mdada manage device

mdadm has 7 major modes of operation:

1) Create:

This mode is used to create a new array with a superblock. It can progress in several step create-add-add-run or it can all happen with one comman.

2) Assemble:

This mode is used to assemble the parts of a previously created array into an active array. Components can be explicitly given or can be searched for. mdadm (optionally) check that the components do form a bona-fide array, and can, on request, fiddle superblock version numbers so as to assemble a faulty array.

3) Build:

This is for building legacy arrays without superblocks

4) Manage

This is for doing something to one or more devices in an array, such as add,remove,fail. run/stop/readonly/readwrite are also available

5) Misc:

This is for doing things to individual devices. They might be parts of an array so zero-superblock, examine might be appropriate. They might be md arrays so run,stop,rw,ro,detail might be appropriate. Also query will treat it as either

6) Monitor

This mode never exits but just monitors arrays and reports changes.

7) Grow

This mode allows for changing of key attributes of a raid array, such as size, number of devices, and possibly even layout. At the time if writing, there is only minimal support.

2 the architecture of mdadm


Fig.1 The architecture of mdadm


2.1 Create mode

Create mode的功能是创建disk array(磁盘阵列)。可以有多种选择来创建磁盘阵列:可以先创建一个阵列,再添加硬盘;也可以用一个命令来完成这些操作。Mdadm对这样的几种方式都给予支持。

使用mdadm创建disk array的命令大致如下:

# mdadm -Cv /dev/md0 -l5 -n3 -x1 -c128 /dev/sd[b,c,d,e]1

命令中各参数分别表示如下作用:“-C”指创建一个新的阵列;“/dev/md0”表示阵列设备名称;“-l5”表示设置阵列模式(level),可以选择0、1、4、 5、6,它们分别对应于RAID0、RAID1、RAID4、RAID5、RAID6,这里设为RAID5模式;“-n3”指设置阵列中活动设备的数目,该数目加上备用设备的数目应等于阵列中的设备总数; “-x1”设置阵列中备用设备的数目,当前阵列中含有1个备用设备;“-c128”指设置块的尺寸为128KB,缺省为64KB;“/dev/sd[b, c,d,e]1”指当前阵列中包含的所有设备标识符,也可以分开来写,中间用空格分开,其中最后一个为备用设备。



if (mode==MANAGE || mode == BUILD || mode == CREATE || mode == GROW || (mode == ASSEMBLE && ! scan)) 
mdfd = open_mddev(devlist->devname, autof);


if (autof) { 
/* autof is set, so we need to check that the name is ok, and possibly create one if not */
/*check name*/
/*if need to create one, we will frist get a major and minor number
/*get major and minor*/

/* If it was a 'standard' name and it is in-use, then the device could already be correct */
if (stb.st_mode && major(stb.st_rdev) == major && minor(stb.st_rdev) == minor);
else {
if (mknod(dev, S_IFBLK|0600, makedev(major, minor))!= 0)
/*do other things*/


Create操作创建一个新的RAID array。其首先,检查所需要的信息是否提供,比如level,disk数量以及具体的disk等信息;然后检查每一块disk,读取相关信息,并且按照这些信息填充关于array信息的数据结构;最后,使用SET_ARRAY_INFO &ADD_NEW_DISK等ioctrl command,设置相关的信息,如果需要通过RUN_ARRAY ioctrl command启动这个array。

其中涉及到的主要的数据结构为在md_u.h中定义的struct mdu_array_info_s。这个struce中包含了md driver和用户态交互所用到的数据。其具体定义和解释如下:

typedef struct mdu_array_info_s {

int major_version;

int minor_version;

int patch_version; //主、次、patch版本号信息

int ctime;

int level;

int size;

int nr_disks; //子设备个数

int raid_disks; //成员个数

int md_minor; //RAID设备的次设备号

int not_persistent;

int utime; /* 0 Superblock update time */

int state; /* 1 State bits (clean, ...) */

int active_disks; /* 2 Number of currently active disks */

int working_disks; /* 3 Number of working disks */

int failed_disks; /* 4 Number of failed disks */

int spare_disks; /* 5 Number of spare disks */

int layout; /* 0 the array's physical layout */

int chunk_size; /* 1 chunk size in bytes */

} mdu_array_info_t;

其中,涉及到的信息和superblock中的表示相同,关于superblock的信息可以参考东海的TM《sofeware RAID superblock位置计算、信息的解析及应用》。

2.2 other mode

其他mode的实现和Create mode大致相同,均为通过命令行传进来的参数设置相应的数据结构,然后调用md driver提供的ioctrl command,来操纵md driver,从而实现相关状态的改变等。


# mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdb1 #将/dev/sdb1标记为已损坏的设备

# mdadm /dev/md0 -r /dev/sdb1 #移除损坏的设备

# mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb1 #将新设备添加到阵列中

# mdadm -As /dev/md0 #启动阵列

# mdadm -S /dev/md0 #停止阵列

# mdadm -D /dev/md0 #显示阵列详细信息

3 extend mdadm



Fig.1 The architecture of extended mdadm




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