown ''OnlinePhase'' parameter value: %s.', online); end online = (j==1); else error('stats:kmeans:InvalidOnlinePhase', ... 'The ''OnlinePhase'' parameter value must be ''on'' or ''off''.'); end % 'maxiter' and 'display' are grandfathered as separate param name/value pairs if ~isempty(display) options = statset(options,'Display',display); end if ~isempty(maxit) options = statset(options,'MaxIter',maxit); end options = statset(statset('kmeans'), options); display = strmatch(lower(options.Display), {'off','notify','final','iter'}) - 1; maxit = options.MaxIter; if ~(isscalar(k) && isnumeric(k) && isreal(k) && k > 0 && (round(k)==k)) error('stats:kmeans:InvalidK', ... 'X must be a positive integer value.'); % elseif k == 1 % this special case works automatically elseif n < k error('stats:kmeans:TooManyClusters', ... 'X must have more rows than the number of clusters.'); end % Assume one replicate if isempty(reps) reps = 1; end % % Done with input argument processing, begin clustering % dispfmt = '%6d/t%6d/t%8d/t%12g'; if online, Del = NaN(n,k); end % reassignment criterion totsumDBest = Inf; emptyErrCnt = 0; for rep = 1:reps switch start case 'uniform' C = unifrnd(Xmins(ones(k,1),:), Xmaxs(ones(k,1),:)); % For 'cosine' and 'correlation', these are uniform inside a subset % of the unit hypersphere. Still need to center them for % 'correlation'. (Re)normalization for 'cosine'/'correlation' is % done at each iteration. if isequal(distance, 'correlation') C = C - repmat(mean(C,2),1,p); end if isa(X,'single') C = single(C); end case 'sample' C = X(randsample(n,k),:); if ~isfloat(C) % X may be logical C = double(C); end case 'cluster' Xsubset = X(randsample(n,floor(.1*n)),:); [dum, C] = kmeans(Xsubset, k, varargin{:}, 'start','sample', 'replicates',1); case 'numeric' C = CC(:,:,rep); end % Compute the distance from every point to each cluster centroid and the % initial assignment of points to clusters D = distfun(X, C, distance, 0); [d, idx] = min(D, [], 2); m = accumarray(idx,1,[k,1]); try % catch empty cluster errors and move on to next rep % Begin phase one: batch reassignments converged = batchUpdate(); % Begin phase two: single reassignments if online converged = onlineUpdate(); end if ~converged warning('stats:kmeans:FailedToConverge', ... 'Failed to converge in %d iterations%s.',maxit,repsMsg(rep,reps)); end % Calculate cluster-wise sums of distances nonempties = find(m>0); D(:,nonempties) = distfun(X, C(nonempties,:), distance, iter); d = D((idx-1)*n + (1:n)'); sumD = accumarray(idx,d,[k,1]); totsumD = sum(sumD); if display > 1 % 'final' or 'iter' disp(sprintf('%d iterations, total sum of distances = %g',iter,totsumD)); end % Save the best solution so far if totsumD < totsumDBest totsumDBest = totsumD; idxBest = idx; Cbest = C; sumDBest = sumD; if nargout > 3 Dbest = D; end end % If an empty cluster error occurred in one of multiple replicates, catch % it, warn, and move on to next replicate. Error only when all replicates % fail. Rethrow an other kind of error. catch ME if reps == 1 || ~isequal(ME.identifier,'stats:kmeans:EmptyCluster') rethrow(ME); else emptyErrCnt = emptyErrCnt + 1; warning('stats:kmeans:EmptyCluster', ... 'Replicate %d terminated: empty cluster created at iteration %d.',rep,iter); if emptyErrCnt == reps error('stats:kmeans:EmptyClusterAllReps', ... 'An empty cluster error occurred in every replicate.'); end end end % catch end % replicates % Return the best solution idx = idxBest; C = Cbest; sumD = sumDBest; if nargout > 3 D = Dbest; end if hadNaNs idx = statinsertnan(wasnan, idx); end %------------------------------------------------------------------ function converged = batchUpdate % Every point moved, every cluster will need an update moved = 1:n; changed = 1:k; previdx = zeros(n,1); prevtotsumD = Inf; if display > 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(' iter/t phase/t num/t sum')); end % % Begin phase one: batch reassignments % iter = 0; converged = false; while true iter = iter + 1; % Calculate the new cluster centroids and counts, and update the % distance from every point to those new cluster centroids [C(changed,:), m(changed)] = gcentroids(X, idx, changed, distance); D(:,changed) = distfun(X, C(changed,:), distance, iter); % Deal with clusters that have just lost all their members empties = changed(m(changed) == 0); if ~isempty(empties) switch emptyact case 'error' error('stats:kmeans:EmptyCluster', ... 'Empty cluster created at iteration %d%s.',iter,repsMsg(rep,reps)); case 'drop' % Remove the empty cluster from any further processing D(:,empties) = NaN; changed = changed(m(changed) > 0); warning('stats:kmeans:EmptyCluster', ... 'Empty cluster created at iteration %d%s.',iter,repsMsg(rep,reps)); case 'singleton' warning('stats:kmeans:EmptyCluster', ... 'Empty cluster created at iteration %d%s.',iter,repsMsg(rep,reps)); for i = empties d = D((idx-1)*n + (1:n)'); % use newly updated distances % Find the point furthest away from its current cluster. % Take that point out of its cluster and use it to create % a new singleton cluster to replace the empty one. [dlarge, lonely] = max(d); from = idx(lonely); % taking from this cluster if m(from) < 2 % In the very unusual event that the cluster had only % one member, pick any other non-singleton point. from = find(m>1,1,'first'); lonely = find(idx==from,1,'first'); end C(i,:) = X(lonely,:); m(i) = 1; idx(lonely) = i; D(:,i) = distfun(X, C(i,:), distance, iter); % Update clusters from which points are taken [C(from,:), m(from)] = gcentroids(X, idx, from, distance); D(:,from) = distfun(X, C(from,:), distance, iter); changed = unique([changed from]); end end end % Compute the total sum of distances for the current configuration. totsumD = sum(D((idx-1)*n + (1:n)')); % Test for a cycle: if objective is not decreased, back out % the last step and move on to the single update phase if prevtotsumD <= totsumD idx = previdx; [C(changed,:), m(changed)] = gcentroids(X, idx, changed, distance); iter = iter - 1; break; end if display > 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,1,length(moved),totsumD)); end if iter >= maxit break; end % Determine closest cluster for each point and reassign points to clusters previdx = idx; prevtotsumD = totsumD; [d, nidx] = min(D, [], 2); % Determine which points moved moved = find(nidx ~= previdx); if ~isempty(moved) % Resolve ties in favor of not moving moved = moved(D((previdx(moved)-1)*n + moved) > d(moved)); end if isempty(moved) converged = true; break; end idx(moved) = nidx(moved); % Find clusters that gained or lost members changed = unique([idx(moved); previdx(moved)])'; end % phase one end % nested function %------------------------------------------------------------------ function converged = onlineUpdate % Initialize some cluster information prior to phase two switch distance case 'cityblock' Xmid = zeros([k,p,2]); for i = 1:k if m(i) > 0 % Separate out sorted coords for points in i'th cluster, % and save values above and below median, component-wise Xsorted = sort(X(idx==i,:),1); nn = floor(.5*m(i)); if mod(m(i),2) == 0 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+1],:)'; elseif m(i) > 1 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+2],:)'; else Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([1, 1],:)'; end end end case 'hamming' Xsum = zeros(k,p); for i = 1:k if m(i) > 0 % Sum coords for points in i'th cluster, component-wise Xsum(i,:) = sum(X(idx==i,:), 1); end end end % % Begin phase two: single reassignments % changed = find(m' > 0); lastmoved = 0; nummoved = 0; iter1 = iter; converged = false; while iter < maxit % Calculate distances to each cluster from each point, and the % potential change in total sum of errors for adding or removing % each point from each cluster. Clusters that have not changed % membership need not be updated. % % Singleton clusters are a special case for the sum of dists % calculation. Removing their only point is never best, so the % reassignment criterion had better guarantee that a singleton % point will stay in its own cluster. Happily, we get % Del(i,idx(i)) == 0 automatically for them. switch distance case 'sqeuclidean' for i = changed mbrs = (idx == i); sgn = 1 - 2*mbrs; % -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers if m(i) == 1 sgn(mbrs) = 0; % prevent divide-by-zero for singleton mbrs end Del(:,i) = (m(i) ./ (m(i) + sgn)) .* sum((X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)).^2, 2); end case 'cityblock' for i = changed if mod(m(i),2) == 0 % this will never catch singleton clusters ldist = Xmid(repmat(i,n,1),:,1) - X; rdist = X - Xmid(repmat(i,n,1),:,2); mbrs = (idx == i); sgn = repmat(1-2*mbrs, 1, p); % -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers Del(:,i) = sum(max(0, max(sgn.*rdist, sgn.*ldist)), 2); else Del(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2); end end case {'cosine','correlation'} % The points are normalized, centroids are not, so normalize them normC = sqrt(sum(C.^2, 2)); if any(normC < eps(class(normC))) % small relative to unit-length data points error('stats:kmeans:ZeroCentroid', ... 'Zero cluster centroid created at iteration %d%s.',iter,repsMsg(rep,reps)); end % This can be done without a loop, but the loop saves memory allocations for i = changed XCi = X * C(i,:)'; mbrs = (idx == i); sgn = 1 - 2*mbrs; % -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers Del(:,i) = 1 + sgn .*... (m(i).*normC(i) - sqrt((m(i).*normC(i)).^2 + 2.*sgn.*m(i).*XCi + 1)); end case 'hamming' for i = changed if mod(m(i),2) == 0 % this will never catch singleton clusters % coords with an unequal number of 0s and 1s have a % different contribution than coords with an equal % number unequal01 = find(2*Xsum(i,:) ~= m(i)); numequal01 = p - length(unequal01); mbrs = (idx == i); Di = abs(X(:,unequal01) - C(repmat(i,n,1),unequal01)); Del(:,i) = (sum(Di, 2) + mbrs*numequal01) / p; else Del(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2) / p; end end end % Determine best possible move, if any, for each point. Next we % will pick one from those that actually did move. previdx = idx; prevtotsumD = totsumD; [minDel, nidx] = min(Del, [], 2); moved = find(previdx ~= nidx); if ~isempty(moved) % Resolve ties in favor of not moving moved = moved(Del((previdx(moved)-1)*n + moved) > minDel(moved)); end if isempty(moved) % Count an iteration if phase 2 did nothing at all, or if we're % in the middle of a pass through all the points if (iter == iter1) || nummoved > 0 iter = iter + 1; if display > 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,2,nummoved,totsumD)); end end converged = true; break; end % Pick the next move in cyclic order moved = mod(min(mod(moved - lastmoved - 1, n) + lastmoved), n) + 1; % If we've gone once through all the points, that's an iteration if moved <= lastmoved iter = iter + 1; if display > 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,2,nummoved,totsumD)); end if iter >= maxit, break; end nummoved = 0; end nummoved = nummoved + 1; lastmoved = moved; oidx = idx(moved); nidx = nidx(moved); totsumD = totsumD + Del(moved,nidx) - Del(moved,oidx); % Update the cluster index vector, and the old and new cluster % counts and centroids idx(moved) = nidx; m(nidx) = m(nidx) + 1; m(oidx) = m(oidx) - 1; switch distance case 'sqeuclidean' C(nidx,:) = C(nidx,:) + (X(moved,:) - C(nidx,:)) / m(nidx); C(oidx,:) = C(oidx,:) - (X(moved,:) - C(oidx,:)) / m(oidx); case 'cityblock' for i = [oidx nidx] % Separate out sorted coords for points in each cluster. % New centroid is the coord median, save values above and % below median. All done component-wise. Xsorted = sort(X(idx==i,:),1); nn = floor(.5*m(i)); if mod(m(i),2) == 0 C(i,:) = .5 * (Xsorted(nn,:) + Xsorted(nn+1,:)); Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+1],:)'; else C(i,:) = Xsorted(nn+1,:); if m(i) > 1 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+2],:)'; else Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([1, 1],:)'; end end end case {'cosine','correlation'} C(nidx,:) = C(nidx,:) + (X(moved,:) - C(nidx,:)) / m(nidx); C(oidx,:) = C(oidx,:) - (X(moved,:) - C(oidx,:)) / m(oidx); case 'hamming' % Update summed coords for points in each cluster. New % centroid is the coord median. All done component-wise. Xsum(nidx,:) = Xsum(nidx,:) + X(moved,:); Xsum(oidx,:) = Xsum(oidx,:) - X(moved,:); C(nidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(nidx,:) - m(nidx)) + .5; C(oidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(oidx,:) - m(oidx)) + .5; end changed = sort([oidx nidx]); end % phase two end % nested function end % main function %------------------------------------------------------------------ function D = distfun(X, C, dist, iter) %DISTFUN Calculate point to cluster centroid distances. [n,p] = size(X); D = zeros(n,size(C,1)); nclusts = size(C,1); switch dist case 'sqeuclidean' for i = 1:nclusts D(:,i) = (X(:,1) - C(i,1)).^2; for j = 2:p D(:,i) = D(:,i) + (X(:,j) - C(i,j)).^2; end % D(:,i) = sum((X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)).^2, 2); end case 'cityblock' for i = 1:nclusts D(:,i) = abs(X(:,1) - C(i,1)); for j = 2:p D(:,i) = D(:,i) + abs(X(:,j) - C(i,j)); end % D(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2); end case {'cosine','correlation'} % The points are normalized, centroids are not, so normalize them normC = sqrt(sum(C.^2, 2)); if any(normC < eps(class(normC))) % small relative to unit-length data points error('stats:kmeans:ZeroCentroid', ... 'Zero cluster centroid created at iteration %d.',iter); end for i = 1:nclusts D(:,i) = max(1 - X * (C(i,:)./normC(i))', 0); end case 'hamming' for i = 1:nclusts D(:,i) = abs(X(:,1) - C(i,1)); for j = 2:p D(:,i) = D(:,i) + abs(X(:,j) - C(i,j)); end D(:,i) = D(:,i) / p; % D(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2) / p; end end end % function %------------------------------------------------------------------ function [centroids, counts] = gcentroids(X, index, clusts, dist) %GCENTROIDS Centroids and counts stratified by group. [n,p] = size(X); num = length(clusts); centroids = NaN(num,p); counts = zeros(num,1); for i = 1:num members = (index == clusts(i)); if any(members) counts(i) = sum(members); switch dist case 'sqeuclidean' centroids(i,:) = sum(X(members,:),1) / counts(i); case 'cityblock' % Separate out sorted coords for points in i'th cluster, % and use to compute a fast median, component-wise Xsorted = sort(X(members,:),1); nn = floor(.5*counts(i)); if mod(counts(i),2) == 0 centroids(i,:) = .5 * (Xsorted(nn,:) + Xsorted(nn+1,:)); else centroids(i,:) = Xsorted(nn+1,:); end case {'cosine','correlation'} centroids(i,:) = sum(X(members,:),1) / counts(i); % unnormalized case 'hamming' % Compute a fast median for binary data, component-wise centroids(i,:) = .5*sign(2*sum(X(members,:), 1) - counts(i)) + .5; end end end end % function %------------------------------------------------------------------ function s = repsMsg(rep,reps) % Utility for warning and error messages. if reps == 1 s = ''; else s = sprintf(' during replicate %d',rep); end end % function
