Improve Application Performance With SwingWorker in Java SE 6

By John O'Conner, January 2007  

Articles Index

  • Introducing the Demo Application
  • Reviewing Swing Thread Basics
  • Starting off on the Right Thread
  • Limiting the EDT to GUI Work
  • Forging Ahead With SwingWorker Fundamentals
  • Implementing a Simple ImageRetriever
  • Using a Simple ImageRetriever
  • Implementing a More Complete ImageSearcher
  • Using the ImageSearcher Class
  • Summary
  • For More Information


One common mistake of desktop application programmers is misusing the Swing event dispatch thread (EDT). They either unknowingly access user interface (UI) components from non-UI threads or simply disregard the consequences. The result is that applications become unresponsive or sluggish because they perform long-running tasks on the EDT instead of on separate worker threads. Long-running computations or input/output (I/O) bound tasks should never run on the Swing EDT. Finding problematic code may not always be simple, but the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) makes it easier to fix such code by providing the javax.swing.SwingWorker class.

This article describes how to avoid slow, sluggish, or unresponsive UIs by using the SwingWorker class to create and manage worker threads in a demo application called Image Search. This application demonstrates how to correctly use the SwingWorker application programming interface (API) by interacting with the popular Flickr web site to search and download images. You can download this demo application and its source code at the end of this article.

To get a basic understanding of Swing UI concepts, including event handlers and listeners, and learn more about UI programming, follow the Java Tutorial's Swing trail.

Introducing the Demo Application


The Image Search demo performs a long-running task that should not execute on the EDT -- accessing a Flickr web service. The Image Search application searches the Flickr site for images that match a user-supplied search term, downloads matching thumbnail images, and downloads a larger image if the user selects its thumbnail from a list. Instead of executing the tasks on the EDT, the application uses the SwingWorker class to perform the tasks as worker threads.

When the user types in a search term, the application initiates an image search on the Flickr web site. If any images match the search term, the application downloads a list of up to 100 matching thumbnail images and produces a selectable list. You can modify the application to download more or fewer images. A progress bar tracks the image search. Figure 1 shows the search field and its progress bar.

Figure 1. Search for images and see the download progress.


As the application retrieves thumbnail images, it puts them in a JList component. Matching images populate the list as they arrive from the Flickr site. Using a SwingWorker instance, the application can put individual images in the list as they arrive instead of waiting for the entire list. Figure 2 shows images in the list.

Figure 2. A list holds matching thumbnail images.


When you select an image from the list, the application downloads a larger version of the image and displays it below the list. Another progress bar tracks the larger image's download. Figure 3 shows a list selection and the progress bar as the larger image arrives.

Figure 3. Download a larger image by selecting a thumbnail.


Finally, after the entire image downloads, the application displays it under the list.

The application uses SwingWorker for all image search and download tasks. Additionally, the demo shows you how to cancel tasks and how to get intermediate results before the complete task has finished. The application has two SwingWorker subclasses: ImageSearcher and ImageRetriever. The ImageSearcher class is responsible for searching and retrieving thumbnail images for the UI's list. The ImageRetriever class is responsible for retrieving a larger version of the image when a user selects it from the list. This article will use both subclasses to describe all the major features of the SwingWorker class. Figure 4 shows the complete application showing the search term, progress bars, the image list, and the selected image.

Figure 4. The SwingWorker class helps create a responsive image search application.


Reviewing Swing Thread Basics


Swing applications have three types of threads:  

  • An initial thread
  • A UI event dispatch thread (EDT)
  • Worker threads


Every application must have a main method that represents its starting point. This method runs on an initial or startup thread. The initial thread might read program arguments and initiate a few other objects, but in many Swing applications, this thread's primary purpose is to start the application's graphical user interface (GUI). Once the GUI starts for most event-driven desktop applications, the initial thread's work is done.

Swing applications have a single EDT for the UI. This thread draws GUI components, updates them, and responds to user interactions by calling the application's event handlers. All event handlers run on the EDT, and you should programmatically interact with your UI components and their basic data models only on the EDT. Any tasks running on the EDT should finish quickly so that your UI is responsive to user input. Accessing your UI components or their event handlers from other threads will cause update and drawing errors in the UI. Performing long-running tasks on the EDT will cause your application to become unresponsive because GUI events will accumulate in the event dispatch queue.

Finally, worker threads should perform long-running calculations or input/output (I/O) bound tasks. You should use worker threads for tasks such as communicating with databases, accessing web resources, and reading or writing large files. Anything that might interfere with or delay UI event handling should exist in a worker thread. Also, interacting with Swing components or their default data models from initial or worker threads is not a safe operation.

The SwingWorker class helps you manage the interaction between your worker threads and the Swing EDT. Although SwingWorker doesn't solve all the problems that you might experience while working with concurrent threads, it does help you to separate Swing and worker threads and to use both for their intended purposes. For the EDT, that purpose is to draw and update the UI while responding to user interactions. For worker threads, that purpose is to perform I/O bound or other long tasks that are not directly related to the UI.

Starting off on the Right Thread


An initial thread runs your application's main method. This method can perform numerous tasks, but in a typical Swing application, its last and major task is to create and run the application's UI. The point of UI creation, the point at which your application basically hands control over to your UI, is often the source of your application's first problem interacting with the EDT.

The Image Search demo starts within its MainFrame class. Many applications start their UI as follows, but this is not the right way to start the UI:

public class MainFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new MainFrame().setVisible(true);


Although this mistake appears benign, it still violates the rule that you should not interact with Swing components from any thread except the EDT. This particular mistake is easy to make, and thread synchronization problems may not be immediately obvious. However, you should still avoid it.

Here is the correct way to instantiate your application's UI:

public class MainFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        new MainFrame().setVisible(true);


Not directly related to SwingWorker but useful nevertheless, the javax.swing.SwingUtilities class contains a collection of static methods that help you interact with UI components. It includes the invokeLater method that puts a Runnable task on the EDT. The Runnable interface defines a task that can be executed as a thread

Use the invokeLater method to correctly instantiate your application UI from the initial thread. The method is asynchronous, which means that the call will return immediately to the calling thread. After creating the UI, however, many initial threads have little or nothing further to do.

Here are two common ways to call this method:

  • SwingUtilities.invokeLater
  • EventQueue.invokeLater


Either of these method calls is correct, so choose whichever you prefer. In fact, the SwingUtilities version is just a thin wrapper method that calls the EventQueue.invokeLater method. Because the Swing framework itself uses SwingUtilities frequently, your use of SwingUtilities does not pull any extra class code into your application.

Another way to put tasks on the EDT is to use the SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait method. Unlike the invokeLater method, the invokeAndWait method is synchronous. It will execute the Runnable task on the EDT, but it will not return to the caller until the task has finished.

Both invokeLater and invokeAndWait will execute their Runnable task after all other tasks on the event dispatch queue have been processed. In other words, these methods put the Runnable task at the end of the existing queue. Although you can use invokeLater from either your application or EDT, you should never use the invokeAndWait method from that thread. Using invokeAndWait from the EDT would create the same response delays that you should avoid.

Limiting the EDT to GUI Work


The Swing framework manages component drawing, updates, and event handlers on the EDT. As you might imagine, the event queue for this thread is busy because every GUI interaction and event passes through it. Tasks on the event queue must complete quickly, or they will prevent other tasks from running. The effect is an unresponsive GUI that gets choked with a backlog of waiting events, causing the GUI to become sluggish and unappealing to the user. Ideally, any task that requires more than 30 to 100 milliseconds should not run on the EDT. Otherwise, users will sense a pause between their input and the UI response.

Fortunately, Swing performance doesn't have to degrade just because you have complex tasks, computations, or I/O bound operations that must execute as a result of a GUI event. After all, many desktop applications perform long-running tasks such as solving spreadsheet formulas, issuing database queries across the network, or sending messages to other applications across the Internet. Despite these tasks, your UI can remain snappy and responsive to the user. Maintaining a responsive application involves creating and managing separate threads that can run independently from the EDT.

Two event handlers in the Image Search application will slow UI responsiveness if they complete on the EDT: the image search handler and the selected image download handler.

Both of these handlers access a web service, which can take many seconds to respond. During that time, if the application performs the web service interactions on the EDT, the user will not be able to cancel the search or interact with the GUI. These methods and others like them should not run on the EDT.

Figure 5 shows an EDT that cannot process UI events between points A and B, which represent the span of time for executing I/O bound queries to the Flickr web service.

Figure 5. The EDT cannot respond to UI events while executing the web service query.

The javax.swing.SwingWorker class is new in the Java SE 6 platform. Using SwingWorker, your application can launch a worker thread to perform the queries asynchronously and quickly return to business on the EDT. Figure 6 shows the shorter time between points A and B, meaning that the EDT is able to continue processing UI events without a long delay.


Figure 6. Using a worker thread, your application can remove I/O bound tasks from the EDT.


Forging Ahead With SwingWorker Fundamentals


This section provides a quick tour of SwingWorker functionality. The SwingWorker documentation describes the class this way:

public abstract class SwingWorker<T,V> extends Object 
implements RunnableFuture


The SwingWorker class is abstract, so you must subclass it to perform the specific task you need. Notice that the class has type parameters T and V. The T type indicates that an implementation's doInBackground and get methods will return values of T type. The V type indicates that an implementation's publish and process methods will operate on values of type V. You will find detailed descriptions of these methods later in this article.

The class also implements the java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture interface. The RunnableFuture interface is really nothing more than a wrapper for two separate interfaces: Runnable and Future.

Because it is Runnable, a SwingWorker implementation has a run method. Runnable objects execute as part of a thread. A Thread object will invoke the run method when it starts.

Because it is a Future type, a SwingWorker will provide its execution results in a value of type T and will provide a way to interact with the thread. The SwingWorker class implements the following interface methods:


  • boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)
  • T get()
  • T get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
  • boolean isCancelled()
  • boolean isDone()


The SwingWorker class implements all of these interface methods for you. In fact, the only method you really must override is the following abstract SwingWorker method:

protected T doInBackground() throws Exception


The doInBackground method runs as part of the worker thread. It performs the primary task of the thread, and it must provide the thread's results in its return value. Override this method and make sure it contains or delegates the thread's primary task. You should not call this method directly. Instead, use the worker object's execute method to schedule execution.

Use the worker's get method to retrieve the results of the doInBackground method. Although you can call the get method from the EDT, this method will block until the worker thread is done. You should call this method only when you know the results are available so that the user will not have to wait for results. To avoid blocking, you can also use the isDone method to check whether the doInBackground method has finished. Also, an overloaded get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) method will wait up to the alloted time for the thread to complete before returning the results.

Perhaps a better location for retrieving the worker object's results is from within the done method:

protected void done()    


SwingWorker calls this method after the doInBackground method finishes. Override the done method if the worker object needs to update a GUI component with the results of the thread or to clean up. This is a good place to call the get method because you know that the thread's work is finished when this method executes. SwingWorker invokes the done method on the EDT, so you can safely interact with any GUI components from within this method.

You don't have to wait until the thread completes before getting intermediate results. Intermediate results are data chunks that a worker thread can produce before providing a final result. As the worker thread executes, it can publish results of V type. Override the process method to work with intermediate results. You will find more detail about these methods later in this article.

A SwingWorker instance can notify listeners when its properties change. A SwingWorker instance has two important properties: state and progress.

A worker thread has several states, represented by the following SwingWorker.StateValue enumeration values:


  • DONE


A worker thread is in the PENDING state immediately after its creation. When the doInBackground method begins, the worker thread enters the STARTED state. A worker thread is in the DONE state after its doInBackground method finishes. The SwingWorker superclass sets these state values automatically as it moves through its life cycle. You can add listeners that receive notification when this property changes.

Finally, a worker object has a progress property. As the worker progresses, it can update this property with integer values from 0 through 100. The worker can notify listeners when this property changes.

Implementing a Simple ImageRetriever


When you click on a thumbnail in the list, an event handler creates an ImageRetriever instance and executes it. The ImageRetriever class downloads a selected image from the thumbnail list and displays it below the list.

When implementing a SwingWorker subclass, you must specify the return value type of the doInBackground and get methods. These methods return an Icon object in the ImageRetriever implementation. Because ImageRetriever does not produce any intermediate results, it uses the special Void type to indicate that fact. The following code shows most of the ImageRetriever implementation:

public class ImageRetriever extends SwingWorker<Icon, Void> {
    private ImageRetriever() {}
    public ImageRetriever(JLabel lblImage, String strImageUrl) {
        this.strImageUrl = strImageUrl;
        this.lblImage = lblImage;
    protected Icon doInBackground() throws Exception {
        Icon icon = retrieveImage(strImageUrl);
        return icon;
    private Icon retrieveImage(String strImageUrl) 
            throws MalformedURLException, IOException {       
        InputStream is = null;
        URL imgUrl = null;
        imgUrl = new URL(strImageUrl);
        is = imgUrl.openStream();
        ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is);
        Iterator<ImageReader> it = 
        ImageReader reader =;
        Image image =;
        Icon icon = new ImageIcon(image);
        return icon;
    protected void done() {
        Icon icon = null;
        String text = null;
        try {
            icon = get();
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
            text = "Image unavailable";
    private String strImageUrl;
    private JLabel lblImage;


Because the ImageRetriever class will download an image and place it on a large label, providing the label and image URL in the constructor is convenient. ImageRetriever needs the URL to retrieve an image. Provide the label so that the ImageRetriever instance can set the label's icon itself. If you use inner classes, you might not even provide this information in the constructor, because the worker thread will be able to access the information directly. However, providing the information in the constructor helps your application to be more thread-safe because that information will not be shared among ImageRetriever instances.

Notice how this class specifies the Icon return type for the doInBackground and get methods. The class specifies the Void type for intermediate results because it does not produce any.

public class ImageRetriever extends SwingWorker<Icon, Void>


In this implementation, the doInBackground method must conform to the class contract by returning an Icon object. By indicating the Icon type in the class definition, you are telling the compiler that both the doInBackground and get methods will return an Icon object. You cannot override the get method, because its default implementation is declared with the final keyword.

The doInBackground method retrieves an image from the URL provided in the class constructor, and it produces an Icon result:

protected Icon doInBackground() throws Exception {
  Icon icon = retrieveImage(strImageUrl);
  return icon;


When the doInBackground method completes, SwingWorker calls the done method from the EDT. You should not call this method directly because the SwingWorker superclass will do it for you. The done method retrieves the Icon result and puts it on the UI label. In this example, the lblImage reference, a JLabel component, was passed into the class constructor.

protected void done() {
  icon = get();


The progress property has int values from 0 through 100. As you process information from within the worker instance, you can call the setProgress method to update this property. As ImageRetriever downloads images using the ImageIO API, it calls the setProgress method to update its progress property. The following code shows how this class updates its progress as it downloads an image using an IIOReadProgressListener instance to track the work of an ImageReader object:

reader.addIIOReadProgressListener(new IIOReadProgressListener() {
  public void imageProgress(ImageReader source, float percentageDone) {
    setProgress((int) percentageDone);
  public void imageComplete(ImageReader source) {


When the worker's properties change, it notifies listener objects. In the preceding example code, the ImageRetriever class calls its setProgress method as it receives update information from the ImageIO API. It uses that information to set its own progress property. As a result, property change listeners can know how much of the image has been downloaded.

Figure 7 shows the ImageRetriever results in the MainFrame UI. The progress bar shows that the task is complete.

Figure 7. A SwingWorker thread updates both the progress bar and the label image.


The ImageRetriever subclass demonstrates a simple implementation of the SwingWorker class. In simple implementations, your only real obligation is to override the doInBackground method. However, because the worker's final results are available only when that method finishes, you should consider overriding the done method as well.

Retrieve the worker's results from within the done method, which SwingWorker will invoke after the doInBackground method completes. Retrieve the results using the get method. By providing your UI components in the constructor, you ensure that the worker thread will be able to update those components directly from the done method. The preceding example shows how to set a label's icon to the retrieved image from the Flickr web site. Consult the complete ImageRetriever implementation for details on how to retrieve images from the Flickr web site.

Using a Simple ImageRetriever


Now that you've created a simple SwingWorker implementation such as the ImageRetriever subclass, how do you use it? First, you instantiate it, and then you call its execute method. The application demo's MainFrame class uses an ImageRetriever worker thread whenever the user selects a thumbnail from the JList component. When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the list selection changes, which generates a list selection event. The listImagesValueChanged method is the event handler.

The listImagesValueChanged method retrieves the selected list item and creates a Flickr service URL string that corresponds to a larger image of the thumbnail. This event handler then calls the retrieveImage method. The retrieveImage method contains the important code for creating and using the ImageRetriever worker thread.

private void listImagesValueChanged(ListSelectionEvent evt) {
  ImageInfo info = (ImageInfo) listImages.getSelectedValue();
  String id = info.getId();
  String server = info.getServer();
  String secret = info.getSecret();
  // No need to search an invalid thumbnail image
  if (id == null || server == null || secret == null) {
  String strImageUrl = String.format(IMAGE_URL_FORMAT,
    server, id, secret);
private void retrieveImage(String imageUrl) {
  // SwingWorker objects can't be reused, so
  // create a new one as needed.
  ImageRetriever imgRetriever = 
        new ImageRetriever(lblImage, imageUrl);
  // Listen for changes in the "progress" property.
  // You can reuse the listener even though the worker thread
  // will be a new SwingWorker.
  // Tell the worker thread to begin with this asynchronous method.
  // This event thread continues immediately here without blocking.  


Notice that the retrieveImage method creates a new ImageRetriever each time it downloads a new image. SwingWorker instances are not reusable. You must create a new instance every time you want to perform a task.

The correct way to use a SwingWorker is to instantiate it, add any property change listeners that might need status event notification from the thread, then execute the thread. The execute method is asynchronous -- it returns immediately to the caller. EDT execution continues immediately after the execute method call, and the EDT will not be disrupted by the long interaction with the web service. Again, Figure 6 shows the interaction of these two threads.

The retrieveImage method shown earlier creates an ImageRetriever and provides a JLabel reference that the worker thread will use to display an image. The retrieveImage method and its EDT no longer need access to the worker thread. This code creates the thread, executes it, and immediately resumes its processing of UI events as needed.

Notice that the retrieveImage method adds a property change listener to the ImageRetriever instance before executing the thread. The MainFrame class contains a progress bar that tracks the status of the image download. The listener will receive notification of all SwingWorker thread events. One of those events is a progress event.

The following listener class responds to progress events by updating a progress bar. The application has two progress bars, one that tracks the search for and retrieval of the thumbnail image and another that tracks the download of a larger image. The application uses the same ProgressListener class -- but different instances -- to track those tasks. Consequently, the listener constructor requires that you provide the specific component to update. Following is the ProgressListener code:

 * ProgressListener listens to "progress" property
 * changes in the SwingWorkers that search and load
 * images.
class ProgressListener implements PropertyChangeListener {
  // Prevent creation without providing a progress bar.
  private ProgressListener() {}
  ProgressListener(JProgressBar progressBar) {
    this.progressBar = progressBar;
  public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    String strPropertyName = evt.getPropertyName();
    if ("progress".equals(strPropertyName)) {
      int progress = (Integer)evt.getNewValue();
  private JProgressBar progressBar;


The ImageRetriever class and its use are simple. Given an image URL, it downloads the image. It also provides progress information to a listener that updates a progress bar in the MainFrame class. You don't have to know much more about either creating or using a simple worker thread. However, with just a little more effort, you can extract more work from a SwingWorker subclass. The next sections show how to implement and use a more complex worker subclass.

Implementing a More Complete ImageSearcher


A SwingWorker subclass can generate both final and intermediate results. Remember, the thread produces a final result when the doInBackground method finishes. However, a worker thread can produce and publish intermediate chunks of data too. For example, as the ImageSearcher subclass retrieves a list of thumbnail images from a Flickr web service, it could display the individual thumbnail images as they become available. There's no reason to wait for the entire set of matching images to download before placing intermediate results into a viewable list.

When implementing a SwingWorker subclass, you specify both the final and intermediate result types in the class declaration. The ImageSearcher subclass searches and downloads thumbnail images that match a search term. To show that the class will produce a complete list of matching images when it finishes, the class uses the List<ImageInfo> type in its class type parameters. To show that it will also publish each individual, intermediate matching image from the list, it also uses the ImageInfo type in the class type parameters. The ImageSearcher class begins like this:

public class ImageSearcher 
extends SwingWorker<List<ImageInfo>, ImageInfo> {
  public ImageSearcher(DefaultListModel model, String key, 
        String search, int page) {
    this.model = model;
    this.key = key; = search; = page;


From this small portion of the entire implementation, you know several things. The class type parameters say that the ImageSearcher's doInBackground and get methods will return a list of ImageInfo objects when the thread finishes. Also, the class will publish individual ImageInfo objects as it processes them, making them immediately viewable as they become available. Because the class constructor uses a list model, you know that the worker thread will probably update the model directly. As you will see later, it does. Also, this worker thread needs a Flickr API key -- provided by Flickr -- and the search term. Because the web service provides results in numbered pages, you can use the page argument to determine what set of matching thumbnails to retrieve. For simplicity, this demo always asks for the first page of matching results.

Because the doInBackground method is the main focus of any worker thread, look at ImageSearcher's implementation first:

protected List<ImageInfo> doInBackground() {
  Object strResults = null;
  InputStream is = null;
  URL url = null;
  List<ImageInfo> infoList = null;
  try {
    url = new URL(searchURL);
    is = url.openStream();
    infoList = parseImageInfo(is);
  } catch(MalformedURLException mfe) {
  return infoList;


This code opens a stream to the web service, providing a search URL. The parseImageInfo method generates an information list about matching images. It parses an XML file from the web service. The retrieveAndProcessThumbnails method uses the parsed list to download the thumbnail images. The final result is a complete list of ImageInfo objects that contain thumbnail data. The infoList object is the same type as specified earlier in the class and method declarations. It has the List<ImageInfo> type.

This class is similar to ImageRetriever because it updates a progress bar and provides image data. This article will not describe the doInBackground, done, get, and setProgress methods further because they are essentially the same as those in the other class. However, the ImageSearcher class does not only retrieve a single image; it downloads up to 100 matching thumbnail images. This represents an opportunity to show off other SwingWorker features: the publish and process methods.

You can use the publish method to deliver intermediate results of your processing. As the ImageSearcher thread downloads thumbnail images, it updates an image information list, and it also publishes each chunk of image information so that the UI can display those images as soon as they are available. Your SwingWorker subclass should implement the process method to process the intermediate results if it also publishes them. The worker superclass will invoke the process method on the EDT, so the application can safely update UI components from that method.

The following code shows how the ImageSearcher class uses the publish and process methods:

private void retrieveAndProcessThumbnails(List<ImageInfo> infoList) {
  for (int x=0; x <infoList.size() && !isCancelled(); ++x) {            
    ImageInfo info = infoList.get(x);
    String strImageUrl = String.format("%s/%s/%s_%s_s.jpg",
    IMAGE_URL, info.getServer(), info.getId(), info.getSecret());
    Icon thumbNail = retrieveThumbNail(strImageUrl);
    setProgress(100 * (x+1)/infoList.size());
 * Process is called as a result of this worker thread's calling the
 * publish method. This method runs on the event dispatch thread.
 * As image thumbnails are retrieved, the worker adds them to the
 * list model.
protected void process(List<ImageInfo> infoList) {
  for(ImageInfo info: infoList) {
    if (isCancelled()) {


To publish data intermittently instead of just at the thread's completion, you should call the publish method. Provide whatever data you want to publish as an argument. Of course, you have to specify the intermediate data type in the class declaration as described earlier. Again, this example uses the ImageInfo type. The preceding retrieveAndProcessThumbnails method code shows how to publish individual ImageInfo objects as the thread downloads thumbnail images.

When you call the publish method from the worker thread, the SwingWorker class schedules a call to the process method. Interestingly, the process method will execute from the EDT. That means that you can interact with Swing components and their models. The process method adds ImageInfo objects into the thumbnail list model, which means that the images will immediately appear in the list as well.

Notice the process method's parameter. Instead of using a single ImageInfo object, it expects and uses a list of those objects. The reason is that the publish method can batch calls to the process method. That means that each publish invocation does not always generate a corresponding process invocation. If possible, the publish method will collect the objects and will call the process method with a list of its batched objects. Your implementation of the process method should anticipate a list of objects, as does this one:

protected void process(List<ImageInfo> infoList) {
  for(ImageInfo info: infoList) {


If you want to allow application users to cancel a worker thread, your code should check for cancellation requests periodically in its SwingWorker subclass. Check for cancellation requests using the isCancelled method. The ImageSearcher subclass has several isCancelled calls sprinkled throughout the code. Make this call from within loops, iterators, and other checkpoints to make sure that your thread learns about cancellation requests as soon as possible. Your thread can periodically check for the request and stop its work. The ImageSearcher class, for example, checks for cancellation requests at several points:


  • Before retrieving each thumbnail image, within a subtask of the doInBackground method
  • Before updating the GUI list model with intermediate results, within the process method
  • Before updating the GUI list model with final results, within the done method


The doInBackground method calls the retrieveAndProcessThumbnails method. This method loops through a list of image data and retrieves those thumbnail images. However, the user can initiate a different search from the EDT when the worker thread is in this loop. So it makes sense to check for a cancellation here:

private void retrieveAndProcessThumbnails(List<ImageInfo> infoList) {
  for (int x=0; x<infoList.size(); ++x) {
    // Check whether this thread has been cancelled.
    // Stop all thumbnail retrieval.
    if (isCancelled()) {


As this class processes the thumbnails, it publishes them. The result is that the process method runs on the EDT. If the user makes a cancellation request or initiates a new search after the check in retrieveAndProcessThumbnails but before the model update, the thumbnail will still appear in the visual list. Prevent that by checking from within the process method too:

protected void process(List<ImageInfo> infoList) {
  for (ImageInfo info: infoList) {
    if (isCancelled()) {


Finally, once the worker thread finishes, it has another chance to update the model or the GUI in some way. Again, you should probably check for a cancellation. The done method provides the best opportunity for the check, and you can avoid updating the GUI if the user has canceled or started a new search.

protected void done() {
  if (isCancelled()) {
  // Update the model.


The ImageSearcher class is a more complete example of SwingWorker's abilities because it does a little more than the simpler ImageRetriever class. The ImageSearcher class publishes intermediate data to the GUI, and it handles cancellation requests. Both classes perform tasks in the background and track progress by notifying event listeners.

Using the ImageSearcher Class


The demo application provides a search field. When a user enters an image search term, the MainFrame class responds by creating an ImageSearcher instance. Entering a search term generates key events. The search field's key event handler invokes the searchImages method, which instantiates and executes an ImageSearcher thread:

private void searchImages(String strSearchText, int page) {
  if (searcher != null && !searcher.isDone()) {
    // Cancel current search to begin a new one.
    // You want only one image search at a time.
    searcher = null;
  // Provide the list model so that the ImageSearcher can publish
  // images to the list immediately as they are available.
  searcher = new ImageSearcher(listModel, API_KEY, strEncodedText, page);
  // Start the search!
  // This event thread continues immediately here without blocking.


Notice that the code provides the listModel argument to the ImageSearcher constructor. Providing the model allows the worker to directly update the list contents. You can also add a property listener to the worker. This code adds a property change listener to the worker thread. The listener updates a progress bar. You could also add a listener to respond to worker state changes. More specifically, you could listen for the DONE state and then retrieve worker results using the get method described earlier.

Once you execute the worker thread, it will search and retrieve thumbnail images. This implementation has provided the list model to the worker, so it will update the list directly. Also, the ImageSearcher class provides intermediate data chunks, so it updates the JList component as it downloads the images. The immediate visual feedback improves application performance.

As Figure 8 shows, the search results are small images that populate a JList component.


Figure 8. Thumbnails are intermediate data produced by a worker thread.


You can cancel a SwingWorker thread by calling its cancel method. Demo users can cancel the current image search by simply typing and entering another search term while the current search is in progress. The search text field's event handler checks whether existing threads are running and attempts to cancel the thread:

private void searchImages(String strSearchText, int page) {
  if (searcher != null && !searcher.isDone()) {
    // Cancel current search to begin a new one.
    // You want only one image search at a time.
    searcher = null;


After calling the cancel method, this code creates a new worker instance. Every new search needs its own worker instance.



All GUI events and interactions run on the EDT. Running lengthy or I/O bound processes on the EDT can cause your GUI to become slow and unresponsive. Move those tasks to worker threads by using the SwingWorker class available in the Java SE 6 platform.

Using SwingWorker, you can perform the same tasks without delaying the EDT, which will improve your application's performance. Moreover, the worker thread can interact with your UI because it has callback methods that run on the EDT, allowing the worker to update the GUI as it runs and when it finishes.

The Image Search demo program provides concrete examples of how to implement and use the SwingWorker class. This demo uses worker threads to search and download images from the Flickr image web site. The Flickr web services require an API key to use, so you should apply for and use your own API key if you plan to create your own application that uses the services.

For More Information



  • Download the Image Search demo source code.
  • Download Java SE 6.
  • Read the SwingWorker documentation.
  • Read about the @Override annotation.
  • Read the ImageIO documentation.
  • Create your own Flickr web service client using Flickr APIs and keys.
  • Subscribe to Core Java Technologies Tech Tips.
  • Read the Java Tutorials: Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing.


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