

I just installed the application from 360.

And I find a book named <Freemind User Guide>(Version 0.8.0), just read it.

Chapter 2:Getting Started

Selected a node as the node color will be grey,and right click the mouse you will get the menu to add a child node or something else.
Use the Style in the top menu to change the style and color of the node and the edge.

Use ctrl + f to find a node. Use ctrl + g to find the next match.

Chapter 3 : Adding Clouds,Links and Icons

Adding clouds
Select a node and Insert----->Clouds
Select the root node of the clouds and right click the mouse : Style ---->Clouds Color

Adding hyperlinks
Select a node and Insert------>Hyperlinks(Text)
Select a node and Insert--------->Hyperlinkds(File)

if you want to delete the hyperlinks,just open the window and remove the links.

if you want to link to an email address,you can use Hyperlinks(Text) and type in this pattern:
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]?subject=testforfun

Adding icons
insert icons and remove icons in the left menu.

Chapter 4:Advanced Operations
omitted here
