MPlayer 源码框架解析


So, I'll describe how this stuff works.(OK,我来解释这b是如何工作的)

The main modules:


1. stream.c: this is the input layer, this reads the input media (file, stdin,
   vcd, dvd, network etc).  (这是**文件级**输入层,从各式各样的地方读取媒体)
   what it has to know: appropriate buffering by sector, seek, skip functions, 
   reading by bytes, or blocks with any size.


   The stream_t (stream.h) structure describes the input stream, file/device.

   There is a stream cache layer (cache2.c), it's a wrapper for the stream API.

   It does fork(), then emulates stream driver in the parent process,
   and stream user in the child process, while proxying between them using
   preallocated big memory chunk for FIFO buffer.
   然后在父进程里模拟流驱动, 在子进程里模拟流用户,


2. demuxer.c: this does the demultiplexing (separating) of the input to
   audio, video or dvdsub channels, and their reading by buffered packages.

   The demuxer.c is basically a framework, which is the same for all the input formats, 
   and there are parsers for each of them (mpeg-es, mpeg-ps, avi, avi-ni, asf), 
   these are in the demux_*.c files.  
   The structure is the demuxer_t. There is only one demuxer.



我已经看到了至少三个分离器,分别为vd ad sd.


i   从文件名open_stream得到视频流vs

ii  然后demux_open打开vs流,这有两个目的:











            来分别打开这三个流而得到三个分离器vd ad sd


      c、末尾:    该函数最后混合了这三个分离器为一个,作为返回,

      难道这就是only one demuxer的真正含义?Maybe



          这里混合的不是数据级的,而是文件级的,它是从三个不同的文件vs as ss来混合的,





2.a. demux_packet_t, that is DP.(解析包结构,它叫做DP,D是解,P是包)
    Contains one chunk(块) (avi) or packet(包) (asf,mpg). 
    They are stored in memory as in linked list, cause of their different size.


2.b demux_stream_t,  that is DS.(解析流结构,他叫做DS,D是解,S是流)
    Every channel (a/v/s) has one. 
    This contains the packets for the stream (see 2.a). 
    For now, there can be 3 for each demuxer :
  - audio (d_audio)
  - video (d_video)
  - DVD subtitle (d_dvdsub) (目前只有3个解析流结构)


2.c. stream header. 
  There are 2 types (for now): sh_audio_t and sh_video_t(目前只有两种流头结构,音频和视频)
  This contains every parameter essential for decoding, 
  such as input/output buffers, chosen codec, fps, etc. 
  There are each for every stream in the file.(每个流一个头结构) 
  At least one for video, if sound is present then another
  but if there are more, then there'll be one structure for each.


31   ret->type = ret->file_format = DEMUXER_TYPE_DEMUXERS;
32   // Video is the most important :-) 这一句更是体现了核心,vs的类型作为了文件的类型! 



  These are filled(流头结构被填充的两种方式) 
  第一、according to the header (avi/asf),(文件自己带头) 
  第二、or demux_mpg.c does it (mpg) if it founds a new stream. (或者由demux_mpg.c来做)


  If a new stream is found,(找到流会显示)
  the ====> Found audio/video stream: <id>  messages is displayed.

  The chosen stream header and its demuxer are connected together
  (ds->sh and sh->ds) to simplify the usage. So it's enough to pass the
  ds or the sh, depending on the function.(为了简化应用,解析流和流头结构可以互相引用)


  For example: we have an asf file, 6 streams inside it, 1 audio, 5
  video. During the reading of the header, 6 sh structs are created, 1
  audio and 5 video. (一个6个流(1个音频,5个视频)的asf,会产生6个头结构)
  When it starts reading the packet, it chooses the stream for the first found audio & video packet, 
  and sets the sh pointers of d_audio and d_video according to them. 
  So later it reads only these streams. (后来它们就只从这些流里读取)
  Of course the user can force choosing a specific stream with
  -vid and -aid switches. (当然用户可以强制指定特定的流)

  A good example for this is the DVD, where the english stream is not
  always the first, so every VOB has different language :)
  That's when we have to use for example the -aid 128 switch.(这是在DVD中强制指定英语语言的例子)



 Now, how this reading works?

  - demuxer.c/demux_read_data() is called, it gets how many bytes,and where (memory address),

    would we like to read, and from which DS. The codecs call this.


Safirst:    demuxer.c/demux_read_data()这个函数来做这件事情,不过它是由编解码器来调用的。




memcpy(mem + bytes, &ds->buffer[ds->buffer_pos], x);






  - this checks if the given DS's buffer contains something,

if so, it reads from there as much as needed.

If there isn't enough, it calls  ds_fill_buffer(), 



1、- checks if the given DS has buffered packages (DP's),


    if so, it moves the oldest to the buffer, and reads on. 


    If the list is empty, it calls demux_fill_buffer() :


2、- this calls the parser for the input format,  which reads the file onward, 
   and moves the found packages to their buffers.


   Well it we'd like an audio package, but only a bunch of video  packages are available,

   then sooner or later the:
   DEMUXER: Too many (%d in %d bytes) audio packets in the buffer error shows up.



2.d. video.c: this file/function handle the reading and assembling of the video frames. 

     each call to video_read_frame() should read and return a single video frame, 
     and it's duration in seconds (float).

     The implementation is splitted to 2 big parts -(这个实现分为两大部分)

     reading from mpeg-like streams and reading from one-frame-per-chunk files (avi, asf, mov).

     Then it calculates duration, (然后来计算持续时间,两种方法:)
     either from fixed FPS value, (一种是从固定的帧率FPS当中来读取)
     or from the PTS difference between and after reading the frame.(一种是从读取帧之时和之后的PTS差别中获取)


2.e. other utility functions: there are some useful code there, like
    AVI muxer, or mp3 header parser, but leave them for now.
    (还有好多其他有用的函数,像AVI muxer(AVI复用器),还有MP3头分析器,但是先把它们放在一边吧)

    So everything is ok 'till now. It can be found in libmpdemux/ library.
    It should compile outside of mplayer tree, 
    you just have to implement few simple functions, 
    like mp_msg() to print messages, etc.
    See libmpdemux/test.c for example.


See also formats.txt, for description of common media file formats and

their implementation details in libmpdemux.


Safirst C. Ke: OK,我的工作就从这里开始吧,关于编译这个test.c在另一篇日志里,

because it deserves this! 2010年1月25日11:40:48


Now, go on:

3. mplayer.c - ooh, he's the boss :) 
    Its main purpose is connecting the other modules, and maintaining A/V sync. 

    The given stream's actual position is in the 'timer' field of the corresponding stream header (sh_audio / sh_video).

* important *

  The structure of the playing loop :
         while(not EOF) 
             fill audio buffer (read & decode audio) + increase a_frame  (读并解码音频,然后加音频帧)
             read & decode a single video frame  + increase v_frame  (读并解码视频,然后加视频帧)
             sleep  (wait until a_frame>=v_frame)       (睡眠,直到音频帧>=视频帧)
             display the frame          显示该帧
             apply A-V PTS correction to a_frame       (对a_frame进行AV同步修正)
             handle events (keys,lirc etc) -> pause,seek,...                (处理事件,例如按键,暂停等)

  When playing (a/v), it increases the variables by the duration of the played a/v.

  - with audio this is played bytes / sh_audio->o_bps

  Note: i_bps = number of compressed bytes for one second of audio   (未解压数据的输入速度)
        o_bps = number of uncompressed bytes for one second of audio (已解压数据的输出速度)
     (this is = bps*samplerate*channels)      
 这个等于 每秒字节数 * 采样率 * 声道,可以把后面两个参数都视为标量

  - with video this is usually == 1.0/fps, 
  but I have to note that fps doesn't really matters at video, 
  for example asf doesn't have that,
  instead there is "duration" and it can change per frame.

  MPEG2 has "repeat_count" which delays the frame by 1-2.5 ...
  Maybe only AVI and MPEG1 has fixed fps.

  So everything works right until the audio and video are in perfect synchronity, 
  since the audio goes, it gives the timing, 
  and if the time of a frame passed, the next frame is displayed.

  但是如果音视频在输入文件里就没有同步好呢?PTS(Presentation TimeStamp)修正就派上用场了。
  But what if these two aren't synchronized in the input file?  PTS correction kicks in. 
  The input demuxers read the PTS (presentation timestamp) of the packages, 
  and with it we can see if the streams are synchronized.

  (Mplayer可以在一个最高界限范围内修正a_frame, 可以参考-mc选项,修正的总次数存在c_total变量里)
  Then MPlayer can correct the a_frame, within a given maximal bounder (see -mc option). 
  The summary of the corrections can be found in c_total .

  Of course this is not everything, several things suck.
  For example the soundcards delay, which has to be corrected by MPlayer!


  The audio delay is the sum of all these:

  - bytes read since the last timestamp:
    t1 = d_audio->pts_bytes/sh_audio->i_bps
    t1 = 即 音频字节数/未解压每秒字节数

  - if Win32/ACM then the bytes stored in audio input buffer
    t2 = a_in_buffer_len/sh_audio->i_bps
    t2 = 缓冲区已存的字节数 / 未解压每秒字节数  

  - uncompressed bytes in audio out buffer
    t3 = a_buffer_len/sh_audio->o_bps
    t3 = 缓冲区已存的字节数 / 已解压每秒字节数

  - not yet played bytes stored in the soundcard's (or DMA's) buffer
    t4 = get_audio_delay()/sh_audio->o_bps
    t4 = 播放之前那些还没播放的数据 / 每秒输出解压字节数

  From this we can calculate what PTS we need for the just played
  audio, then after we compare this with the video's PTS, we have
  the difference!

  Life didn't get simpler with AVI. 
  There's the "official" timing method, the BPS-based, 
  so the header contains how many compressed audio bytes 
  or chunks belong to one second of frames.

  In the AVI stream header there are 2 important fields, 
  the dwSampleSize, and dwRate/dwScale pairs:

  - If the dwSampleSize is 0, then it's VBR stream, 
  so its bitrate isn't constant. 
  It means that 1 chunk stores 1 sample, and
  dwRate/dwScale gives the chunks/sec value.

  - If the dwSampleSize is >0, then it's constant bitrate, 
 and the time can be measured this way:     
 time = (bytepos/dwSampleSize) / (dwRate/dwScale)

 (so the sample's number is divided with the samplerate). 
 Now the audio can be handled as a stream, which can
  be cut to chunks, but can be one chunk also.

  The other method can be used only for interleaved files: 
  from the order of the chunks, a timestamp (PTS) value can be calculated.

  视频块的PTS=块数 * fps
  The PTS of the video chunks are simple: chunk number * fps

  The audio is the same as the previous video chunk was.

  我们必须注意到一个被称为 audio preload的东东,
  We have to pay attention to the so called "audio preload", that is,
  there is a delay between the audio and video streams. 
  This is usually 0.5-1.0 sec, but can be totally different.

  在第一个视频帧之后的第一个音频块时,它计算A/V差异,就将它作为audio preload的一种测度。
  The exact value was measured until now, but now the demux_avi.c handles it: 
  at the audio chunk after the first video, it calculates the A/V difference, 
  and take this as a measure for audio preload.

3.a. audio playback:
  Some words on audio playback:
  Not the playing is hard, but:
  1. knowing when to write into the buffer, without blocking
  2. knowing how much was played of what we wrote into

  The first is needed for audio decoding, and to keep the buffer
  full (so the audio will never skip). 
  And the second is needed for correct timing, 
  because some soundcards delay even 3-7 seconds,
  which can't be forgotten about.

  To solve this, the OSS gives several possibilities:

  - ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY): tells how many unplayed bytes are in
    the soundcard's buffer -> perfect for timing, but not all drivers
    support it :(

  - ioctl(SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE): tells how much can we write into the
    soundcard's buffer, without blocking. If the driver doesn't
    support GETODELAY, we can use this to know how much the delay is.

  - select(): should tell if we can write into the buffer without
    blocking. Unfortunately it doesn't say how much we could :((
    Also, doesn't/badly works with some drivers.
    Only used if none of the above works.
4. Codecs. Consists of libmpcodecs/* and separate files or libs,
   for example liba52, libmpeg2, xa/*, alaw.c, opendivx/*, loader, mp3lib.

   mplayer.c doesn't call them directly, but through the dec_audio.c and
   dec_video.c files, so the mplayer.c doesn't have to know anything about
   the codecs.

   libmpcodecs contains wrapper for every codecs, 
   some of them include the codec function implementation, 
   some calls functions from other files included with mplayer, 
   some calls optional external libraries.

   file naming convention in libmpcodecs:
   ad_*.c - audio decoder (called through dec_audio.c) 音频解码器
   vd_*.c - video decoder (called through dec_video.c)  视频解码器
   ve_*.c - video encoder (used by mencoder)            视频编码器
   vf_*.c - video filter  (see option -vf)              视频过滤器

   On this topic, see also:
   libmpcodecs.txt - The structure of the codec-filter path, with explanation
   dr-methods.txt - Direct rendering, MPI buffer management for video codecs
   codecs.conf.txt - How to write/edit codec configuration file (codecs.conf)
   codec-devel.txt - Mike's hints about codec development - a bit OUTDATED
   hwac3.txt - about SP/DIF audio passthrough
                     SP/DIF 音频传递

5. libvo: this displays the frame.
   for details on this, read libvo.txt

6. libao2: this control audio playing
6.a audio plugins

   for details on this, read libao2.txt

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