
/* open_addressing_hash_with_hashing_again.c -- 开放定址散列表线性探测法可再散列实现文件 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "open_addressing_hash_with_hashing_again.h" /* 局部函数声明 */ static int Get_Prime_Value (const int size) ; static int Is_A_Prime (const int number) ; static int Leaner_ (const int i) ; static int Left_Is_Equal_To_Right (const Item left, const Item right) ; static void Copy_Item_To_Cell (const Item * const pitem, Cell * const pcell) ; /* 接口函数定义 */ int Hash (const int key, const int size) { return key % size ; } /* 接受数据, 并依据数据产生关键字 */ int Change (const Item item) { int key = item ; return key ; } int InitializeTable (HashTable * const ph, const int size) { int temp, count ; *ph = (struct hashtable *) malloc (sizeof (struct hashtable)) ; if (NULL == *ph) { puts ("Out of space.[1]") ; return 0 ; } temp = (*ph) -> size = Get_Prime_Value (size) ; (*ph) -> lists = (Cell *) malloc (sizeof (Cell) * temp) ; if (NULL == (*ph) -> lists) { puts ("Out of space.[2]") ; free (*ph) ; return 0 ; } (*ph) -> used = ZERO ; for (count = ZERO; count < temp; count++) { (*ph) -> lists[count].info = Empty ; (*ph) -> lists[count].times = ZERO ; } return 1 ; } Cell * Find (const HashTable * const ph, const Item item) { int hash_value, size, index, i, key ; i = 0 ; key = Change (item) ; size = (*ph) -> size ; hash_value = Hash (key, size) ; do { if (i < size) index = (key + Leaner_ (i++)) % size ; else break ; } while (Legitimate == (*ph) -> lists[index].info && !Left_Is_Equal_To_Right ((*ph) -> lists[index].item, item)) ; return (*ph) -> lists + index ; } int Insert (const HashTable * const ph, const Item item) { Cell * position ; int critical = (*ph) -> size / 2 + 1 ; if ((*ph) -> used >= critical) { if (ZERO == HashAgain (ph)) puts ("Hash again failed.") ; } position = Find (ph, item) ; if (position -> info != Legitimate) { position -> info = Legitimate ; Copy_Item_To_Cell (&item, position) ; position -> times++ ; (*ph) -> used++ ; } else if (/* Legitimate == position -> info && */Left_Is_Equal_To_Right (position -> item, item)) position -> times++ ; else return 0 ; return 1 ; } int HashAgain (const HashTable * const ph) { HashTable new_h ; int count, old_size ; Cell * old_lists ; old_lists = (*ph) -> lists ; old_size = (*ph) -> size ; /* old_size * TWO + ONE 代替 old_size * TWO 可以减少1次过程调用 */ if (ZERO == InitializeTable (&new_h, old_size * TWO + ONE)) return 0 ; for (count = 0; count < old_size; count++) if (Legitimate == old_lists[count].info) Insert (&new_h, old_lists[count].item) ; (*ph) -> lists = new_h -> lists ; (*ph) -> size = new_h -> size ; free (old_lists) ; free (new_h) ; return 1 ; } int Delete (const HashTable * const ph, const Item item) { Cell * position ; position = Find (ph, item) ; if (Legitimate == position -> info && Left_Is_Equal_To_Right (position -> item, item)) { if (ONE == position -> times) { position -> info = Deleted ; (*ph) -> used-- ; } position -> times-- ; return 1 ; } return 0 ; } void Traversal (const HashTable * const ph, void (* pfun) (const Cell cell)) { int count, temp ; /* 减少存储器引用 */ for (count = 0, temp = (*ph) -> size; count < temp; count++) (* pfun) ((*ph) -> lists[count]) ; } void Release (const HashTable * const ph) { free ((*ph) -> lists) ; free (*ph) ; } /* 局部函数定义 */ static int Get_Prime_Value (const int size) { int real_size = size ; while (!Is_A_Prime (real_size)) real_size++ ; return real_size ; } static int Is_A_Prime (const int number) { int count, temp ; if (number < 2) { puts ("Wrong input.") ; return 0 ; } for (count = 2, temp = number / 2 + 1; count <= temp; count++) if (0 == number % count) return 0 ; return 1 ; } static int Leaner_ (const int i) { return i ; } static int Left_Is_Equal_To_Right (const Item left, const Item right) { return left == right ; } static void Copy_Item_To_Cell (const Item * const pitem, Cell * const pcell) { pcell -> item = *pitem ; }
