SurfaceComposerClient::SurfaceComposerClient() : mStatus(NO_INIT), mComposer(Composer::getInstance()) { }
void SurfaceComposerClient::onFirstRef() { sp<ISurfaceComposer> sm(ComposerService::getComposerService()); if (sm != 0) { sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> conn = sm->createConnection(); if (conn != 0) { mClient = conn; mStatus = NO_ERROR; } } }
sp<ISurfaceComposer> ComposerService::getComposerService() { ComposerService& instance = ComposerService::getInstance(); Mutex::Autolock _l(instance.mLock); if (instance.mComposerService == NULL) { ComposerService::getInstance().connectLocked(); assert(instance.mComposerService != NULL); ALOGD("ComposerService reconnected"); } return instance.mComposerService; }
void ComposerService::connectLocked() { const String16 name("SurfaceFlinger"); while (getService(name, &mComposerService) != NO_ERROR) { usleep(250000); } assert(mComposerService != NULL); //省略了一些东西。。。 }
template<typename INTERFACE> status_t getService(const String16& name, sp<INTERFACE>* outService) { const sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); if (sm != NULL) { *outService = interface_cast<INTERFACE>(sm->getService(name)); if ((*outService) != NULL) return NO_ERROR; } return NAME_NOT_FOUND; }
void SurfaceComposerClient::onFirstRef() { sp<ISurfaceComposer> sm(ComposerService::getComposerService()); if (sm != 0) { sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> conn = sm->createConnection(); if (conn != 0) { mClient = conn; mStatus = NO_ERROR; } } }
virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection() { uint32_t n; Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(ISurfaceComposer::getInterfaceDescriptor()); remote()->transact(BnSurfaceComposer::CREATE_CONNECTION, data, &reply); return interface_cast<ISurfaceComposerClient>(reply.readStrongBinder()); }
status_t BpBinder::transact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { // Once a binder has died, it will never come back to life. if (mAlive) { status_t status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact( mHandle, code, data, reply, flags); if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) mAlive = 0; return status; } return DEAD_OBJECT; }
status_t IPCThreadState::transact(int32_t handle, uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { status_t err = data.errorCheck(); flags |= TF_ACCEPT_FDS; IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() { TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog); alog << "BC_TRANSACTION thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / hand " << handle << " / code " << TypeCode(code) << ": " << indent << data << dedent << endl; } if (err == NO_ERROR) { LOG_ONEWAY(">>>> SEND from pid %d uid %d %s", getpid(), getuid(), (flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0 ? "READ REPLY" : "ONE WAY"); err = writeTransactionData(BC_TRANSACTION, flags, handle, code, data, NULL); } if (err != NO_ERROR) { if (reply) reply->setError(err); return (mLastError = err); } if ((flags & TF_ONE_WAY) == 0) { #if 0 if (code == 4) { // relayout ALOGI(">>>>>> CALLING transaction 4"); } else { ALOGI(">>>>>> CALLING transaction %d", code); } #endif if (reply) { err = waitForResponse(reply); } else { Parcel fakeReply; err = waitForResponse(&fakeReply); } #if 0 if (code == 4) { // relayout ALOGI("<<<<<< RETURNING transaction 4"); } else { ALOGI("<<<<<< RETURNING transaction %d", code); } #endif IF_LOG_TRANSACTIONS() { TextOutput::Bundle _b(alog); alog << "BR_REPLY thr " << (void*)pthread_self() << " / hand " << handle << ": "; if (reply) alog << indent << *reply << dedent << endl; else alog << "(none requested)" << endl; } } else { err = waitForResponse(NULL, NULL); } return err; }
这里已经扯到Binder机制的基本原理了,简单说就是客户端的SF代理通过BpBinder跟/dev/binder设备进行交互,向binder里写东西,函数err = writeTransactionData(BC_TRANSACTION, flags, handle, code, data, NULL);就是实现了这个功能,写完后他又等待服务端(SurfaceFlinger)那端的回应,err = waitForResponse(reply);当然服务端那边同样有人跟他进行交互。到这里,如果服务端收到消息并且返回了一个消息给客户端,这说明客户端请求连接成功。
class BnSurfaceComposer: public BnInterface<ISurfaceComposer> { public: enum { // Note: BOOT_FINISHED must remain this value, it is called from // Java by ActivityManagerService. BOOT_FINISHED = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION, CREATE_CONNECTION, CREATE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_ALLOC, CREATE_DISPLAY_EVENT_CONNECTION, CREATE_DISPLAY, DESTROY_DISPLAY, GET_BUILT_IN_DISPLAY, SET_TRANSACTION_STATE, AUTHENTICATE_SURFACE, BLANK, UNBLANK, GET_DISPLAY_INFO, CONNECT_DISPLAY, CAPTURE_SCREEN, }; virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0); }
发现他没有构造函数只有一个成员函数 onTransact。跟踪一下:
status_t BnSurfaceComposer::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { switch(code) { case CREATE_CONNECTION: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> b = createConnection()->asBinder(); reply->writeStrongBinder(b); return NO_ERROR; } case CREATE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_ALLOC: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> b = createGraphicBufferAlloc()->asBinder(); reply->writeStrongBinder(b); return NO_ERROR; } case SET_TRANSACTION_STATE: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); size_t count = data.readInt32(); ComposerState s; Vector<ComposerState> state; state.setCapacity(count); for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {; state.add(s); } count = data.readInt32(); DisplayState d; Vector<DisplayState> displays; displays.setCapacity(count); for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {; displays.add(d); } uint32_t flags = data.readInt32(); setTransactionState(state, displays, flags); return NO_ERROR; } case BOOT_FINISHED: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); bootFinished(); return NO_ERROR; } case CAPTURE_SCREEN: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder(); sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer = interface_cast<IGraphicBufferProducer>(data.readStrongBinder()); uint32_t reqWidth = data.readInt32(); uint32_t reqHeight = data.readInt32(); uint32_t minLayerZ = data.readInt32(); uint32_t maxLayerZ = data.readInt32(); status_t res = captureScreen(display, producer, reqWidth, reqHeight, minLayerZ, maxLayerZ); reply->writeInt32(res); return NO_ERROR; } case AUTHENTICATE_SURFACE: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> bufferProducer = interface_cast<IGraphicBufferProducer>(data.readStrongBinder()); int32_t result = authenticateSurfaceTexture(bufferProducer) ? 1 : 0; reply->writeInt32(result); return NO_ERROR; } case CREATE_DISPLAY_EVENT_CONNECTION: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IDisplayEventConnection> connection(createDisplayEventConnection()); reply->writeStrongBinder(connection->asBinder()); return NO_ERROR; } case CREATE_DISPLAY: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); String8 displayName = data.readString8(); bool secure = bool(data.readInt32()); sp<IBinder> display(createDisplay(displayName, secure)); reply->writeStrongBinder(display); return NO_ERROR; } case DESTROY_DISPLAY: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder(); destroyDisplay(display); return NO_ERROR; } case GET_BUILT_IN_DISPLAY: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); int32_t id = data.readInt32(); sp<IBinder> display(getBuiltInDisplay(id)); reply->writeStrongBinder(display); return NO_ERROR; } case BLANK: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder(); blank(display); return NO_ERROR; } case UNBLANK: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder(); unblank(display); return NO_ERROR; } case GET_DISPLAY_INFO: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISurfaceComposer, data, reply); DisplayInfo info; sp<IBinder> display = data.readStrongBinder(); status_t result = getDisplayInfo(display, &info); memcpy(reply->writeInplace(sizeof(DisplayInfo)), &info, sizeof(DisplayInfo)); reply->writeInt32(result); return NO_ERROR; } default: { return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } } // should be unreachable return NO_ERROR; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // When SF is launched in its own process, limit the number of // binder threads to 4. ProcessState::self()->setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(4); // start the thread pool sp<ProcessState> ps(ProcessState::self()); ps->startThreadPool();
void ProcessState::startThreadPool() { AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (!mThreadPoolStarted) { mThreadPoolStarted = true; spawnPooledThread(true); } }
void ProcessState::spawnPooledThread(bool isMain) { if (mThreadPoolStarted) { String8 name = makeBinderThreadName(); ALOGV("Spawning new pooled thread, name=%s\n", name.string()); sp<Thread> t = new PoolThread(isMain); t->run(name.string()); } }
到此为止,客户端已经与SF进行连接,也就是交手过了,那么自然连接了,一定要做些事情比如客户端请求渲染一个surface,或者等等其他的。接下去的工作就是SurfaceFlinger的事,对客户端不同的请求而进行不同的处理,这才是SF核心工作所在。当然所有的通信机制都是基于binder机制,而求也有负责这个方面的客户端这边的binder代理BpSurfaceComposerClient和服务端这边的本地对象 BnSurfaceComposerClient,而这里有点不一样的是BnSurfaceComposerClient派生出Client所以事情都交与Client做了。